g4mbini → credited ccjjmartin → .
This is definitely a good start for what this module needs, there are some complex problems to solve left on this one. For the moment I added a workaround of adding this hook into my custom user theme:
* Implements template_preprocess_HOOK() for form_element.
function hook_preprocess_form_element(&$variables) {
$variables['description_toggle'] = TRUE;
$variables['description_display'] = 'invisible';
The reason that the gin preprocess hook isn't triggered within Layout Builder is because the custom user theme is the active theme, not gin, so the workaround above makes sure that the necessary variables are set. I may also have some additional issues related to formatted text fields showing no description value to the preprocessor ... but yet somehow a description is still appearing?
@grimreaper I see this is still marked as needs work, what is still pending on this one? Your patch looks like what I was thinking about implementing for this so I think you are on the right track here.
Followed the steps in #4, patch works great for me +1 RTBC.
The latest version of Gin 3.x fixed this issue for me without adding the drupal_ajax check, I find that odd but there was quite a bit of rework on the logic here, so since things are working so I am going to mark this as resolved.
The latest version of Gin 3.x fixed this issue for me without adding the drupal_ajax, going to comment on the subsequent issue created that this is now fully resolved.
ccjjmartin → created an issue.
Can confirm that #29 fixed the issue for me.
+1 RTBC, noticed this earlier today.
This is related to upgrading to PHP 8.2. This patch fixes the issue for me. Marking as RTBC.
I can confirm that the only thing needed here is a new tagged release as the latest dev branch has the necessary required change. The release as of 4.0.3 did not have the required change in the composer.json file, notice the lack of or Drupal 10: https://git.drupalcode.org/project/radioactivity/-/blob/fa9651f23d6a5ee1...
Two small PRs to update the base theme from stable to stable9 for D10 compatibility.
ccjjmartin → created an issue.
I used the patch from comment 24 and fixed a conflict in the CHANGELOG.txt
as well as adding one fix to a deprecated module_load_include()
on merge request 7. My results using the upgrade status module show that this module is now fully compatible with D10.
For testing you can do the following since there is a change to composer.json you will need to make composer aware of the change and patches managed by composer won't do this, it must be done using a separate repository managed by composer. So you first edit your repositories section of composer.json to include a new git repository (above the exisiting drupal one so it is searched FIRST):
"type": "vcs",
"url": "https://git.drupalcode.org/issue/forum_access-3410468.git"
Then you edit the forum access require line to include the git repository branch name you want, this is done using:
"drupal/forum_access": "dev-3410468-24",
Then, until the acl module has committed it's info.yml change, assuming you use the cweagans/composer-patches
package to manage patches via composer, you can use the following to get the D10 patch, no repository change is necessary because no changes to composer.json are made:
"drupal/acl": {
"D10 compatibility": "https://www.drupal.org/files/issues/2023-12-21/acl_beta_1_drupal_10.patch"
ccjjmartin → made their first commit to this issue’s fork.
ccjjmartin → changed the visibility of the branch 3414025-d10-updates to active.
ccjjmartin → changed the visibility of the branch 3414025-d10-updates to hidden.
ccjjmartin → made their first commit to this issue’s fork.
ltrainjohnson → credited ccjjmartin → .
Thanks everyone this has been merged.
ccjjmartin → made their first commit to this issue’s fork.
Thanks for the reminder to merge. Everyone on the thread got credit including the original mention of the user who suggested the tip originally. Thanks all.
ccjjmartin → created an issue.
Adding patch and MR.
ccjjmartin → created an issue.
@d70rr3s thanks for your contribution, the changes work great, committing them so they get into the stable D10 compatible release.
ccjjmartin → made their first commit to this issue’s fork.
Looks good to me, merging. Thanks everyone.
Gábor Hojtsy → credited ccjjmartin → .
Gábor Hojtsy → credited ccjjmartin → .
Discussion of a stable release is in progress for D10.
info.yml has a conflict after the merge of D10 compatibility.
RTBC changes look good. Going to merge this and get a stable release out soon.
Thanks for this contribution, I can confirm this fixed my issue also. I was specifically using the empty option setting, looking in the description I see that empty value was also set to -1 and when I attempted that on my environment I got an error about an invalid option set. So I just removed that and only set the empty option and the patch works great.
I contacted nginex today as requested.
As a note, I left this issue open for well over the 2 week period with no response from the maintainers, it was closer to 2 months.
Adding paragraphs features module to the list of modules that needs work
ccjjmartin → created an issue.
This comment solved my issue, thank you.
The newest major version release of webform group (3.x) does work with the latest version of webform (6.2.x) and group (3.x).
@maskedjellybean the code looks fine to me, have you tried removing that code to verify that it is the problem? Seems like if $is_group_node is FALSE (the default behavior) that the code will run the node access check.
For reference, the reflections class error appears to be a non issue with this module and instead is a error in the drupal-phpstan: https://github.com/mglaman/phpstan-drupal/issues/143
This work appears to have been done in another commit somewhere, the latest version 2.0.2 has the info.yml patch for D10 compatibility in it already. Closing this issue.
Evan got back to me and said he did not have permission to add me as a maintainer, are any of the other maintainers able to do so?
@rigoucr I would consider removing the reference to Drupal 8 compatibility in the module (if you choose to keep it). I am not sure if the submodule was intended to be kept permanently or if it was for easy testing but it seems like this one hook could be placed into the module itself? Looking at the code it looks like we have a "crop" module that has a "crop" entity and when the crop entity is updated the image style isn't flushed?
hestenet → credited ccjjmartin → .
In theory this would be considered a breaking change so it may also be a good time to switch the module to using the new semantic versioning branches and create a 2.x branch with releases there.
ccjjmartin → created an issue.
Just to post an update, I updated to 2.x and it fixed the deprecations and the module still works. Thanks for the quick response.
ccjjmartin → made their first commit to this issue’s fork.
ccjjmartin → created an issue.
Looks like 2 of the 3 instances of this method were previously replaced and this picks up the last one.
ccjjmartin → created an issue.
I included this change in the Drupal 10 upgrade patch since Twig is upgraded from 2 to 3, recommending marking this one as duplicate.
Created MR11 based on MR5 to include changes for Twig 2 to Twig 3: https://www.drupal.org/node/3256890 →
Main change was on the use of the spaceless tag to a filter.
ccjjmartin → made their first commit to this issue’s fork.
I have contacted evanmwillhite through the contact tab on his profile as I used to work with him.
ccjjmartin → created an issue.
I can confirm all deprecations were fixed and functional still works. Thanks for the updated patch.
The rector patch doesn't contain all of the fixes necessary. Attached is a patch that does.
I ran the upgrade status script on this module and found that the info.yml file is all that is needed to get this functional but it isn't really fully complete because there is another file that has a deprecation (a test):
Reflection error: Circular reference to class "Drupal\Tests\PhpUnitCompatibilityTrait"
This will need to be manually fixed.
It looks like if you make the "type" AddressSubdivision a "scalar" it will tell graphql that this is not resolvable while not breaking the response of the data. Technically this would be a breaking change as queries would change from:
country {
subdivisions {
to just
country {
I am also not sure if this breaks a bunch of best practices around use of scalar types but would be interested in your thoughts on this approach.
@darvanen do you think any changes to the AddressSubdivisions data producer would be necessary?
ccjjmartin → created an issue.
Gábor Hojtsy → credited ccjjmartin → .
Since this documentation → page still links to this active issue I feel it is important to leave this update. There was a webform_group module embedded in the webform module but it is now spun off into it's own module and is available here under the name Webform Group → and NOT Group Webform (previously mentioned 2 posts up.
codechefmarc → credited ccjjmartin → .
Kristen Pol → credited ccjjmartin → .
When looking into this, I found out that the security update had already been applied to thunder as a patch here: https://github.com/thunder/thunder-distribution/pull/643/files
If this is just for the security update then this could probably be closed.
In order to get composer to install all of these modules with dependencies I dropped this into my composer.json:
"type": "package",
"package": {
"name": "drupal/webform_group",
"version": "1.0.0",
"source": {
"url": "https://git.drupalcode.org/issue/webform_group-3307942.git",
"type": "git",
"reference": "3307942-group-v3-support"
NOTE: I just picked a version number (1.0.0), this could likely be improved and if it conflicts with anything else I will need to clear my composer cache later.
Reroll latest patch fixing composer.json and info.yml conflicts around d10 upgrade.