Account created on 29 September 2011, almost 13 years ago

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🇫🇷France DrDam

You can check : Support multiple crop variants per URI and crop type Needs work

or the media_contextual_crop collection

🇫🇷France DrDam

I agreed for breaking the loop for performance issues.
If the style have 5 effects and if the crop are the first, there are no use to check all others.

🇫🇷France DrDam

Check 🐛 Can't delete a crop type Needs review in order to purge and delete all crop entities

🇫🇷France DrDam

Waiting ImageWidgetCrop Drupal 11 release

🇫🇷France DrDam

@oskar_calvo : 

- on your host entity (node), you add an "reference field" => 'media with contextual modifications" field and in the form_mode choose "media library extra"

- on the media entity, select IWC as the widget of image field.

I have update documentation that's way

🇫🇷France DrDam

add an illustration about to choose Media Library Media Modify field

🇫🇷France DrDam

Did you reproduice the bug with the 2.4 or 2.x version ?

🇫🇷France DrDam


I attache a patch which add a "flush action".

🇫🇷France DrDam


I think I've found a solution that I think is ‘simpler’ (less intrusive and based on what the core does in generating thumbnails).

The main idea is to retrieve the code from the ImageStyleDownloadController::deliver :

    // Don't try to generate file if source is missing.
    if (!$this->sourceImageExists($image_uri, $token_is_valid)) {
      // If the image style converted the extension, it has been added to the
      // original file, resulting in filenames like image.png.jpeg. So to find
      // the actual source image, we remove the extension and check if that
      // image exists.
      $path_info = pathinfo(StreamWrapperManager::getTarget($image_uri));
      $converted_image_uri = sprintf('%s://%s%s%s', $this->streamWrapperManager->getScheme($derivative_uri), $path_info['dirname'], DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $path_info['filename']);
      if (!$this->sourceImageExists($converted_image_uri, $token_is_valid)) {

and inject this controle in the crop::getCropFromImageStyleId method

🇫🇷France DrDam

All right, we'll proceed as it.

🇫🇷France DrDam

@sickness29 :
In fact, it's a limitation of the Crop Entity it self.

I actually have a real use case for this type (particularly when you want to render several versions of the image via responsive).

- You can define 2 distinct image styles: "16-9-large" and "16-9-thumbnail" (both using the same "16-9" CROP-TYPE). The difference is in the dimensions displayed (one 1k px wide, the other x00 px wide).
- You can render the image in the 2 styles separately (using the image formatter or using responsives images).
- For ALL the other styles, you can choose an area of interest different to that of 16-9 CROP-TYPE (That's main adventage in frontof focal-point).
- But if your 2 images use the same type of CROP, you can no longer have 2 different aera of interest (one for each style).

The "classic method" for handling this case consists of creating a CROP-TYPE for each variant of the "same CROP-TYPE" (on for the "16-9-large" and another for "16-9-thumbnail"), and finally have a CROP-TYPE for each image style that uses a CROP.

What is the point of distinguishing the CROP-TYPE from the image style if the global solution are to have a 1-1 relation ?

🇫🇷France DrDam

I understand the use-case, but I think it will be the subjet of another module, because the goal of the solution are really a "field-located-control" and all the design are made this way.

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