- Issue created by @vasike
- 🇷🇴Romania vasike Ramnicu Valcea
After some investigations it seems the issues are related with the custom js libraries for Dependent filters and Autosubmit options.
And it's not only the tests, they're broken in the "real world"I'll try to update the issue info with the discoveries.
- 🇷🇴Romania vasike Ramnicu Valcea
And we have MR ... which passed and it was merged into dev ...
So we can move forward with other MRs/efforts/issues.Updates on MR:
- Fix Dependent filters js error - old/bad code
- CleanUp Dependent filters js - use existingcore/misc/autocomplete.js
- not duplicate all of them if it's not custom - for better maintainability
- Rename Dependent filters and Autosubmit libraries and js to work with latest Drupal Core.
This was/is the most tricky part ... There are changes in Core about Optimize the usage of libraries, their dependencies and even order (weights)
As the weights will be deprecated in the next Drupal versions
I used the naming for controlling the order:Js files re-naming
j s/views-autocomplete-filters-dependent.js → js/1-dependent.js js/views-autocomplete-filters-autosubmit.js → js/2-autosubmit.js
Libraries renaming
drupal.views-autocomplete-filters-dependent → 1-dependent drupal.views-autocomplete-filters-autosubmit → 2-autosubmit
I'll keep this issue open for a while, as there could be more things to be done?
- there are still issues, or some new
- Change Records for the changes - if needed.