Account created on 28 September 2012, over 11 years ago

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🇳🇱Netherlands ronaldtebrake

For now we've added the administer taxonomy permission back again for SM.
As we encountered some scenarios where the permission wasn't correctly assigned for the individual vocab/terms.

🇳🇱Netherlands ronaldtebrake

From what version are you updating?
It seems you're perhaps skipping major versions directly?

🇳🇱Netherlands ronaldtebrake

What does your repositories section in your composer.json say?
You're trying to download these packages from the wrong repository it seems.
I expected them to come from


    "repositories": [
            "type": "composer",
            "url": ""
            "type": "composer",
            "url": ""
🇳🇱Netherlands ronaldtebrake
composer create-project goalgorilla/social_template social 13.0.0-alpha1 --no-install
Creating a "goalgorilla/social_template" project at "./social"

In CreateProjectCommand.php line 424:

Could not find package goalgorilla/social_template with version 13.0.0-alpha1 

Our social_template is a wrapper around our distribution, but it's not a tagged project itself, and meant as a helpful installer. From that moment on you can just control the composer.json yourself.
It will also only be updated with stable versions for that matter,

that's why the below worked

this worked and pulled down social 12.3.0
composer create-project goalgorilla/social_template:dev-master social --no-interaction

going iinto social directory above and running 'composer update' updated to 13.0.0-alpha1

 - Upgrading goalgorilla/open_social (12.3.3 => 13.0.0-alpha1): Extracting archive

It's exactly how we're currently intending the usages of the template.

Once we reach a stable 13.0.0 we will update the composer.json/lock file with that new version.

(currently updating the template to 12.4.x is in progress)

🇳🇱Netherlands ronaldtebrake

I can't reproduce this at the moment with a clean install without any requirements that aren't compatible yet.
Is your minimum stability dev or alpha just to ensure it accepts this alpha version?

🇳🇱Netherlands ronaldtebrake

Thanks for the update, appreciated!

Unfortunately I'm having a real hard time reproducing this.
I have made sure it uses the private file system, set a limit to 2MB, I'm on 12.3.0 of Open Social
Used the image provided, I get the following:

The image is then removed, I can't save the topic anymore because the image is gone:

Also the image isn't ending up in my private file / inline-images, nor does anything happen with the html directory.

I also have a hard time finding out what in Open Social could be the culprit here. Especially that part should be default editor behavior.

Does it now happen with both images? From the name of the html directory shown it seems that the smaller image "limburger.jpeg" also triggers this for your client?
If possible would be good to see which modules are enabled there, running drush pml | grep Enabled could be an easy way for that.

🇳🇱Netherlands ronaldtebrake

Will be in the upcoming 12.3.x and 12.4.x

Production build 0.69.0 2024