Account created on 29 March 2011, about 13 years ago
  • CTO at Carwebs 
  • Senior Drupal Developer (secondment) at iO 
  • Drupal Consultant at Finlet 

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🇳🇱Netherlands ricovandevin

A combination of

    - claro/claro.drupal.dialog
    - gin/dialog

to force the dialog CSS to be loaded independent of how the cache was filled and the patch from #10 to force the CSS variables to be loaded provides an acceptable workaround for this issue.

For the long term solution I'd prefer a proper opt-in or opt-out for using the Gin dialog styling for both users with and without permission to see the Gin toolbar. In my opinion the styling should always be the same in both cases for consistency. I think I have a slight preference for an opt-in as it feels bit weird that enabling a toolbar module has an effect on dialog styling. On the other hand I think the Gin toolbar styling is much prettier without any doubt. :-)

🇳🇱Netherlands ricovandevin

I have applied the patch and it seems to do what it needs to do. A nonce is calculated, passed in drupalSettings and applied to the GTM script. At least, I see a nonce attribute appearing. But I cannot check the value (also see comment #12). I can also see that injected scripts have nonce attributes, at least some of them. But my browser complains that it cannot execute the injected inline scripts. While I can also see the nonce being part of the directive in the CSP.

Any clues about what can be the issue?

🇳🇱Netherlands ricovandevin

Happy to accept patches for this.

🇳🇱Netherlands ricovandevin

You definitely need to load the appropriate CSS in your frontend theme if you are using layouts provided by Drupal core. See

Make sure the classes added by the layouts are also defined in the CSS of your front end theme.

🇳🇱Netherlands ricovandevin

The CKEditor 5 plugin for CKEditor Layouts has been rewritten in 2.1.0. We now explicitly add a P tag in every region of the layout when converting the layout markup to the CKEditor 5 model.

🇳🇱Netherlands ricovandevin

The CKEditor 5 plugin for CKEditor Layouts has been rewritten in 2.1.0. After this rewrite I cannot reproduce this issue. Also, in the first scenario to P tag is preserved now.

🇳🇱Netherlands ricovandevin

I can confirm that the patch resolves the issue for Webform 6.2.2 and Devel 5.2.1. Also, things still work after disabling Devel Generate (which should generally be done for production websites).

🇳🇱Netherlands ricovandevin

This is not a Swagger UI thing but something in the JSON:API integration for OpenAPI. See Hide POST, PUT, and DELETE endpoints when JSON:API is configured to be read-only Needs work .

🇳🇱Netherlands ricovandevin

Patch from #29 seems to work fine. Leaving status to Needs work until we have a green test result. Queued patch for retest.

🇳🇱Netherlands ricovandevin

I thought I stumbled upon this issue too. But after trying some other options I finally discovered that I made a mistake in composer.json. After fixing that mistake it works as designed. According to the instructions in the docs. So this seems a "works as designed" to me. But setting the issue status to "maintainer needs more info" to allow for providing more information on specific cases in which it does not work.

🇳🇱Netherlands ricovandevin

ricovandevin made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇳🇱Netherlands ricovandevin

Patch #8 does not apply. Patch #9 breaks the whole player as it generated faulty HTML.

🇳🇱Netherlands ricovandevin

I have contacted @joelpittet to see if we can get something merged so that we can proceed with this.

🇳🇱Netherlands ricovandevin

ricovandevin made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇳🇱Netherlands ricovandevin

I can confirm that before applying the patch from #4 the options 'limit', 'offset' and 'title' could not be enabled (their values in the config were set to 0) and after applying this patch they can be enabled (again).

🇳🇱Netherlands ricovandevin

MR adds config fields for the edit and delete warning messages. It also adds two tokens that can be used the display then entity's bundle name and the URL to the usage page for the entity (the version with the tabs).

Patch attached for Composer based workflows.

🇳🇱Netherlands ricovandevin

What I have also noticed is that the link in the message is going to the entity_usage.usage_list route while the local tab is going to the entity.$entity_type_id.entity_usage route. The former does not show the other tabs for the entity and the link opens in a new browser tab making it hard to browse back.

🇳🇱Netherlands ricovandevin

The MR aims to work for Group 2.x with backwards compatibility for Group 1.x (did not test it on 1.x). Not sure if it works for Group 3.x too. I think Group 3.x deserves it's own solution without BC for 1.x, maybe in a new major release for Quick Node Clone.

🇳🇱Netherlands ricovandevin

Patch #5 does not apply against Group 2.x. Patch #2 does not apply either and seems to be missing most of the code it should add. The approach in 🐛 Group module - Error: Class Drupal\group\Entity\GroupContent not found Needs review seems quite hacky. It seems that at this point there is no proper way to use Quick Node Clone with Group 2.x.

🇳🇱Netherlands ricovandevin

Closer investigation learns that this is coming from a patch in 📌 More contexts needed Needs work .

🇳🇱Netherlands ricovandevin

ricovandevin changed the visibility of the branch 3406840-grouproutecontenttrait-still-uses to hidden.

🇳🇱Netherlands ricovandevin

I think this actually depends on both the layout plugin and the theme and it is not something we can influence. If the layout plugin defines a library, it will be loaded. If one needs CKEditor to be styled in the frontend theme one needs to take care of this themselves. See for how this works differently for CKEditor 5 is compared to CKEditor 4.

🇳🇱Netherlands ricovandevin

Released version 2.0.0 with CKEditor 5 support.

🇳🇱Netherlands ricovandevin

This fix is included in Mollie for Drupal 2.2.0. Users who already upgraded to version 3.x-dev for Drupal 10 compatibility are urged to downgrade to 2.2.0 at least until an alpha or beta version of version 3.0.0 is released. All currently published changes in 3.x-dev are included in 2.2.0 too.

🇳🇱Netherlands ricovandevin

This fix is included in Mollie for Drupal 2.2.0. Users who already upgraded to version 3.x-dev for Drupal 10 compatibility are urged to downgrade to 2.2.0 at least until an alpha or beta version of version 3.0.0 is released. All currently published changes in 3.x-dev are included in 2.2.0 too.

🇳🇱Netherlands ricovandevin

Mollie for Ubercart is deprecated and will be removed in 3.x as Ubercart is not supported anymore after Drupal 8 according to the project page ( ).

Mollie Customers API is to be handled separately to keep things clean.

🇳🇱Netherlands ricovandevin

As Mollie for Drupal 3.0 will also contain architectural changes we have decided to make 2.2 Drupal 10 compatible first.

🇳🇱Netherlands ricovandevin

As Mollie for Drupal 3.0 will also contain architectural changes we have decided to make 2.2 Drupal 10 compatible first.

🇳🇱Netherlands ricovandevin

This is indeed taken care of in [##3288709].

🇳🇱Netherlands ricovandevin

@johathan_hunt This was probably causes by the fact that the modulo calculation in \Drupal\facets_range_dropdowns\Plugin\facets\processor\RangeProcessor::getMinMax() was not working for for floating point step sizes that give a 0 when converted to integer (which then leads to a division by zero error). In 🐛 Count only includes results that exactly match the value Active the simple module calculation (%) has been replaced with floating point module calculation (fmod()). I expect that to fix this issue too. Can you confirm?

🇳🇱Netherlands ricovandevin

For us it also does not work when the local uses a custom path (sites/site-name/files) while the remote uses the default path (sites/default/files). This is caused by the fact that the check done is not empty() but !empty(), probably by accident. This makes that the $remote_file_dir is always set to the $file_dir if a custom origin dir is configured. The change in the MR for this issue fixes this case too.

🇳🇱Netherlands ricovandevin

Updated the MR. Had to "get push access" first.

There are two lines in which definitions are loaded. Replaced both by the filtered version. Patch attached for use with Composer.

🇳🇱Netherlands ricovandevin

I was a bit too fast on this. The patch in #22 is not solving the issue. Must have missed a cache rebuild when testing this earlier.

🇳🇱Netherlands ricovandevin

just a pointer into that direction ;)

@Anybody It absolutely pointer me in the direction of getFilteredDefinitions()! :-)

Apparently I cannot edit the MR. So hereby a patch that makes getSortedDefinitions() use the getFilteredDefinitions() method.

🇳🇱Netherlands ricovandevin

It seems as like the LayoutPluginManager (DI-injected by $container->get('plugin.manager.core.layout'),) is entirely missing FilteredPluginManagerTrait, so that its alterations are never being called:

This is not entirely true. The plugin manager uses FilteredPluginManagerTrait but the getSortedDefinitions() method that is indirectly called from getLayoutOptions() does not use the getFilteredDefinitions() method to retrieve the layout definitions.

I will create a MR with a fix for this. But I'm not sure about unintended side effects so input from the subsystem maintainer(s) is still appreciated.

🇳🇱Netherlands ricovandevin
      $resup_file_ids = explode(',', $input['resup']);
      $resup_file_id = reset($resup_file_ids);

The above piece of code from \Drupal\file_resup\Form\FileFormAlterBase::fileValue() is the reason that the widget does not insert multiple images, even if multiple images are upload in one go.

The MR fixes both the cardinality / max files and the insertion of multiple images at once.

A patch of the MR is attached to this comment.

🇳🇱Netherlands ricovandevin

Started with the cardinality / max files. Actually inserting the newly uploaded files into the media library is still to be done.

🇳🇱Netherlands ricovandevin

Made the difference (and relation) between promotions and coupons more clear.

🇳🇱Netherlands ricovandevin

We are using the module in production for 2 years now. It works as we intended it to work. I will create a stable release for the 2.x version.

🇳🇱Netherlands ricovandevin

We are using this patch in a project for almost 2 years already. Let's assume the fix works. :-)

🇳🇱Netherlands ricovandevin

We are using this patch in a project for 2 years already. Let's assume the fix works. :-)

🇳🇱Netherlands ricovandevin

We are using this patch in a project for 2 years already. Let's assume the fix works. :-)

🇳🇱Netherlands ricovandevin

We are using this patch in a project for 2 years already. Let's assume the fix works. :-)

🇳🇱Netherlands ricovandevin

In version 1.1.0 we have removed the hard dependency on CKeditor 4. However the module does not yet contain a plugin for CKeditor 5. So it does not do anything without the CKeditor 4 contrib module at this moment. We have made that clear in the README.

🇳🇱Netherlands ricovandevin

Let's fix CKeditor 5 compatibility in another issue. CKeditor 4 can still be used in Drupal 10 via the CKeditor contrib module. I will add that module as a dependency until we have a CKeditor 5 plugin.

🇳🇱Netherlands ricovandevin

I cannot reproduce this. I can add a list inside a column in a layout without problems. This issue might have been fixed by changes in core or it might be related to specific layouts. Make sure your layout uses proper HTML.

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