Ramnicu Valcea
Account created on 22 June 2007, about 17 years ago
  • Senior Drupal Developer at FFW 

Merge Requests


Recent comments

🇷🇴Romania vasike Ramnicu Valcea

let's have https://www.drupal.org/project/drupal/issues/3427095 🌱 [Meta] Deprecate text_with_summary Active linked ... at least

🇷🇴Romania vasike Ramnicu Valcea

Updated the MR - fix tests. made it green

I think this was in "Needs Review"

About the latest comments ... it's NOT only about the body field.... it's a generic solution for all text with summary fields.
Maybe the confusion is from tests ... that uses the already existing body field.

🇷🇴Romania vasike Ramnicu Valcea

@Emircan Erkul thanks for the issue and patch

2 things

1. 8.1.x is not maintained anymore, you should use/update to 2.0.x
2. Only MRs will be considered, as now we have the gitlab CI
So could you, please, open a MR for 2.0.x ... you could also include other returns types, for the other methods ...

thank you

🇷🇴Romania vasike Ramnicu Valcea

I tried to address the threads and also applied the suggestions.
Unfortunately I can't run FunctionalJavascript tests locally on 11.x ...
For the other things maybe there will be someone to help here.

🇷🇴Romania vasike Ramnicu Valcea

there is no sorting ... it's just bad PHP naming flag ... SORT_XXX instead of an explicit ARRAY_ITEMS_COMPARISON_TYPE_XXX flag constant name

🇷🇴Romania vasike Ramnicu Valcea

vasike changed the visibility of the branch 2118743-twig-debug-output to hidden.

🇷🇴Romania vasike Ramnicu Valcea

This branch has no future as it's not really D10 compliant and all next devs will going to happen in the new versions ...

🇷🇴Romania vasike Ramnicu Valcea

@alexpott thanks a lot for the support and guidance and patience.
and for solution

i think it's RTBC

🇷🇴Romania vasike Ramnicu Valcea

@alexpott simplified as much as I could. I hope it's ok.

🇷🇴Romania vasike Ramnicu Valcea

MR updated withe extra methods for overriding

Is it too much?

I thought maybe there could be other image styles for standard_responsive_images

🇷🇴Romania vasike Ramnicu Valcea

I would say there could be positive things like do not run module installer and rebuildContainer if not needed
and maybe it could help with others todo in StandardRecipeTest

but we'll see

🇷🇴Romania vasike Ramnicu Valcea

What i could find here was to "hack" a little \Drupal\Tests\standard\Functional\StandardTest
Not sure how "hacky" it is ... but maybe will help to find cleanest solution to share the test code between Standard profile and recipe.

🇷🇴Romania vasike Ramnicu Valcea

vasike changed the visibility of the branch 2916876-10.1.x to hidden.

🇷🇴Romania vasike Ramnicu Valcea

I updated the MR
- Revert BlockVisibilityForm to ajax button version as tests expected
- And some cleanup

So, we should have an 11.x MR working ... which should be used for the solution

Also hiding all the patches. We should work only on the current MR.

Unfortunately the mix of patches (mostly without interdiff) and MRs "slowed down" the progress here ... imho

🇷🇴Romania vasike Ramnicu Valcea

It seems the gitlab it's back in business.
But the latest MR for 10.x got "dirty" from the mix of patches and MR updates attempt ... this means also the new 11.x MR is not in the "best shape".
So for start we need to review again all the updates and put it back on track.

🇷🇴Romania vasike Ramnicu Valcea

vasike changed the visibility of the branch 2916876-ajax-condition-form to hidden.

🇷🇴Romania vasike Ramnicu Valcea

vasike changed the visibility of the branch 2916876-add-visibility-control to hidden.

🇷🇴Romania vasike Ramnicu Valcea

vasike changed the visibility of the branch 2916876-add-visibility-control-9-5 to hidden.

🇷🇴Romania vasike Ramnicu Valcea

vasike changed the visibility of the branch 2916876-11.x to hidden.

🇷🇴Romania vasike Ramnicu Valcea

vasike changed the visibility of the branch 2916876-add-visibility-control-11.x to active.

🇷🇴Romania vasike Ramnicu Valcea

I created new branch for 11.x as the previous one seems not clean enough ... it contains other commits ...

Also included some fixes for CS, PHPStan, CSS ...

However it seems the drupal gitlab doesn't like this branch
There are issues creatina and running pipelines and also latest failed to create new MR

I'm putting on Needs Review as the MR should be (created and ) Green.

🇷🇴Romania vasike Ramnicu Valcea

@longwave thank you for the "guidance"
Also @SoulReceiver comments helped.
i remembered some things about this issue.

indeed the previous tests added tried for the related issue which actually solved this specific case when we have multiple "Has taxonomy term" filters.
And this multiple uses will bring "LEFT JOIN" from the second filter .. which means the tests will pass anyway.

The trick ... having the second taxonomy filter as "field filter". It still uses the "taxonomy_index_tid" filter plugin so, I think we're still in the right place and (+) it adds and extra test for taxonomy fields.
Also removed some tests that weren't that relevant here.


I'm more than aware it's not the perfect/complete solution for the fix ... but at least it could save the day.
To save the (Views Filter Grouping) Universe ... I think another issue is needed ... starting maybe with some kernel tests about those FIlters GROUPING JOINS.

p.s. Views and tests needs a lot of efforts ... still

🇷🇴Romania vasike Ramnicu Valcea

It seems the changes for this issue were not included in the related issue commits.

So i re-opened the MR and added the tests code from there.
i think we are back to review.

🇷🇴Romania vasike Ramnicu Valcea

ended by merging both of MRs ... it happens
now it can be used in D11 ...

🇷🇴Romania vasike Ramnicu Valcea

solution now in 2.x version
queue clean-up

🇷🇴Romania vasike Ramnicu Valcea

edge case
queue clean-up

🇷🇴Romania vasike Ramnicu Valcea

answer provided ....
queue clean-up

🇷🇴Romania vasike Ramnicu Valcea

Duplicate Views known issue ...
queue clean-up

🇷🇴Romania vasike Ramnicu Valcea

The automated patch needs a little clean up. Drupal version should start with 10 ...

🇷🇴Romania vasike Ramnicu Valcea

indeed ... missed to include the change in the previous commit

🇷🇴Romania vasike Ramnicu Valcea

MR threads addressed.

🇷🇴Romania vasike Ramnicu Valcea

it seems we need to hide the patch from #185
back to previous Status ... RTBC

🇷🇴Romania vasike Ramnicu Valcea

- Logo created
- Logo added to the project page
- MR available.

🇷🇴Romania vasike Ramnicu Valcea

Tests added that covers this ... so we should be covered.
+ New release which includes this ... so Fixed.

🇷🇴Romania vasike Ramnicu Valcea

MR passed and merged
+ Added follow-up issue https://www.drupal.org/project/views_autocomplete_filters/issues/3430426 📌 Complete module tests Active

I think we can close it.

🇷🇴Romania vasike Ramnicu Valcea

MR available

Implement ViewsAutocompleteFiltersTest Functional Javascript tests,
trying to cover all (usual) possible cases, except "Allow Contextual filters to apply to this filter" option,
As I'm not sure how to replicate the solution from https://www.drupal.org/project/views_autocomplete_filters/issues/3259438 Not working with contextual filters Fixed .

No Kernel or Functional tests ... maybe in a follow-up.

🇷🇴Romania vasike Ramnicu Valcea

vasike created an issue.

🇷🇴Romania vasike Ramnicu Valcea

Solved conflicts and also new CS issues
However it seems there are other things going on for CI
As the new Validatable config job ... which, of course it fails

Probably this should be covered by a child issue
https://www.drupal.org/project/drupal/issues/2869792 🌱 [meta] Add constraints to all config entity types Active
... which seems ... missing
"Not ideal ... to be polite"

I put the issue for Review ... just to gain some attention
As the feeling is that it could become stalled ... as original ... for other years.

p.s. also linked those issues ... maybe there we could have more awareness

🇷🇴Romania vasike Ramnicu Valcea

I would make duplicate of https://www.drupal.org/project/views_autocomplete_filters/issues/3393550 Bug when using contrib module Realname Needs work
As i think we could join forces to have something that could be used to integrate with other modules.

And we could add there examples for this case in hooks api file.

🇷🇴Romania vasike Ramnicu Valcea

and MR merged ... now the autosubmit should be available in the latest dev version

composer require 'drupal/views_autocomplete_filters:2.0.x-dev@dev'

Leave the issue in Needs review - for now - to get some feedback for the "results".

thanks to all for the efforts on this.

🇷🇴Romania vasike Ramnicu Valcea

MR available - created from previous patches ... thanks to all
+ some small updates and made it green.

🇷🇴Romania vasike Ramnicu Valcea

And merged ... i think now there is a solution for contextual filters
Many thanks to @venugopp and @Jeff Cardwell.

closing - queue clean-up.

🇷🇴Romania vasike Ramnicu Valcea

MR available ... from previous patches ... thanks.

🇷🇴Romania vasike Ramnicu Valcea

It's a known issue if we have duplicate values.

I'm afraid the patches here could not be considered here.
As it's not desired to make a query for "millions" of results ... which actually is possible if the limit is empty.
But if someone decides a limit is needed ... then query limit is desired.

However we could:
- Add info to project about this https://www.drupal.org/project/views_autocomplete_filters/issues/3387912... 🌱 Module Documentation and infos Active
- And maybe try to have this altering solution ... maybe it could help in such cases
https://www.drupal.org/project/views_autocomplete_filters/issues/3393550 Bug when using contrib module Realname Needs work

🇷🇴Romania vasike Ramnicu Valcea

update version ... and waiting for core

🇷🇴Romania vasike Ramnicu Valcea

i can't replicate this ...i tried (even) with ajax enabled and Paragraphs ... no errors

of course with the "current" Drupal (10.2) and latest dev version of the module.

so I\m closing for now ... as clean-up queue.
Please feel free to re-open if "it's the case".

Also added the Drupal core issue mentioned here ... which "sounds" like duplicate.

🇷🇴Romania vasike Ramnicu Valcea

this sounds like an "edge case" ... more info and examples and participants could help here.

just updating the issue - not to be "lost again" ... clean-up queue.

🇷🇴Romania vasike Ramnicu Valcea

i would wait for core solution first - clean-up queue.

🇷🇴Romania vasike Ramnicu Valcea

still not clear here. maybe someone could add new feedback here.

could be related with https://www.drupal.org/project/views_autocomplete_filters/issues/3117099 📌 Incompatibility with search autocomplete module Fixed ?

🇷🇴Romania vasike Ramnicu Valcea

This module does not provide "text processors" ... so this is out of scope.

BUT, this could be achieved with Search API Views for SearchApiFulltext filters.

a quick search for "drupal search api views"

🇷🇴Romania vasike Ramnicu Valcea

is it still happen witth the latest version?

🇷🇴Romania vasike Ramnicu Valcea

and merged
thanks a lot @Manuel Garcia ... sorry for delay ;)

🇷🇴Romania vasike Ramnicu Valcea

it seems the core issue was "done" some time ago ... so maybe we could clean-up here.

update the branch and I'll create a MR as the patch doesn't apply anymore.

🇷🇴Romania vasike Ramnicu Valcea

It needs Drupal Views Link Url property field implementation - which is out of scope for this module
However keep it here as maybe someone will provide some info.
... cleanup the queue.

🇷🇴Romania vasike Ramnicu Valcea

This looks like duplicate of
https://www.drupal.org/project/views_autocomplete_filters/issues/3259438 Not working with contextual filters Fixed

... cleanup the queue.

🇷🇴Romania vasike Ramnicu Valcea

I think we still need something done in core ... cleanup the queue.

🇷🇴Romania vasike Ramnicu Valcea

I couldn't reproduced - cleanup the queue.

🇷🇴Romania vasike Ramnicu Valcea

closing as there were no new valuable info added and it couldn't be reproduced.
+ cleanup the queue.

🇷🇴Romania vasike Ramnicu Valcea

I think this should be part of https://www.drupal.org/project/views_autocomplete_filters/issues/3259438 Not working with contextual filters Fixed

So closing as "duplicate" - cleanup the queue.

🇷🇴Romania vasike Ramnicu Valcea

- Add related issue
- Update the version
- Update category ... it's a feature request.
- And postponed ... till the related issue has a solution.

🇷🇴Romania vasike Ramnicu Valcea

closing as there were no new valuable info added and it couldn't be reproduced.

🇷🇴Romania vasike Ramnicu Valcea

CSpell green (passed) - MR merged

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