Account created on 10 May 2013, about 11 years ago

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🇺🇦Ukraine sickness29

Created MR to add computed field which contains crop data for image. Now it should be available in jsonapi relationships under "crop"

🇺🇦Ukraine sickness29

Hi @murilohp
image widget crop does not allow to add multiple crop types per image style and it does not make sense.
Steps to reproduce is not accurate as you need to hack module code to make 5th point work

Hi @phenaproxima
please check my comment and move issue status to fixed if you agree. Thanks

🇺🇦Ukraine sickness29

Hi @candelas @woprrr
this issue is related to image_widget_crop module. crop module only provides api for image_widget_crop to use and README you have read was from image_widget_crop.

However there's indeed issue with using library files and it comes from .
The description on textfields says "or leave empty to use the installed library (if present) or a CDN fallback" and the code added in related issue breaks that.
When you save empty values the cdn placeholders values are saved and all checks in image_widget_crop_requirements or image_widget_crop_library_info_alter won't be looking for libraries anymore because there is saved values in config.

🇺🇦Ukraine sickness29

I have adjusted the patch a bit to allow users to choose whether they want multiple value design for single value fields and also left single value widget styles and scripts. By default the option is disabled to maintain same behaviour for existing fields.

🇺🇦Ukraine sickness29

sickness29 changed the visibility of the branch 3394371-throbber-.gif-cant to active.

🇺🇦Ukraine sickness29

sickness29 changed the visibility of the branch 3394371-throbber-.gif-cant to hidden.

🇺🇦Ukraine sickness29

Hi @andypost
thank you for your comments, MR created

🇺🇦Ukraine sickness29

Hi @wrd-oaitsd
please let me know more about datetime_extras module involvement in your issue.
From the description it seems you have a problem with empty_fields module and not this one

🇺🇦Ukraine sickness29

Hi @eojthebrave,
thanks for the feedback, I have prepared updated patch with fixes

🇺🇦Ukraine sickness29

Hi @jsacksick
good catches, thanks. I have fixed both cases

🇺🇦Ukraine sickness29

Not reproducible on 5.2.x-dev.
Tried to add '&' symbol to \Drupal\Tests\simple_oauth\Functional\TokenBearerFunctionalTestBase where clientSecret is randomly generated and it does not make any more tests fail.

🇺🇦Ukraine sickness29

Now you are able to adjust labels like so and patch will take care of using those labels.

 * Implements hook_entity_type_alter().
function test_module_entity_type_alter(array &$entity_types) {
  if (isset($entity_types['consumer'])) {
    $entity_types['consumer']->set('label', t('Test'));
    $entity_types['consumer']->set('label_collection', t('Tests'));
    $entity_types['consumer']->set('label_singular', t('test'));
    $entity_types['consumer']->set('label_plural', t('tests'));
🇺🇦Ukraine sickness29

Removed test and related fixtures.
Also fixed deprecated call to installSchema in \Drupal\Tests\consumers\Kernel\NegotiatorTest

🇺🇦Ukraine sickness29

Fix to the machine name call to make it D9 and D10 compatible

🇺🇦Ukraine sickness29

Hi @eojthebrave
here I reworked test from #2 to work with D9+ and used a bit another approach with computed field.
I am posting only test here to make sure it fails and going to post another comment with test and fix

🇺🇦Ukraine sickness29

Hi @boromino,
I see. I have changed implementation by providing new Remove button and added command to remove abbr tag.
Now it's possible to add empty title and also possible to remove abbreviation altogether without need to remove text.

🇺🇦Ukraine sickness29

Added feeds to require-dev, hopefully it runs this time

🇺🇦Ukraine sickness29

Added feeds as test_dependencies to make sure feeds test runs.

🇺🇦Ukraine sickness29

Reworked implementation a bit so it uses \Drupal\time_field\Time::createFromHtml5Format() instead of hardcoded sample date.
Added feeds test as well.

🇺🇦Ukraine sickness29

Rerolled patch from #2 and added Functional test for time field which checks the field with couple values

🇺🇦Ukraine sickness29

Removing phpass in test modules list

🇺🇦Ukraine sickness29

Made migration test for both profile 2 types and profiles along with fixture for D7.
Also had to move views.view.profiles.yml into config/optional as migrate tests were failing because of this

🇺🇦Ukraine sickness29

I have usr #7 as base with some code quality changes and added functional test for argument handler.
Also fixed deprecation messages in ProfileRoleAccessTest.

🇺🇦Ukraine sickness29

This does not work

🇺🇦Ukraine sickness29

Implemented sort and filter handler for ip address fields.

🇺🇦Ukraine sickness29

I have not been able to reproduce that with clean drupal.
I have also added functional test and included various test data including this ip address to make sure it works.
Also there was some weird test in main module dir which did not work, so I removed it.

🇺🇦Ukraine sickness29

Added FunctionalJavascript test, also fixed one assert in EmptyFieldsTest as it started to fail on D10.

🇺🇦Ukraine sickness29

Improved patch from #24 and used \Drupal\layout_builder\LayoutBuilderEvents::SECTION_COMPONENT_BUILD_RENDER_ARRAY instead.
This way we have build and all correct third party settings depending on entity, if it has overrides.
Also noticed test fail on D9.5, so made changes so it passes both cases. I checked locally and visually nothing changed, html output for field is the same, probably test engine method that were retrieving html changed.
Added functional javascript test as well to make sure empty fields working for default and custom layouts on test node type.

🇺🇦Ukraine sickness29

Hi @dww
I have reviewed patch from #4 and fixed all the issues you wrote about and added test to check seconds value after both form update and regular entity save.
Please have a look

🇺🇦Ukraine sickness29

Fixed minor issues with #7 patch and added Unit Test for normalizer

🇺🇦Ukraine sickness29

Hi @DieterHolvoet
I checked your solution and I don't like it, also only maintainers of module can decide on closing issues on
The custom conversion from seconds to date interval looks like something we need to avoid.
Imagine you have selected "1 year 11 months 50 days", when converted to timestamp and back to interval it will be "2 years 0 months 20 days".
So that would break main core feature of module which is ability to select specific date interval.

🇺🇦Ukraine sickness29

Hi @dww
I have another approach to this since PHP DateInterval does not natively support weeks I do not change any DataTypes to make them represent true php iso standards and not be some mess with ifs.
Instead I have added another column for weeks to store alondside and added getValue() method to field so duration and seconds are adjusted to have those weeks included.
I have also reviewed test since they are running badly on D10, fixed field creation and removed deprecated code.

🇺🇦Ukraine sickness29

Hi @dww,
do you think we could add a test for this new computed property?

🇺🇦Ukraine sickness29

Created new FunctionalJavascript test for testing widgets and ajax, added test case for date part order. Made sure that test fails without #2973037 changes. To implement test I also added datetime_extras_test module which installs CT with datetime field which I use for test.
Also in the module I'm adding Ajax rebuild button which simply rebuilds whole node add form for this test CT.
In test case I check order with :nth-child and make sure it stays the same after rebuilding form with ajax.

🇺🇦Ukraine sickness29

This is probably way outdated since we don't have datepicker anymore.
It is only possible to configure range and increment, so I added those as options.
Renamed widget according to conventions and added schema as well as Functional test to make sure range and increment applies.

🇺🇦Ukraine sickness29

I was testing on D10 and it was not a problem, fixed field name to be lower case like DateTestBase on D9 does.

🇺🇦Ukraine sickness29

I have put the field, formatter and widget in correct dirs, added schema, completed formatted and added test for field edit/view.

🇺🇦Ukraine sickness29

Hi @borisson_
the field secret actually is not related to the module consumer even though it's on consumer entity.
The field is added by to consumer entity, so if there's need for it's validation I believe you need to create this issue for simple_oauth module.

Hi maintainers,
please correct me if I'm wrong or mark the issue "Closed (works as designed)", thanks

🇺🇦Ukraine sickness29

Hi @SocialNicheGuru
you need to update your drupal instance to 9.5 at least to avoid this problem.
This FilterResponseEvent class is deprecated and has been replaced by ResponseEvent.
Patch itself is no reason for your issue.

Also I have tidied up the patch to remove php cs warnings.

🇺🇦Ukraine sickness29

Prepared a patch that removes abbr tag when empty title is applied, i.e. like in version 2.

🇺🇦Ukraine sickness29

looks like maintainer added new icon and uses it on configuration screen via css (see pic attached)
I think it would be better to use same icon, only perhaps delete the obsolete icon from 3 version.

Hi @boromino
can you please have a look and provide some input on whether correct icon is used and merge request is acceptable? Thanks in advance

🇺🇦Ukraine sickness29

Hi @rajab-natshah
this can be Closed (works as designed) as I was not able to reproduce any issues with clear drupal and commerce or simply with autocomplete element being inside inline entity form.

🇺🇦Ukraine sickness29

Hi @rajab-natshah
this can be simply "Closed (works as designed)" as it is possible to translate all those texts through config translation

🇺🇦Ukraine sickness29

I have reworked autocomplete validation to use custom static function that imitates Drupal\Component\Utility\Tags::explode but uses delimiter that we specify in the form element. This way it works for new and existing terms.

🇺🇦Ukraine sickness29

This is working on 2.0.x-dev without any patches.
The strings are configured on form display, so you can simply create config for specific language and specify translated values for not_found_message and no_empty_message.

For example, you have Ukrainian as second language on site and want to translate this values for field_tags on article default form display, then you need to put new file core.entity_form_display.node.article.default.yml into [your_config_sync_folder]/language/uk/
wtih something like that:

      not_found_message: 'Новий термін ''@term'' буде додано'
      no_empty_message: 'Немає результатів. Будь ласка введіть початок.'

After config import your strings will be translated when page displayed in Ukrainian.

🇺🇦Ukraine sickness29

The issue here is the way deluxe autocomplete works with single-value field, where there is only one textfield with value and this id in brackets is a way for entity reference field to find existing entity.
For multi-value fields there are hidden inputs which carry this id in brackets and visible textfield shows only labels to user.
Here are the issue to make single-value field operate and look the same as multi-value fields and I posted patch there - 🐛 Autocomplete Deluxe element UI doesn't work for single value field Needs review .
This way id is not shown and value is enclosed in bubble like for multi-value fields

🇺🇦Ukraine sickness29

I have tested using the clean drupal installation and it works with no issues.
Tried both: simply installed inline_entity_form and tried adding/editing entity there with autocomplete deluxe, after no luck with reproducing I have installed commerce and repeated you steps using both widgets from inline_entity_form module and both works as expected.
Perhaps it's some issue with your environment that removed access to autocomplete_deluxe's route which returns results, please make sure it is reproducible with clean drupal before creating an issue.
Also it's not possible for "order of js file" to influence Drupal's route access

🇺🇦Ukraine sickness29

There is a code to not send js settings for disabled fields, but there's no check when autocomplete class is added, so JS tries to attach autocomplete but there are no settings for it. Should be working now

🇺🇦Ukraine sickness29

I have restored throbber and also fixed theming for it as it was cut off.
Now it should work properly for all core themes

🇺🇦Ukraine sickness29

Hi @borisson_
I am fixing the issue described in task and it is "widget does not work when you add new terms and some terms are existing".
When you apply this patch the issue is non existent as it was not obvious for people that there is second setting in widget to allow creating new items.
This is also confirmed #27, so the only issue is odd setting, removed it leaving only the default one which comes from entity reference field.

The merge request has nothing to do with my fix. I think it tries to fix another issue which are "widget does not work when you try to resave field with label with brackets" which is fixed here 🐛 Using terms with brackets in their name breaks Autocomplete Deluxe Needs review

🇺🇦Ukraine sickness29

The issue was in the way the module pass default values without entity id in brackets, then validation from Drupal\Core\Entity\Element\EntityAutocomplete::validateEntityAutocomplete comes in and tries to parse brackets.
Fixed by adding id as it should have been and clear it for label on JS

🇺🇦Ukraine sickness29

I have removed setting from module and only left it in element to pass entity reference's setting there.
Tested adding both existing and new terms on clean Drupal and seen no issues

🇺🇦Ukraine sickness29

I have removed single widget variant theming and script and made single value field use multiple widget as well.
Also implemented validation for cardinality so now it happens as user adds values and not on form submit which is better from UX standpoint

🇺🇦Ukraine sickness29

Hi @bojanz
with update of commerceguys/addressing we now have many admin area codes which are numeral, and ctype_upper was used to check for format before passing it into mysql case.
I have added a check for string there and it should be good now

🇺🇦Ukraine sickness29

The issue with output should now be fixed

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