I was also able to get #33 working on Drupal 10 manually patching and #39 to work with Drupal 11. Only Drupal 11 has renderInIsolation() so #39 will not work on Drupal 10.
One line patch that uses the view display ID with a "views-data-export-feed--" prefix.
It will work with Users. Just defined an entity reference view for the desired users.
Removed composer.json
The wt_dates table is part of Webtrees. The d_index field should be a primary key. If not, you can set it as the primary. My install had the field as the primary key. Not sure which instance of Webtrees you installed.
bwong → created an issue. See original summary → .
I think I just need to remove the json file. It is not really required since there are no other dependencies.
Not sure why Drupal 10 support was not recognized but 1.3 includes Drupal 10 and 11 support
Not sure why the info.yml file you are using does not include ^10 but it should. Version 1.3 adds Drupal 11 support so that should work for this issue.
Changes made in 1.1.0
Feature added in 1.1.0
It can although you need to tag the users in some fashion. This could be used to group users.
Fixed in 1.14
Same issue on Drupal 9.5.11. Moved back to 1.28
1.13 has the support in TOC. I had only implemented it in the Edit block TOC.
For some reason that does not follow through so I added my own. Probably need to go back and figure out how they did it but 1.12 does this. The class is book-blocks-active.
This may be a little harder to do because the Book module's function is used to generate the table of contents. Figuring out which element is the current page make require replicating and reworking that function. I am looking at what needs to be done to see what is required.
This can be done now using substitution using this string in the Link URL for one of the links:
/admin/structure/book/{{ book_id }}
Fixed in 1.0.0
Addressed this and other Drupal 9/10 issues in 1.11. Finally tested it properly on a brand new install.
bwong → created an issue.
Sorry. Did not upload the proper files. There were missing definitions.
Don't use 1.9. Fixed in 1.10.
Fixed in 1.9
I need to make the example and documentation a lot clearer. The one thing that tends to be missing is that the URL used to view the node has to have query parameter so the entity view knows what to look for. This gets more complicated as the system supports multiple tags so that a particular node could appear in different streams although usually it is only within one. A typical URL would look like this:
The entity view is used to get the link and title that is show. This allows a usual title to be used or a shorter on if there is another field. It might also include the type of node, etc. if that would be useful information to the viewer.
Check out Simple Popup Views →
Fixed in 1.3
This looks like a missing dependency with Twig Tweak that 1.3 should address.
Hook_help added. Different text.
Minimal changes made to documentation and hook_help.
Fixed in 8.x-1.2
Fixed in 1.0.0-Beta2
What is myIP in the view? The dump with //string(6) "" result seems odd. It could be something to do how Twig is handling a non-string value.
I will do some more checking but I think I removed the twig dependency before I made the project public so that dependency may go away.
This patch was initially submitted to address an integration issue with modules like Views Raw SQL → .
As it turns out, I didn't fully understand the entire mechanism for implementing aggregation. Turns out that selection a method other than Group By replaces the handler with NumericField that essentially ignores the existing handler and it assumes that a field is involved. There are two ways to address this. The more complicated way, and possibly better, is to come up with a NumericField replacement and change how the handler is changed. The replacement could keep the details of the original field support in place. The other alternative is to put any support for aggregation into the desired plugin.
I chose the latter with the Views Raw SQL #15023002 patch #5 🐛 the Value is lost with Aggregation Needs review . This essentially keeps the Group By setting but hides it so the NumericField substitution does not occur. The aggregation support is handled by replacing the options form selection with a new one and using the value in the aggregation support handled by the original field support.
For Views Raw SQL, this solution works for all of the field types including field, filter, sort and argument.
The solution I presented here does not really address the issue as it is trying to adjust changes imposed by NumericField. Assuming either approach above, the need for an aggregation override is not needed. If this is the case then this issue should be closed.
This is fixed by #15023002 patch #5 🐛 the Value is lost with Aggregation Needs review
This is fixed by #15023002 patch #5 🐛 the Value is lost with Aggregation Needs review
This is fixed by #15023002 patch #5 🐛 the Value is lost with Aggregation Needs review
This is almost a complete rewrite of the 8.x version. It works with Drupal versions 8 through 10. It includes support for fields, filters, sorts, and arguments. It adds token replacement and works with aggregation. A full version is include in case you don't want to contend with the patch. If the patch is acceptable I recommend that it be marked as version 1.0.
This is essentially the same problem as #15022759 🐛 the Value is lost with Aggregation Needs review which is for version 8.x. Hopefully I can get the fix I am working on for Drupal 8+ to work with 7.
I have not put a diff file together to fix this but I did figure out what is going on. Essentially the system automatically switches to a NumericField. This needs to be prevented. The trick is to keep track of the aggregation within the module and prevent the system from overriding and using the NumericField. It is then up to this module to provide that selection and to implement the selected aggregation function when generating the query.
Had to incorporate the changes manually via diff rather than merge as I had made a minor change and was not sure how to do this automatically. Thanks for making the changes.
Not at this time.
Patch added.