Account created on 28 January 2013, over 11 years ago

Merge Requests


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🇩🇪Germany sleitner

I tried to build a test for this issue following the steps in the summary. I must be missing something, because the test doesn't fail as expected. See test file attached.

🇩🇪Germany sleitner

@i.mcbride your regular expression does not match the user URL.
The patch includes a new regex and test coverage.

🇩🇪Germany sleitner

The detail fields are invisible as soon as the content type is activated.

JS error:

Uncaught TypeError: $element[0] is undefined

Workaround: deactivate the content type translation and reactivate it and set the field settings before saving.

🇩🇪Germany sleitner

I don't know why this is not a local variable. But since it only reads the request, a clone is not necessary.

🇩🇪Germany sleitner

The Content Translation permission settings changed since Drupal7. In Drupal 10 the permissions are more granular.

🇩🇪Germany sleitner

Everything you are translating with |t, t(), TranslatableMarkup is translated with the current interface language.
Look in /admin/config/regional/language/detection how the interface language is negotiated. If you have custom language negotiators installed or custom settings in settings.php or simular, these might interfere your interface language as well.

The config language , content language and url language are independent from this and have their own negotiators.

If you set the config language with setConfigOverrideLanguage(), you only change the config language for reading and writing to the translated config settings

🇩🇪Germany sleitner

sleitner made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇩🇪Germany sleitner

X-Drupal-Cache is now always present. It is MISS for the first access and HIT for further accesses.

🇩🇪Germany sleitner

Width and height is managed by video_embed_field. Use the Responsive Video option in the manage display settings of the field.

🇩🇪Germany sleitner

core/tests/Drupal/KernelTests/Config/DefaultConfigTest.php did fail because path alias is not available when locale is installed. Instead of the route to url conversion, the url is now hardcoded.

🇩🇪Germany sleitner

I fixed the visibility of the modules variable of the test. Drupal\Tests\language\Functional\LanguageBrowserDetectionAcceptLanguageTest still fails.

🇩🇪Germany sleitner
/scripts-127385-579080/step_script: line 272: /usr/bin/tr: Argument list too long
/scripts-127385-579080/step_script: line 272: /usr/bin/yarn: Argument list too long

No, that is a GitlabCI problem. When many files are changed (during reroll), the spell-checking job always fails.

🇩🇪Germany sleitner

I tested this again, but there is no error anymore. Should we close it as outdated?

🇩🇪Germany sleitner

It seems to me that we have to delegate this to the custom modules as long as we do not want to break anything.

In the country module Sort country names using Collator Fixed the country lists are now sorted correctly. It does not cover the default country settings in the core regional settings.

🇩🇪Germany sleitner

It runs automated tests in the Drupal GitLab CI whenever changes are mode to the code, or whenever a contributor submits a merge request.

As soon as Unit, Kernel or Functional tests are added, these are executed as well:

🇩🇪Germany sleitner

message and url are updated following the recommendations.

🇩🇪Germany sleitner

public function getList() in CountryFieldManager should not be removed as long as it is used.

🇩🇪Germany sleitner

Reroll for current dev version.

🇩🇪Germany sleitner

For the correct sorting please replace
$element['#options'] = \Drupal::service('country_manager')->getList();
with this
$element['#options'] = \Drupal::service('country.field.manager')->getList();

🇩🇪Germany sleitner

Configuration Inspector shows errors in the configuration for the country settings, if this is used in a view.

🇩🇪Germany sleitner

Do you have the problem without using \Drupal::languageManager()->setConfigOverrideLanguage()?

🇩🇪Germany sleitner

@Chris64: 1) $return = $translated_array[1]; was in line 136 in 2017

2) I separated the singular form completely from the plural forms:

    $index = $this->getPluralIndex();
    // Singular form.
    if ($this->count == 1 || $index == 0 || count($translated_array) == 1) {
      return $this->placeholderFormat($translated_array[0], $arguments);

    // N-th plural form, fallback to second plural form.
    $return = $translated_array[$index] ?? $translated_array[1];
🇩🇪Germany sleitner

sleitner changed the visibility of the branch 3219537-languagenegotiationurlprocessoutbound-modifies-absolute to hidden.

🇩🇪Germany sleitner

setConfigOverrideLanguage does only change the config language. It doesn't change the interface and content language.

🇩🇪Germany sleitner

I'm not sure if it helps for the update from 0.3.0 to 0.4.0, but it should help for future updates

🇩🇪Germany sleitner

Hi Libbna, the session lifetime is not set by this module. It logs in as a normal user with normal parameters.

You have to adjust the session parameters in /sites/default/services.yml

🇩🇪Germany sleitner

The country is also needed for the date format, because the e.g the month names may differ between countries with the same language:
January in German German is Januar, but in Austrian German it is Jänner

🇩🇪Germany sleitner

@Gogowitsch, @greg.harvey, @hoanns, @kbahey, @McChicken, @instanceofjamie please release an new tagged version to restore funktioniality.

🇩🇪Germany sleitner

Please review. If the automated tests had worked, this would have been noticed during the test.

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