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  • ๐Ÿ‡จ๐Ÿ‡ฆCanada alberto56

    For anyone looking for a way to consistently reproduce this, and a workaround if you can't or prefer not to apply the patch:

    drush si -y
    cd modules/contrib
    git clone https://git.drupalcode.org/project/linkit.git
    cd linkit
    git fetch -a
    git checkout 7.x
    drush en content_translation linkit

    * /admin/config/regional/language
    * Add Language: French
    * /admin/structure/types/manage/page
    * Languager settings: Enable translation
    * /node/add/page
    * Title: Page in English
    * Save
    * /node/1/translations
    * French: Add
    * Title: Page en franรงais
    * Save
    * /admin/structure/types/manage/page/fields/add-field
    * Label: Link, Type: Link
    * Continue
    * Save settings
    * /node/1/edit
    * Link: Url: /fr/node/1
    * Link: Link Text: View this page in French
    * Save

    You will notice now that the link links to the English version of the site.

    Here is a workaround:

    * composer require drupal/redirect
    * drush en redirect
    * /admin/config/search/redirect/add
    * source path: redirect/fr/node/1
    * to: http://www.example.com/fr/node/1 (where http://www.example.com is the full base URL of your site)
    * language: English
    * /node/1/edit
    * Link: Url: /redirect/fr/node/1

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