new MR available
Which updates the previous one:
- Use the daisyUI logo/icon
- Delete the extra files that "needed renaming" - not actually needed
- Fix the Regions and libraries
- Remove not needed files ... empty or inherited from the base theme.
- Emptied generated CSS file.
- Update README file - simplify the process + remove older Drupal info.
I could generate an working theme just with
php core/scripts/drupal generate-theme my_daisyui_theme --starterkit ui_suite_daisyui_starterkit --path themes/custom
npm install
npm run build
or npm run dev
solving bot patching issue ... MR updated with latest 11.x
Created a MR with new uid option for import only using the account_switcher service.
I tested within a project doing Migrate Source CSV dependant migration imports, using ECA Models to control different entities data.
And it worked as expected.
Needs review ... for now ... to get some feedback.
Do we need also for other "commands"?
Note: For ECA models "alteration" this could also achieved, but currently the option is to have the user set for all models ...
Also it seems the issue was previously for an older version, so initially I created a "bad" branch
which seems I can't delete it
vasike → changed the visibility of the branch 3134245-run-drush-imports-uid-option to hidden.
@daniele.chiminelli Could you please, make sure you have also the relationship set for the Title field to be displayed.
Maybe you need to Add new Title field just for this relationship ...
This module it uses its own fields set.
it should work ... imho.
This could achieved with the "proposal" from ✨ Translate Action for Content Translation module Active
@jurgenhaas already checked ... but more tests and feedback could help.
Added as related issue.
This could achieved with the "proposal" from ✨ Image Style Action plugin for image files Active
Of course make sure the Image Style uses imageapi_optimize ... properly.
Added as related issue.
This could achieved with the "proposal" from ✨ Image Style Action plugin for image files Active
Added as related issue.
Updates on the MR and issue summary ... support for generate Derivatives ...
p.s. there could be issues for action access because of file access issues like
File entity update is allowed only for user who has uploaded the file
MR available - first attempt
For start:
- What's not clear?
- What's missing?
- Naming (for classes/action) - this big one topic
- What's next
@sgourebi and it's merged
however, I couldn't replicate this, even tried to include in testing ... but no luck ...
but as I said, it won't hurt and it's good to have.
thanks a lot.
p.s. please "do not RTBC your own solutions" ... as a practice/habit ...
it seems there were some tests in an issue patch by @quietone (#59)
And I applied (partially) and cleaned up ... the hook removed as it has already tests + I don't think the hooks should return "values".
However, now it seems the MR has a failure which I don't think it's related.
And I can't replicate locally.
So the MR (#74 approach) works and solve this kind of issues.
However, I did pushed some updates for fixing the tests ... And those updates indicates the solution do not seem right or complete, at least.
interfering with exception MigrateSkipRowException->saveToMap
Then I reverted those changes and "extended" SourcePluginBase
with a new property to be aware of saveToMap
and to have control for "non-saving cases".
Now we should add proper tests for this issue/solution cases.
Of course if this trick would be considered "OK".
Temporary on Needs Review
vasike → made their first commit to this issue’s fork.
MR Updates:
- Align with latest 11.x - solve conflicts
- MR review - suggestions updates.
- MR Review - OOP hook update.
For now ... on Needs Review
Should we put it back on RTBC, instead?
@berdir thanks a lot for your thoughts, but, please, allow me to disagree
We have in core:
- Add/Create Translation API - but no Action for it
- There is hook for this - updated the MR with testing on it.
This "proposal" is using mostly Core API, except the translation source thing, which seems that needs Content Translation module
My question
Do we want "CTools/Entity API" approaches, not to mention things like CCK/Views/i18n and related "era"
So, imho, the core should provide CORE solutions for its API, not to have, again, extra modules to "complete" a basic Drupal project.
@sgourebi thanks a lot for reporting this and also for the MR and patch.
The code definitely won't hurt and it's good to have.
Even I can't replicate it.
However, some questions/things:
1. Why 2.0.0 version? and not latest?
2. How could you "achieve" this? Is it about an old View - updated/re-edited?
3. Once you have solution please change the status of issue, so other people know to check that solution.
4. If you won't work on the solution/issue, please "un-assign" the issue
Thanks again
p.s. I updated the status, accordingly ...
I put as Fixed, and not duplicate as @the_glitch code looks similar with the solution and it was about the same time with the other issue solutions.
So credits also to @the_glitch ...
actually this is already in and it's a duplicate ✨ Submit query on selection Fixed
even the code seems similar ... if not the same
Gitlab CI said OK ... also some local testing ... merged -> fixed.
and there is the MR ... Green
@dieterholvoet thanks man and sorry
... I was sure i merged this one ... as I solved the conflicts ... after my other updates.
probably I got lost ... chasing several issues and MRs and commits and so on ... as it seems the module needed some updates/attention.
and all because of your MR that revealed there are issues.
now it should be merged/fixed.
thanks again
could we update this issue with more details, starting with title, issue summary ... also some screenshot, I think, would help here.
added the tags for this.
@emircan erkul thanks a lot for point this out and for the MR
I think this was covered by the updates
Updates on GitLab CI and Fix any issues
and MRs became empty ... so closing
and it's merged ... cleaner code ... at least.
and it's merged ... cleaner code ... at least.
Mr available and "green"
the MR looks right ... but the module has tests ... this mean a new feature, or just an issue code solution should be covered also by tests
@max-kuzomko Could you, please, provide more details?
Is it about having multiple Views in the same page with Exposed Filters and Autocompletes?
indeed, we need first the Green back for the the MRs ...
@dieterholvoet Thanks a lot and maybe you could also check the related issue and solved the tests.
closing this.
And we have MR ... which passed and it was merged into dev ...
So we can move forward with other MRs/efforts/issues.
Updates on MR:
- Fix Dependent filters js error - old/bad code
- CleanUp Dependent filters js - use existing core/misc/autocomplete.js
- not duplicate all of them if it's not custom - for better maintainability
- Rename Dependent filters and Autosubmit libraries and js to work with latest Drupal Core.
This was/is the most tricky part ... There are changes in Core about Optimize the usage of libraries, their dependencies and even order (weights)
As the weights will be deprecated in the next Drupal versions
I used the naming for controlling the order:
Js files re-naming
s/views-autocomplete-filters-dependent.js → js/1-dependent.js
js/views-autocomplete-filters-autosubmit.js → js/2-autosubmit.js
Libraries renaming
drupal.views-autocomplete-filters-dependent → 1-dependent
drupal.views-autocomplete-filters-autosubmit → 2-autosubmit
I'll keep this issue open for a while, as there could be more things to be done?
- there are still issues, or some new
- Change Records for the changes - if needed.
After some investigations it seems the issues are related with the custom js libraries for Dependent filters and Autosubmit options.
And it's not only the tests, they're broken in the "real world"
I'll try to update the issue info with the discoveries.
@berdir initially I was using CreateTranslationAction
as naming ... maybe it's closer to the "truth"
But then I thought on other cases/options ... for example "Reset" Translation if exists, ro use the source to override/start over the translation.
I mentioned in my first comment some "topics", including naming/missing/follow-ups
For now I updated the title and the summary "terminology" ... not to confuse people, there will be translated content - ready to use/publish.
@smustgrave it's not the same ... it should be clear from issue summary - User interface changes section
So this is about missing those options ... the other issue it's about their actually filtering ...
Anyway updated the MR with latest 11.x and also checked the tests ... they fail without the fix.
So I think this should be back on track.
oh ... this is much more than outdated ... ancient
vasike → changed the visibility of the branch 3502139-gemini-api-error to hidden.
@smustgrave thanks a lot for the review ... all should be addressed. closed the threads
Anyway I was working to extend the Tests for existing implementation and found some issue that should be fixed now.
Fix MR conflicts and PHP CS ...
also put some comment on moderation code there ... It seems it tries to uses OpenAI provider "code".
(Kernel) Tests added
I think this will automatically become available once the google will let it be available for "all" API "integrators" as Gemini 2.0 Flash was available in the next day after announcement.
p.s. Please check the latest dev version ... till the next release ...
The issue I found about AI assistant that AI module "provides" the assistant
role for "messages"
I think this will solved by ✨ Add Embedding capabilities Active 's MR
So if you could check this change
is solving AI assistant integration
@jibla and MR conflicts solved ... + the Gitlab CI helped us to solve CS issues on this MR :D
I think it's done here
... and I also think we're ready for new release ... at least beta depends on naming ...
thanks for the support
There is first draft ... using the working code from a project ...
Using VBO ... as it will work out of the box - for Configurable Action
However this could easily tested by importing this kind of Action ... check on Admin content for Multilingual site
langcode: en
status: true
- content_translation
id: translate_content_item
label: 'Translate content item'
type: node
plugin: 'entity:translate_action:node'
source_langcode: en
fr: fr
ro: ro
For start:
- What's not clear?
- What's missing?
- Naming (for classes/action) - this big one topic
- What's next (before testing)
Put on Needs Review ... till we have some feedback so we could put on Needs Work.
Usually the module name is used for its settings/config name ... so not sure about changing the config name ...
Maybe if this is something that it's expected by AI APIs.
However this MR brings nice update to use CONSTant for the settings ...
maybe we could have an interface .. GeminiProviderConfigInterface
that could re-used in the module ...
just saying
Updated the MR with the with "official" Gemini logo previously provided here - in the issue.
@jibla MR updated, is it ok?
@mrdalesmith as described in the issue and my comments
I intentionally Increased (at least temporary for the MR) the PHPStan level 2
Just to check the issue was solved .. not present in PHPStan issue.
So I updated the MR - rebased and removed the PHPStan level 2 change ..
For "results" please check the previous mentioned related issue and its MR pipeline.
Created a proposal MR with even smaller size - another compression done to the previous.
So from around 35Kb originally to 5.4Kb ... the size "looks acceptable.
But now ... what about the "drawing"? is it clear enough?
Are there other ideas, proposals, variants?
MR created following the issue description plan
- Update the GitLab CI Setup - Do not allow code with CS errors
- Fix PHPCS issues
- Fix PHPStan issues
- Fix Cspell issues
However there still some issue with PHPStan from AI.
I created an issue there
PHPStan Issues - from methods docs vars "typos" - Parameter x of method y has invalid type - Drupal\ai\Operation\zzzz.
and also provided a MR for those things.
Till that issue is solved ... we could let PHPStan allow the errors ... not to block other issues and the progress on this module
And also have a "cleaner/standard" code.
There is an example of those issues/errors
Fix CS warnings/errors for GitLab CI pipelines
and its MR
Created a MR for this
Extra: Align StreamedChatMessageIterator iterator type with its Interface.
This affects all StreamedChatMessageIterator - missing "getIterator" ...
Anyway - the level 2 for PHPStan - seems to strict for the current dev state.
So, please, let me know when I could revert ... or please feel free to revert that change.
vasike → created an issue.
MR available ... Needs Review
Here is a "playing-around" logo proposal
p.s. is this about project browser project logo?
if yes, could we add this info to the issue, also?
Created new MR
As the first one ... i think it was no ok (at least)
Currently - Empty Stop Sequences Input
with MR
I can't replicate this anymore .. I remember it happened
And the patched solved the issue (in the past)
If Anyone could share a replicable View config for this ... so maybe it could be used for tests
Some updates for MR
- Coding Standards changes - as reported in the MR threads
Btw - I have no idea why MR didn't say anything about those issues.
+ Update for the thread about ConfigTranslationEntityDisplayListBuilder
inheritance, added extra class to share with existing ConfigTranslationFieldListBuilder
... instead of a "direct one"
still things to do ...
@jibla ... of right ... sorry .. I just missed
I was working on my changes ... this included ... but I did my self not using the MR
updated the MR ... I hope we're good to go ... for now Needs Review
sorry again ...
MR updates:
- Updated with the latest 11.x branch - as there were some "deprecated" Tests failures + not losing the track
- Solve PHPCS / PHPStan / cspell (new) errors reported.
- Closing old threads - updates/changes already committed for them.
However there are some failures for Tests, but doesn't seem related with the MR changes/updates.
Any news about a "Designer" to look into this ... So we could also do the other Updates: MR updates, Summary Updates and Change Record(s).
Created a Draft MR for this ... trying to cover issue description ... as I could imagined.
However not sure about:
- Not All Combination of Category - Thresholds works ... and from documentation is not clear if there is a mapping or some rules
Also if they different per Model in Use.
As results - a lot of "combinations" tried throws errors ...
- If those safety settings should be at the Provider level ... or they should be at the "usage" level ... where actually the "request" are built/"prepared".
- Maybe, also the PHP client library should provide more on this "subject".
I'll set on Needs Review - temporarily - just ot gain some attention and find a plan for this - at least.
@jibla is this duplicate of
Problems generating alt text from uploaded images
then we can close this as duplicate
or is it about what @merilainen mentioned text to image model - not available at this moment ...
then add more info and postpone ... till gemini provides the model api ...
And we have MR for this ... so Needs Review
The issue is that the Chat models implementation do no send (uploaded) images data - missing implementation.
Indeed this is missing.
Indeed ... I think the issue it's on Gemini PHP client who do not build properly the config - GenerationConfig
expect at least empty array for this ... maybe it should like other configs, optional
I created a MR using '1'
as default value and/or use ['1']
is the input for this config is left empty from UI.
Sorry ... I missed this ... created another one with solution ... which now seems to be in RTBC
Add Embedding capabilities
So closing this as duplicate.
MR available ... so Nees Review
First attempt / MR available ...
and I was able to get into/from Milvus Vector DB ... so Needs Review.
MR available .. so Need Review
p.s. maybe orphansDisable
should be updated in terms of commands options/arguments.