Portland, OR 🇺🇸
Account created on 25 March 2006, over 18 years ago

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🇺🇸United States hestenet Portland, OR 🇺🇸

The page is mostly populated and live at: https://www.drupal.org/about/overview/technical

It has not yet been added to the menu. It needs graphics/background imagery chosen and added in to clean it up.

🇺🇸United States hestenet Portland, OR 🇺🇸

The page is mostly populated and live at: https://www.drupal.org/about/overview/technical

It has not yet been added to the menu. It needs graphics/background imagery chosen and added in to clean it up.

🇺🇸United States hestenet Portland, OR 🇺🇸

Current feedback suggests this is 'good enough' for now. Marking fixed - we can re-open when it's time to update it for the new brand/new design system.

🇺🇸United States hestenet Portland, OR 🇺🇸

After discussion with @pixelite in Slack - I'll proceed with doing this as a separate page from the current documentation page that is referenced in the IS, and build it out using the landing page tools.

We can then regroup on url structure and navigation.

🇺🇸United States hestenet Portland, OR 🇺🇸

For some clarity before I dive into implementation here:

Are we intending to replace the existing page, which is the lead page in a documentation guide, with the designed landing page format?

Or try to adapt the proposed content to still work in the context of the lead page of this docs guide?

🇺🇸United States hestenet Portland, OR 🇺🇸

The work in progress page is being staged up at:

🇺🇸United States hestenet Portland, OR 🇺🇸

It is still outstanding! I actually just regrouped with @pixelite and the Promote Drupal group. I am hoping to have the page staged up by the end of the week (maybe tonight, but lets not jinx it).

🇺🇸United States hestenet Portland, OR 🇺🇸

Sent the official first warning (the level above the educational message) per the abuse policy. Next level includes negative credit and temp bans.

🇺🇸United States hestenet Portland, OR 🇺🇸

I have posted an official first warning per the Contribution Credit policy to all the users recently involved in the issues linked above, as well as the CMSWeb leadership as best as I could find their contact information.

🇺🇸United States hestenet Portland, OR 🇺🇸

Adding to menu

🇺🇸United States hestenet Portland, OR 🇺🇸

The basic auth credentials for public drupal.org dev sites are just: drupal/drupal

Dev sites have a truncated database because the dataset is simply too large - so yes - you will see a more accurate picture on production.

🇺🇸United States hestenet Portland, OR 🇺🇸

DA was able to upgrade our account so we didn't need to transfer after all.

🇺🇸United States hestenet Portland, OR 🇺🇸

Repurposing this issue for the ZT Gatha font licensing question - as the rest of the font feedback and implementation is covered by #3447679: [META] Apply the new brand to Drupal.org

Some good news on this front!

The full rights and ownership of ZT_Gatha have been purchased from its creator Zelow Type and it is being donated to the Drupal Association. @Shawn Perritt at Acquia took care of this, and we thank them for the purchase/donation!

This means we own the full rights and can re-license and redistribute it however we choose.

My inclination is to suggest we release under OFL - but I'm open to feedback and suggestions.

Setting to 'Needs work' while we decide on the license and where/how we need to document that

🇺🇸United States hestenet Portland, OR 🇺🇸

We also may want not to detail the camps directly in the post, but rather direct folks directly to the /community/events page?

It could even be as simple as an 'announcement' teaser that says 'Check out upcoming Drupal events' and just links to /community/events instead of a blog.

Or we could try and build a block that shows an event preview.

🇺🇸United States hestenet Portland, OR 🇺🇸

Adding + for maria and mysql versions

🇺🇸United States hestenet Portland, OR 🇺🇸

Yup - we could make a single award representing the full amount of credit - given either at the time of hire, or at the 6 month mark or something like that.

🇺🇸United States hestenet Portland, OR 🇺🇸

+1 to Kristen Pol's comment #38

I like that idea - or something like: Drupal Accelerator

Partly because both ideas help create the separation between 'just core' and 'starshot' - but they also still imply that you're using the same 'Drupal' in the end.

🇺🇸United States hestenet Portland, OR 🇺🇸

Thank you for the report, @Kyber. This is increasingly important with the change in anti-fingerprinting measures browsers are increasingly taking...

🇺🇸United States hestenet Portland, OR 🇺🇸

I have received communication from the LN Webworks team confirming that:

  • The accounts are not bot accounts, but they (along with others) have been watching the issue feed for things in needs review status.
  • It seems like people are opening a bunch of new tabs, and not refreshing to see that other folks have already made changes - although even in that case d.o should warn that a comment has already been made at which point the dupe should not be submitted.
  • They are working on another internal training round - which I have offered to help with.

The 7 day marketplace ban expires today, but the current credit penalty lasts until at least 23 June.

I'll re-evaluate then based on activity in the meantime.

🇺🇸United States hestenet Portland, OR 🇺🇸

I have applied the credit abuse policy:

Strictly speaking this is an elevated version of Step 2.

In summary:

  • They have been delisted from the drupal.org/marketplace until they submit a remediation plan to me, minimum of 7 days.
  • They have been delisted from the drupal.org/d7eol vendor listings for the same time period
  • A -200 credit penalty has been applied for a minimum of 1 month
  • The apparent bot accounts have been banned

Hello LN Webworks team,

I'm very disappointed to say that there has been a sudden surge in bot-like behavior from LN Webworks user accounts.

The following issues do not seem to show legitimate reviews or contributions, and seem to be clear attempts to game the system for credit. The issues are random issues that were recently opened on contributed modules. There seems to be no rhyme or reason why the contributors would be working on these issues, and the reviews are sometimes non-functional or fall into the category of forbidden contributions like simply converting a patch to MR without any other change:

https://www.drupal.org/project/ai_interpolator_openai/issues/3449252 Add simple text fields Fixed
https://www.drupal.org/project/ai_interpolator/issues/3446771 Add helper class to base fields to add imagestyle preprocessing Active
https://www.drupal.org/project/activities/issues/3448589 💬 Collaborate with Audit Log Needs review
https://www.drupal.org/project/coffee_zymphonies_theme/issues/3400053 🐛 Checkbox is not aligned with the text. RTBC
https://www.drupal.org/project/geolocation/issues/3449270 🐛 AssertionError: "Spatial fields" must be defined in MODULE_NAME.field_type_categories.yml Fixed

Unfortunately this means we have to deploy some of the consequences of the credit abuse policy:

These two user accounts have been banned:

In addition to banning these two users we have taken the next steps according to our credit policy:

We have applied a temporary negative -200 credit to the organization profile, which will last for a minimum of 1 month.
The Organization Page for LN Webworks has been de-listed from the marketplace for a minimum of 7 days.
This includes:
The main drupal.org/marketplace
The Drupal 7 end of life marketplace: drupal.org/d7eol

This ban will remain in effect until you reply to this message detailing your response to prevent credit abuse within your organization. To be clear - we do not consider the responsibility for this to fall on individual users, but rather on the organization as a whole.

Please contact us with any questions, and send us your plan for remediating this credit abuse behavior as soon as you are able.

Tim Lehnen (hestenet)
CTO - Drupal Association

🇺🇸United States hestenet Portland, OR 🇺🇸

I have communicated further with @Shefali on the Specbee side - and she has created a written contribution training and run a virtual training meeting for their contributors internally, with plans to do regular refreshers. She and I continue to be in touch about the content of these.

This is a good step in the right direction, and I appreciate her help with this.

Drupal 10/11 compatibility issues

I did also go ahead and highlight the recent activity on Drupal 10 compatibility issues. Compatibility issues are a valid area of contribution as it is good for the ecosystem to help get those compatibility patches committed, even if the effort is relatively low on a per-issue basis.

However, I highlighted that even for simple compatibility patches:
1) In addition to verifying the patch applies and the module shows as compatible, the contributor should also do a basic check of the module's functionality.
2) This should really be focused on actively maintained modules with some usage - there are some abandoned modules where this effort isn't worth it.
3) The Bot does most of the work here, and like most other contribution tasks that are mostly automated, they are generally less valuable than ones that need the human touch.
4) I also recommended again that contributors try and help with existing open bugs for the maintainer before doing other 'drive by' forms of contribution.

🇺🇸United States hestenet Portland, OR 🇺🇸

Some possible options:

Space-related (although Starshot is just a codename)

  • Drupal Galaxy
  • Drupalverse
  • Aurora
  • Corona

Other ideas

  • Drupal Serve
  • Drupal Grove
  • Drupal Seeds
🇺🇸United States hestenet Portland, OR 🇺🇸

Clarifying that the post was published to the feed on the basis of '+1 from core committers once these comments are resolved' - we resolved those comments in the doc.

I have also addressed @poker10's feedback in comment #3.

🇺🇸United States hestenet Portland, OR 🇺🇸

Updated with the suggested language per comment #39

Continue to leave issue open for general feedback and additional suggestions on this page.

🇺🇸United States hestenet Portland, OR 🇺🇸

All edits were reviewed and after a final pass with @mlhess of the security team, we got the post live!

Post is live at: https://www.drupal.org/about/announcements/blog/drupal-7-end-of-life-is-...

And published to the feed: https://www.drupal.org/announcements.json

🇺🇸United States hestenet Portland, OR 🇺🇸

Appreciate that this is framed as a training issue to start.

I will reach out with more resources, in addition to what we have provided in the Slack thread where some of these users responded already.

If the organization is unresponsive to the training material, we will move to warnings and apply the Credit Abuse Policy as appropriate.

🇺🇸United States hestenet Portland, OR 🇺🇸

Adding the event sponsorship information

🇺🇸United States hestenet Portland, OR 🇺🇸

Updates for updated DCP program

🇺🇸United States hestenet Portland, OR 🇺🇸

Fixing typo/clarity for Dependency changes when core modules are deprecated

🇺🇸United States hestenet Portland, OR 🇺🇸

Thanks for your patience @poker10

I've added you as a co-maintainer. I did go ahead and grant you the full suite of privileges, because Administer maintainers is also required for changing default branches and things like that - which you may (or may not) need in future.

Thank you for assisting with this project!

🇺🇸United States hestenet Portland, OR 🇺🇸

I have been in email communication with @Shefali and the Specbee team, and I'm going to mark this issue postponed until we can check in again in a month or two and validate if we're seeing the right kinds of issues chosen for new contributor onboarding.

@Shefali - as you address internal processes with your team, please remember I'm more than happy to assist in training programs. Don't hesitate to ask.

Among other discussion I did include the usual resources:

Resource #1: A video introduction to contribution:

Resource #2: A slide deck which goes into greater depth about contribution:

Resource #3: The First Time Contributors Workshop from DrupalCon Pittsburgh:
Part 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_xxOQu9k9V4
Part 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Slm66yXXQ3w

Resource #4: Issue Etiquette

Resource #5: Credit Abuse Policy

Our goal is always to provide education and support so that companies and individuals can contribute in meaningful ways.

🇺🇸United States hestenet Portland, OR 🇺🇸

There has not been much recent activity from this user, so I haven't seen reposted patches/invalid re-rolls in a quick check of issue history, Going to close this for now. It can be reopened if the behavior recurs.

🇺🇸United States hestenet Portland, OR 🇺🇸

I received a positive reply from the LNwebworks team about doing an internal training session with the resources I provided.

I'm going to mark this issue 'Postponed - Maintainer needs more info' for now, because I would like to see if more recent contributions in the next month or two are improved before closing completely.

🇺🇸United States hestenet Portland, OR 🇺🇸

@D-Expert - thank you so much for following up internally with your team.

I'll summarize some additional resources which may be useful:

These are the kinds of resources we are sending to those organizations:

Resource #1: A video introduction to contribution:

Resource #2: A slide deck which goes into greater depth about contribution:

Resource #3: The First Time Contributors Workshop from DrupalCon Pittsburgh
Part 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_xxOQu9k9V4
Part 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Slm66yXXQ3w

Resource #4: Issue Etiquette

Resource #5: Credit Abuse Policy

Our goal is always to provide education and support so that companies and individuals can contribute in meaningful ways.

I'm going to go ahead and close this issue for now - but we'll re-open it if we catch any other issues that we want to escalate to you to resolve with your team. Please also feel free to reach out for support with contribution training. I'm happy to help.

🇺🇸United States hestenet Portland, OR 🇺🇸

Updating IS with Service Provider Code of Conduct as well.

🇺🇸United States hestenet Portland, OR 🇺🇸

I am not sure if I can skip this one straight to closed - but we have had audits of both the client and server - and the reports have been shared with the initiative teams and private issues created where necessary to resolve issues discovered.

🇺🇸United States hestenet Portland, OR 🇺🇸

0️⃣ Who is here today? Comment in the thread below with your drupal.org username to introduce yourself and tell us why you are joining us.

1️⃣ Do you have any topics to propose for the meeting today? Feel free to propose them in this thread, and then I will give them their own unique threads for discussion. Conversation moving slow? Go ahead and open your own thread in the next numeric order.

2️⃣ DrupalCon Portland updateUnfortunately I am no longer able to attend DrupalCon Portland.  However, Fortunately, @ltrain and @robert-arias have agreed to take over the Recipes Initiative Update presentation!!!Let's hear it for Laura and Robert, and help her give the best update we can! (edited) 

3️⃣ Standard Profile as a recipe has landed. #3417835: Convert the Standard install profile into a set of recipes

4️⃣ Is there a list of config actions including core config entity methods?

5️⃣ Are there effort goals/community involvement for the unpack plugin?

6️⃣ Questions about create content provided in the recipe’s /content folder

7️⃣ Is there an effort for recipe validation/useful error messages? I have a recipe that gives me mysterious errors, and I’m not sure what is wrong with it. (edited) 

8️⃣  Do you have your own recipes?  Please add them to the Drupal Recipes Cookbook!

9️⃣ @alexpott @phenaproxima @wimleers (he/him) Any places developers can jump in to help out?


thejimbirch, ltrain, robert-arias, Bob McDonald (ultrabob), hestenet, bircher, phenaproxima, kevinquillen, bsnodgrass (he/him), alexpott, xurizaemon

🇺🇸United States hestenet Portland, OR 🇺🇸

0️⃣ Who is here today? Comment in the thread below with your drupal.org username to introduce yourself and tell us why you are joining us.

1️⃣ Please make a new number for your topics, I am in and out today.

2️⃣ Lots of folks here, but not a lot of convos.  I will start.Is there a way to apply a recipe and see what is happening like composer? I tried verbose but it just gives the stack trace at the error. I would like to see when/where the error happened in my recipes stack.

3️⃣ I made a fun little recipe.  https://github.com/kanopi/remote-video-youtube-liteRequires a module and dependent library, and then uses config actions to set the remote video media entity's display to use the youtube lite embed widget.  Use this to watch your Lighthouse scores go way up on any pages that have youtube embeds.

4️⃣ Do you have your own recipes?  Please add them to the Drupal Recipes Cookbook!

5️⃣  @hestenet (he/him) and/or @markie We could use some meeting issues updates. #3269687: [Meta] Distribution Modernization Initiative meetings - Next: March 26, 2024

6️⃣ @alexpott @phenaproxima @wimleers (he/him) Any places developers can jump in to help out?


thejimbirch, alexpott, Wim Leers, bircher, hestenet, markie, hlopez, phenaproxima

🇺🇸United States hestenet Portland, OR 🇺🇸

@smustgrave and @bramdriesen - This is something I probably should have caught in the #contribution-recognition-feedback channel as these issues were being posted.

Todo - I'm assuming they've been told multiple times.

We definitely should not assume that a company has been contacted multiple times or even at all. As a matter of fact, Specbee in particular did receive one message to: @Tanuja Bohra - but it was a very early purely educational email and it was before the credit abuse policy even existed.

For several of the other companies from the meta we know there have been multiple contacts, but we should be very careful if we're not 100% certain - because we don't want to catch people in the cross-fire.

And unfortunately we because people will model their behavior on other behavior they see, we also need to be careful about assuming bad intent - unless we truly *know* an organization has been ignoring documented warnings in the past.

That's at least 90% my fault in this case.

Thank you @Shefali for your measured response - we do know that you and many members of your team are excellent and important contributors.

Thank you @Bram Driesen for your thoughtful reply.

There is likely still outreach we need to do Specbee leadership - I will draft a message - but we want to make sure we are never forgetting to start with assuming good intent and with education and support.

It's only if that advice has been ignored that should treat it as work done with negative intent.

🇺🇸United States hestenet Portland, OR 🇺🇸

+1 to this idea

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