I use this solution
- $output = \Drupal::service('activity_creator.activity_factory')->getMessageText($message, \Drupal::languageManager()->getCurrentLanguage()->getId());
+ $output = \Drupal::service('activity_creator.activity_factory')->getMessageText($message);
My workaround:
Make changes in
# TileLayer support.
'js/leaflet-providers.min.js': {}
- geolocation_leaflet/leaflet
Download, update and put leaflet-providers.min.js to ...\modules\contrib\geolocation\modules\geolocation_leaflet\js\
Stamen: {
- url: "https://stamen-tiles-{s}.a.ssl.fastly.net/{variant}/{z}/{x}/{y}{r}.{ext}",
+ url: "https://tiles.stadiamaps.com/tiles/{variant}/{z}/{x}/{y}{r}.{ext}",
options: {
attribution: 'Map tiles by <a href="http://stamen.com">Stamen Design</a>, <a href="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0">CC BY 3.0</a> — Map data {attribution.OpenStreetMap}',
subdomains: "abcd",
minZoom: 0,
maxZoom: 20,
- variant: "toner",
+ variant: "stamen_toner",
ext: "png"
variants: {
- Toner: "toner",
+ Toner: "stamen_toner",
- TonerBackground: "toner-background",
+ TonerBackground: "stamen_toner-background",
- TonerHybrid: "toner-hybrid",
+ TonerHybrid: "stamen_toner-hybrid",
- TonerLines: "toner-lines",
+ TonerLines: "stamen_toner-lines",
- TonerLabels: "toner-labels",
+ TonerLabels: "stamen_toner-labels",
- TonerLite: "toner-lite",
+ TonerLite: "stamen_toner-lite",
Watercolor: {
- url: "https://stamen-tiles-{s}.a.ssl.fastly.net/{variant}/{z}/{x}/{y}.{ext}",
+ url: "https://tiles.stadiamaps.com/tiles/{variant}/{z}/{x}/{y}.{ext}",
options: {
- variant: "watercolor",
+ variant: "stamen_watercolor",
ext: "jpg",
minZoom: 1,
maxZoom: 16
Terrain: {
options: {
- variant: "terrain",
+ variant: "stamen_terrain",
minZoom: 0,
maxZoom: 18
TerrainBackground: {
options: {
- variant: "terrain-background",
+ variant: "stamen_terrain-background",
minZoom: 0,
maxZoom: 18
TerrainLabels: {
options: {
- variant: "terrain-labels",
+ variant: "stamen_terrain-labels",
minZoom: 0,
maxZoom: 18
TopOSMRelief: {
url: "https://stamen-tiles-{s}.a.ssl.fastly.net/{variant}/{z}/{x}/{y}.{ext}",
options: {
variant: "toposm-color-relief",
ext: "jpg",
bounds: [
[22, -132],
[51, -56]
TopOSMFeatures: {
options: {
variant: "toposm-features",
bounds: [
[22, -132],
[51, -56]
opacity: .9
Update LeafletTileLayerProviders.php in ...\modules\contrib\geolocation\modules\geolocation_leaflet\src\ as described above
Different roles will be able to create groups with different visibility settings if only flexible group remains?
Hello, any tips on resolving that issue?
Another issue related to different behaviour of translations related to the context https://www.drupal.org/project/social/issues/3365505 β
Not sure but maybe this issue is also related to the problem of daily and weekly (aggregated) email notifications not being translated when default language is different from English
Thank you for your answer, your solution allows to change language of the activity titles (to the newly added), but doesn't allow to switch back to the default language
Thank you for you comment. I have all strings translated on admin/config/regional/translate still no success
worked as a charm, thx a lot!