Account created on 14 April 2014, over 10 years ago

Merge Requests


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🇵🇱Poland lamp5 Rzeszow

Hi. Why you change:

-   * @param \Drupal\Core\Extension\ThemeHandlerInterface $themeHandler
+   * @param \Drupal\Core\Extension\ThemeHandlerInterface $theme_handler


🇵🇱Poland lamp5 Rzeszow

📌 Set up Gitlab CI Fixed merged, If you have a free time, you can go ahead with this task.

🇵🇱Poland lamp5 Rzeszow

@brulain but it is possible that you use views_bootstrap module and templates from this module causes the issues in my case.

🇵🇱Poland lamp5 Rzeszow

It is not an issue with twig_tweak nor drupal core views. The problem is caused by your views custom twig template, potentially views bootstrap grid or other.


{% if title %}
  <h3>{{ title }}</h3>
{% endif %}
<div id="{{ id }}" {{ attributes.addClass(classes) }}>
    {% for row in rows %}
      <div{{ row.attributes }}>
    {% endfor %}


<div {{ attributes.setAttribute('id', id).addClass(classes) }}>
    {% for row in rows %}
      <div{{ row.attributes }}>
        {{- row.content -}}
    {% endfor %}
🇵🇱Poland lamp5 Rzeszow

Hello @Project Update Bot, you have a bug :D this module is Drupal 10 compatible.

🇵🇱Poland lamp5 Rzeszow

HI @GeorgeSerbanescu,
your patch looks good. I enabled gitlab CI testing for this module. Could you create a MR to check that tests will pass ? Thanks

🇵🇱Poland lamp5 Rzeszow

lamp5 made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇵🇱Poland lamp5 Rzeszow

lamp5 made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇵🇱Poland lamp5 Rzeszow

lamp5 made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇵🇱Poland lamp5 Rzeszow

I merged 💬 Make drupal 10 compatible Fixed so testing should works fine. Please check.

🇵🇱Poland lamp5 Rzeszow

I merged 💬 Make drupal 10 compatible Fixed so testing should works fine. Please check.

🇵🇱Poland lamp5 Rzeszow

I don't know when we release full stable version because right now this module is out of my work scope, but it is nice that plenty of developers work on this module.

🇵🇱Poland lamp5 Rzeszow

I opened 2.0.x to go forward work with cocoen 3.x plugin

🇵🇱Poland lamp5 Rzeszow

I also rewrote my whole project to avoid serialize objects of class so we can mark this issue like "works as designed"

🇵🇱Poland lamp5 Rzeszow

Resave your global custom breadcrumb config. It looks like you removed value from config because module setups it during install.

🇵🇱Poland lamp5 Rzeszow

It has completely sense. I added parent issue. Let's test.

🇵🇱Poland lamp5 Rzeszow

I suggest to close this issue (duplicated) and check this issue 🐛 URL don't include the base path Needs work

🇵🇱Poland lamp5 Rzeszow

lamp5 made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇵🇱Poland lamp5 Rzeszow

It does not work for multisite drupal sites.

Symfony\Component\Routing\Exception\RouteNotFoundException: Route "/doamin3/search" does not exist. in Drupal\Core\Routing\RouteProvider->getRouteByName() (line 206 of core/lib/Drupal/Core/Routing/RouteProvider.php).
Drupal\Core\Routing\UrlGenerator->getRoute() (Line: 276)
🇵🇱Poland lamp5 Rzeszow

Sure, I debug the process of services registration and I detected that it is a problem with that, I can't see any issue using drush 12 and config split right now.

🇵🇱Poland lamp5 Rzeszow

lamp5 changed the visibility of the branch 3424087-support-latest-versions to hidden.

🇵🇱Poland lamp5 Rzeszow
     "extra": {
         "drush": {
             "services": {
-                "drush.services.yml": "^9 || ^10"
+                "drush.services.yml": ">=9"

Lets fix it permanently.

🇵🇱Poland lamp5 Rzeszow

@malik.kotob could you go ahead with this ?

🇵🇱Poland lamp5 Rzeszow

Really? Uppercase for vars causes a lot of issues in js....

🇵🇱Poland lamp5 Rzeszow

2.0.x is branch under development. 2.x has a wrong branching name but I can't remove it.

🇵🇱Poland lamp5 Rzeszow

I can confirm. The issue exists after update to Drupal 10.2.2 and when using "drupal/twig_extender": "5.1.0",

🇵🇱Poland lamp5 Rzeszow

That is only one scenario, the second might be:

  • create paragraph with reference to views block
  • invalidating views cache does not have any effect to paragraph and node
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