Mentor Meeting 12 April 2023

Created on 4 April 2023, almost 2 years ago
Updated 14 June 2023, over 1 year ago

Mentor Meeting 12 April 2023

This meeting is on 12 April in the #mentoring channel on Drupal Slack at 2000 UTC. This meeting is text-only, no audio or video, and is asynchronous so everyone can join in as they're available for about 24 hours. After that’ll we'll capture notes from the threads.

Please add agenda items by editing this issue summary or commenting below.

Draft Agenda

:drupal-mentoring: :drupal-mentoring: :drupal-mentoring:
Hello everyone. Welcome to the Drupal Core Mentoring Meta Meeting! :calendar: This meeting:
➤ Usually happens on the second Wednesday of the month, or as needed for events.
➤ is text only!
➤ happens in threads, which you can follow to be notified of new replies even if you don’t comment in the thread. You may also join the meeting later and participate asynchronously.
➤ refers to various issues and plans tracking in the mentoring project on d.o:
➤ :star: Please comment on the meeting agenda 📌 Mentor Meeting 12 April 2023 Fixed so we can grant you credit for attending/contributing!

:zero: Roll Call! Who’s here today? Comment in a thread here to introduce yourself, include your name, and if you're up to it, what are you currently learning in tech in general?

:one: :zero: Pittsburgh 2023 - Mentoring Contribution is on Wednesday.

:one: :one: Are you planning to attend?

:one: :two: mentoring lead opportunities.
- [planning lead]( )
- [mentored contribution room leads]( )
- [novice issue triage leads]( )
- [booth leads]( )
- [communications leads]( )
- [first-time workshop leads]( )
- [community tools leads]( )
- mentored contribution welcome area leads

:one: :three: Create recruiting copy for DrupalCon NA 2023 mentors. This is for twitter posts, blurbs in DA newsletters, etc. A ticket will be created later this week.

:one: :four: BoFs are scheduled

  • Mentor orientation 1: Monday, 5 June at 3p-4p in RM 326 at tables 1 & 2
  • Mentor orientation 2: Tuesday, 6 June at 9a-10a in RM 326 tables 1 & 2
  • Issue queue triage: Tuesday, 6 June at 3p-4p in RM 326 tables 1 & 2

:two: Discover Drupal mentors... How is everything going?

:three: Open floor/other topics. Please start a new thread.

That's it for now! Continue the conversation in the threads above or below and in issues. Remember to post in the meeting issue or in the roll call thread! And volunteer!!!!

SLack link:

Meeting note from Slack:

running a little late.. will start the meeting in a few

0️⃣ Roll Call! Who’s here today? Comment in a thread here to introduce yourself, include your name, and if you’re up to it, what are you currently learning in tech in general?

1️⃣ 0️⃣ Pittsburgh 2023 - Mentoring Contribution is on Wednesday.

1️⃣ 1️⃣ Are you planning to attend?

1️⃣ 2️⃣ mentoring opportunities. Lots of these are listed as leads, but we could use additional support and volunteers.- [planning lead]( )- [mentored contribution room leads]( )- [novice issue triage leads]( )- [booth leads]( )- [communications leads]( )- [first-time workshop leads]( )- [community tools leads]( )- mentored contribution welcome area leads

📌 Task




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🇺🇸United States volkswagenchick San Francisco Bay Area

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