Autocomplete in Views Autocomplete Filters Shows Incorrect Titles for field_cliente

Created on 5 March 2025, 6 days ago


When using the Views Autocomplete Filters module in a view that displays "Rapportini", the autocomplete suggestions are showing the titles of the "Rapportini" nodes instead of the titles of the referenced "Commessa" nodes. This behavior prevents users from finding the correct "Commessa" by name, as the suggestions do not reflect the intended referenced entity.

Steps to reproduce

  1. Create a view for the "Rapportini" content type, which includes an entity reference field named field_commessa pointing to the "Commessa" content type.
  2. Add a relationship in the view that links the "Rapportini" to the "Commessa" entity via field_commessa.
  3. Add an exposed filter for the "Title" field of the "Commessa", ensuring that the relationship is applied.
  4. Enable and configure the Views Autocomplete Filters module for this exposed filter.
  5. Test the autocomplete by typing in the filter field on the view page.

Observation: The autocomplete suggestions display the titles of the "Rapportini" nodes rather than the titles of the "Commessa" nodes.

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Comments & Activities

  • Issue created by @daniele.chiminelli
  • 🇷🇎Romania vasike Ramnicu Valcea

    @daniele.chiminelli Could you please, make sure you have also the relationship set for the Title field to be displayed.
    Maybe you need to Add new Title field just for this relationship ...

    This module it uses its own fields set.

    it should work ... imho.

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