While that is a possible cause for a feed getting stuck and as a result locks keep getting extended, maybe we would need to handle implementing lock settings in a separate issue?
Maybe, but I am not so deep in this logic that I can judge this. I see two possible issues:
- Debugging of unintended feed locks
- Improvement of error logging when a feed get locked
I will test this as soon as there is a patch out.
I only don't know what it should default to.
I think it should default to the smallest effect on users. Thus the best would probably to use a big time frame like 12 hours. There will be few users that have a feed running longer. I would assume that these users rather check the settings description carefully and change the settings to their needs.
Besides I have the problem that I have no clue why my feed hangs up from the log messages. Probably the remote server has a downtime after initializing the feeds run. But this is just a guess.
I have a feed that after 2 month running without problems turned into Lock feeds_feed:2 got extended.
and stays in this lock forever. For my project this is a extremly problematic for it is not possible to check this manually.
If I get it right due to this change https://www.drupal.org/node/3363755 →
If there a good reasons to extend a lock automaically and other scenarios where this is very problematic maybe it is a good solution to make this an option in the feeds settings.
Automatically extend locks.
for each feed in its settings or so.
To me #13 works fine. Thanks.
Though I could not find the settings page in the admin menu.
The path should be /admin/config/flags
or /admin/structure/flags/settings
not /admin/config/flag/settings
So it is public static function afterBuild
in webform/modules/webform_example_composite/src/Element/WebformExampleComposite.php
which allows to define statest.
I have 2 questions:
1. "Specify the path to the local directory": Would /libraries/ckeditor5_plugins be a valid entry here? The help text does not clarify this in my point of view. It should be improved to clarify this.
2. If there needs to be a local plugin according to the CKEditor version 41.3.1 does that mean you have to reinstall the plugins for each CKEditor version update?
As far as I can see, there is no example for conditional logic for composite elements in webform_example_composite.module.
Either I did not find it in the module code or it is not there.
Great, thanks!
Will this issue be fixed anytime soon?
I have a request where I would like to use content moderation but I cannot do this without bulk operations in the content admin page.
For a future release it would be an interesting approch to extend the cookie video submodule to a solution that supports more or even any core media entities just like the deprecated Media entity consent module. Should I open a feature request for this idea?
Thanks for the info.
I tested the 2.1-dev and it works for me. Thanks for the quick reaction.
Nice, that should resolve the issue.
Thanks for this great solution.
I am not sure if I do sth wrong but my output HTML is
<img alt="" src="//tile.openstreetmap.de/6/33/21@2x.png" class="leaflet-tile" style="width: 256px; height: 256px; transform: translate3d(386px, 216px, 0px); opacity: 1;">
The graphics are not loaded due to the @2x
and https://tile.openstreetmap.de/6/33/21@2x.png
is a 404 not found entry.
To me the caption appears below the media after the colorbox link but not within the colorbox.
This feature would help a lot.
@Tanuj: Patch #41 works, but the core media library form widget does not work anymore. You cannot select items there.
Very useful feature. To bad it is not contributed.
This text and the link are obvoiusly not up-to-date.
Anyway it would be very great to have tokens for creating a view display.
Version 8.x-2.x
Under heavy development.
Could you please test it and give me some feedback on the issue queue or on Github ?
New features:
You can have as many arguments as you want, strings or token, there is no limit
Docker backend for development and tests
Tested with Behat
It would be better to call this "Access Any User Profile" instead of "Access User Profiles", so it is clear this does not mean that users can access their own profile.
The Cookie Content Blocker module assumes you have configured integration with a cookie consent module of your choice, such as Cookiebot or EU Cookie Compliance. Until you configure this, 'Show content' will not trigger any change on the page.
There is no hint on the modules website or the readme.md that the core functionality of this module does not work by itself. This is quite annoying.
demonde → changed the visibility of the branch 3309324-POST-RTBC-Fix-single-day to active.
demonde → changed the visibility of the branch 3309324-POST-RTBC-Fix-single-day to hidden.
As a workaround you can first explode and then implode the field value since implode has %n as newline replacement.
Will this patch be contributed at some point of time?
I also donnot see a translation option.
I still get this error message using a context block condition using a wildcard like subsite_*
Thanks, but I am still not sure how to pass the dom_id to hook_slick_optionset_alter
, blazySettingsAlter
does not effect anything here. Being able to use jQuery targets forasNavFor would be the better solution.
Another solution would be to provide the views dom_id via hook_blazy_settings_alter
or hook_slick_settings_alter
or an object extension of blazy as a variable in $settings of my implenation of hook_slick_optionset_alter
in my custom_slick_tabs_slick_optionset_alter
Something like:
function custom_slick_tab_slick_optionset_alter(\Drupal\slick\Entity\Slick &$slick, array &$settings) {
$target = ' . ' . $settings['view_dom_id'] . '.myslidertarget';
$slick->setSetting('asNavFor', $target)
But I could not figure out how to do that.
In general I would like to be able to use such more complex approaches of using slick. AsNavFor is central to achieve these.
My use case is as follows:
I am having a paragraph "Slide Tabs" with a sub paragraph "Tab". The paragraph field "Tab" in "Slide Tabs" in redered by views via "Views field formatter." In the View I have a slick slide display of the view "block" with a slick attachement view "tabs" that control each other by asNavFor
As a paragraph this can be rendered multiple times, so if the asNavFor target would be .slide-block
it would control all slide tabs paragraphs which it should not.
One solution would be to overwrite the asNavFor
attribute by hook_slick_optionset_alter
with $slick->setSetting('asNavFor', $target)
, but the available variables are missing the view dom_id which would enable to call .view-dom-[dom_id] .slide-block
The better way is to achieve this by a JQuery asNavFor target that calls the parent .view class and subsequent the class of the other slick slide.
Thanks, I am busy this week but I will test this solution as soon as possible.
As far as I can see only :not([data-toggle])
has to be replaced with :not([data-toggle]):not([data-bs-toggle])
in both .js files.
The problem reoccurs, since bootstrap 5 has changed any data-
attribute to data-bs-
see https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/pull/31827
Shall I open a new issue?
This does not help. I donnot get an error message but the mapping page will load eternally if the feed contains a paragraph field and paragraphs mapper is installed.
I also get this error but not sure if this is related.
Warning: Undefined array key "allowed_extensions" in Drupal\feeds\Feeds\Fetcher\Form\UploadFetcherForm->validateConfigurationForm()
I installed the current version from the start.
I have still this error.
TypeError: in_array(): Argument #2 ($haystack) must be of type array, bool given in in_array() (Line 24 in /modules/contrib/access_unpublished/src/AccessUnpublished.php).
This comes up only if I install feeds paragraphs mapper.
The first Accordion item is open even if all single items are closed.
This comes from
$element[$field_name]["#collapse"] = $active_accordion == $field_name ? 'show' : '';
demonde → created an issue.
Thanks Florian,
I just did as you said and just rewrote the code to be able to use the jquery.cookies as well. This works well. Also I removed the jquery library in my custom module since this dependency appears to be not neccesary yet.
Thanks. Great.
Fine, but it would be nice to understand which javascript code does prevent to exceed the amount of typed characters. I would like to understand how the problem is produced.
demonde → created an issue. See original summary → .
I don't think you need CER for this. Paragraphs already store their parent in a field, you should be able to show it in a views listing.
Yes, but the views relationship handler does not work correctly.
If I get it right, there is no way to send an email to a submitter that has a specific role by this function. Emails will be send to all users that have a specific role here.
The easiest way is to create a config file mythemename.settings.yml in sync/language/XX after exporting it containing
use_default: false
path: 'public://mylogoforxxlang.svg'
Then import this config via drush cim or another way.
To me the option "Hide filter, if no options" only works if an exposed filter has the setting "Allow multiple selections".
In case of a single selection filter with no results the filter is still visible with "- Any -".
But I have not checked this yet on a clean empty installation so there might be another intererence but I donnot think so.