thorandre → created an issue.
Here comes a bit of a status for this work:
We've now got a working editor for a text field as part of the standard node edit form.
There you can use all kinds of Gutenberg blocks within that editor and define settings and so on for each of them.
What remains:
- Style injections: Injecting styling from the frontend theme.
- Configuration of the text format: The UI for defining which blocks to be available, image styles and so on.
This is probably a couple workdays with testing, coming in the mid September release.
There are a few days of work left on this. Specially the work for node entities. The other entity types will need adjustments for the generic entity type edit form. So we won't have anything ready for testing before a couple of weeks from now.
thorandre → created an issue.
Got this issue forwarded by email, also with suggestions for solutions:
Add --drupal-displace-offset-left: 20px; i variables.css
Change the alignfull class in layout.css
.alignfull {
margin-left: calc(50% - 50vw);
margin-right: calc(50% - 50vw);
max-width: calc(100vw - var(--drupal-displace-offset-left, 0) / 2);
.alignfull {
margin-left: calc(50% - 50vw);
margin-right: calc(50% - 50vw);
max-width: calc(100vw - 10px);
Add overflow-x: hidden; i klassen layout-container i layout.css
.layout-container {
margin-top: var(--header-height-mobile);
overflow-x: hidden;
thorandre → created an issue.
Nice work! Looking forward to testing it further.
We're currently reviewing this and have a couple of suggestions to how we can improve the solution.
Not a high priority now. But let's clarify one thing:
Was the gallery block added to the page/node, or on the template?
Anyway, we'll try to replicate it.
Seems like this issue actually only happens to the site branding block. We should look into this, but probably after July since we want to focus on DG4.0 with the relevant features there. However, if someone out there want to dig into this, we could get it as a part of the new things with 4.0.
This could be a setting on the text format. We already have a setting for file size, but it's currently not being applied.
Let's add this for the DG4.0 release.
thorandre → created an issue.
Closing this! Yay! All done and released. Thank you all for contributing! 🎉
This is a duplicate of #3445655 where we'll continue to work on this.
A similar mechanism will be made into the 4.x release of DG. The above is very specific for WP and after some discovery we saw that it cannot be used. Closing this. Will create a new 4.x issue with relevant child issues.
We're postponing this from the 3.x release. Not yet decided if it should go into 4.x.
Setting to Closed(Won't fix) - let's reopen or create a new one when we decide to move forward with this.
Closing this. This is what we've done:
- Met with the Gutenberg team to settle a couple of the non concluded areas of our roadmap.
- Set up a new main page on with the current plans.
- Promoted the new page in relevant slack channels #gutenberg in the official Drupal Slack + the pitchburg Gutenberg channel (which was also archived as a part of this work, focusing on the main channel).
thorandre → created an issue.
Closing. You can also see the list here: 🌱 Gutenberg 3.0.0 Active
Closing this. We've created the theme →
Which is still in Beta, but it does the job as a reference for newcomers to Gutenberg, to see how it works.
As an extra we've set up a Gitpod link from the Starter theme project page where you can test the theme and Gutenberg within minutes, and without the need for a local setup:
Open Gutenberg starter theme with Gitpod
A few improvements will come ahead, with separate issues.
thorandre → created an issue.
So who should add some tests? @maciek.kaczmarski maybe?
Should we close this now? I think we can, but would be good to get a confirmation from Pixelite also. At least to confirm that the issue is about what we did.
Thank you for the request.
I see you're using v.3.0 here which has some features related to that:
So there are some features coming in there already. You can also use the different alignement alternatives out of the box, like Left/Right/Wide/Full width. But it is quite limited. Choosing font color will change the full view and so on. To handle the rest of the view styling you'll need to do that in the theme styling, like for any other Drupal View.
I don't see features like having all the options that comes with the regular Heading block, to be used on the View title in the near future. Unless, this would be upvoted from a lot of people - and we see that it could be relatively easy to solve.
What do you think, Ahmad? Does the above cover your needs for now?
Good job working on this during DrupalCon Portland :)
Solved and tested with the latest version now.
thorandre → created an issue.
thorandre → created an issue.
thorandre → created an issue.
thorandre → created an issue.
thorandre → created an issue.
Solid! Creating followup tasks for the implementations.
Here's the issue for the design work, Elise.
thorandre → created an issue.
thorandre → created an issue.
thorandre → created an issue.
Helge and me created the market plan today. The contents will be gone through with the rest of the board in our board meeting next month.
thorandre → created an issue.
I assume it makes sense to keep the info in English on that frontpage since we are on d.o?
Or what do others think? I'll start there at least.
thorandre → created an issue.
Takk for et bra møte i dag! Jeg ser fram til fortsettelsen.
Jeg starter på en liste over ansvarsområder vi må fylle i foreningen for årets oppgaver.
thorandre → created an issue.
Nice work everyone. I believe in general we are close to finalize the project. We still need to finish the delivery presentation and wrap up work with summaries for the different issues/tasks but apart from that we are close. Good work everyone!
marcofernandes → credited thorandre → .
Any we already have a starting point for this. But should we also include design adjustments that will come ahead to this issue?
thorandre → created an issue.
thorandre → created an issue.
thorandre → created an issue.
thorandre → created an issue.
I need input from @marcofernandes about the details of this. Could you please update the description according to what we discussed earlier?
thorandre → created an issue.
thorandre → created an issue.
thorandre → created an issue.
thorandre → created an issue.
Nice! Well done. Works nicely.
thorandre → created an issue.
Looking good, Marco!
In the demo today Marco went through the styling and setup that is ready for the starter theme.
This will be pushed to d.o today.