Account created on 28 January 2013, about 12 years ago

Merge Requests


Recent comments

🇩🇪Germany sleitner

Any news on this update? When can we expect a D11 compatible tagged version?

🇩🇪Germany sleitner

The issue should be fixed in the Development version: 2.1.x-dev , see issue #3505261

🇩🇪Germany sleitner

Fixes issue Existing fields of date type 'daterange' are not matched as well

🇩🇪Germany sleitner

@longwave you pointed in #31 about calling services inside the sort callback "is not going to be very performant in a case when there are hundreds of items or more to sort". The solution is to place the service outside the compare function sort().

Furthermore the function sort() name does not reflect its function. It is just comparing the two values, it is not sorting anything.

The merge conflict is resolved.

🇩🇪Germany sleitner

sleitner changed the visibility of the branch 1.0.x to hidden.

🇩🇪Germany sleitner

Added patch #7 to MR!5 , please review. phpunit test fails because theme namein this issue is classy-3461089 and not classy

🇩🇪Germany sleitner

sleitner made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇩🇪Germany sleitner

ToolbarAdminMenuTest test still needs to be updated

🇩🇪Germany sleitner

sleitner changed the visibility of the branch 11.x to hidden.

🇩🇪Germany sleitner

sleitner made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇩🇪Germany sleitner

If there are new information, please reopen the issue

🇩🇪Germany sleitner

There are 2 error in your status, you should solve these first. Depending on the number of nodes/entities, 256MByte memory may be too few.

🇩🇪Germany sleitner

@adcillc @adci_contributor, any news on a Drupal 11 compatible tagged version?

🇩🇪Germany sleitner

@j_s I renamed the temporary column, please try MR9

🇩🇪Germany sleitner

@j_s is one of your fields named startDate?

🇩🇪Germany sleitner

sleitner made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇩🇪Germany sleitner

@wim leers : I have this PHP warning in my logs:
Warning: Undefined array key 2 in Drupal\big_pipe\Render\BigPipe->sendPreBody() (line 311 in /www/web/core/modules/big_pipe/src/Render/BigPipe.php)

Created a MR for this issues, but tests are still needed.

🇩🇪Germany sleitner

Someone who tries many SQL injections on my website causes hundreds of errors in the logs.
The viewsreference[compressed] URL parameter is not compressed and not JSON.
PHP Version is 8.2.25

Since null or int is not specified in the interface of ViewsReferenceCompressionInterface as a valid return value
public function uncompress(array $viewsreference, ViewExecutable $view): array;
Therefor a TypeError error is thrown and causes a php error in the drupal log /admin/reports/dblog and an error in the apache error logs

🇩🇪Germany sleitner

Upgrade path for schema and deprecations bumped to 11.2.x

🇩🇪Germany sleitner

Added context and language manager whereever needed. Tests are now green

🇩🇪Germany sleitner

sleitner changed the visibility of the branch 2466553-untranslated-menu-items11 to hidden.

🇩🇪Germany sleitner

sleitner changed the visibility of the branch 2466553-untranslated-menu-items-11.x to hidden.

🇩🇪Germany sleitner

The service is moved to a new function

public static function sortEntities(array &$entities): bool

which calls a new compare function public static function compare(ConfigEntityInterface $a, ConfigEntityInterface $b, \Collator $collator): int.
The sort functionpublic static function sort(ConfigEntityInterface $a, ConfigEntityInterface $b) is now deprecated in all child classes.

🇩🇪Germany sleitner

@andreayaya MR1 should resolve the problem, but the fetch() method is still overritten, for now.

🇩🇪Germany sleitner

@megachriz HttpFetcher::fetch() does not pass the feed configuration to the HttpFetcher::get() function.

protected function get($url, $sink, $cache_key = FALSE, array $options = [], array $feed_configuration = [])

$response = $this->get($feed->getSource(), $sink, $cache_key, [], $feed->getConfigurationFor($this));

🇩🇪Germany sleitner

Another deprecated use of ${} in src/Plugin/views/pager/DatePager.php

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