Allow full access to Gitlab API (subject to user permission limits)

Created on 8 August 2023, over 1 year ago
Updated 6 September 2024, 6 months ago


First off, I want to start by saying I'm thankful PAT's have been enabled and we have gained some API access, its a step towards further empowering developers and will allow us to proceed in areas we have been able to so far.

In πŸ“Œ How to generate new GitLab's Personal access token for providing external access? Fixed it was noted that D.O. has placed limits on the GitLab API:

We have some things we can't allow in GitLab, such as editing your user account or projects to get out of sync with So we are allowlisting authenticated read & write API access on a case-by-case basis

The above also means that we can't use the GraphQL which is the preferred API for GItlab going forward, and is the only API supported by some applications.

Protecting writes to the GraphQL in the same way would require inspecting the request body, which is not a capability of our load balancer, as far as I know.

First off I'm a bit concerned about what impact this might have long term? I'm not a Gitlab admin, however I found a note from Gitlab that says:

To help us meet this vision, the frontend should use GraphQL in preference to the REST API for new features. To me this indicates long term while the REST API is not going to be deprecated, we may need to eventually allow the GraphQL API in order for Gitlab itself to function. If this is the case that means we either need to look at creating a custom L7 firewall while we can, or we need to consider opening up the API and trust user role limits.

Considering how significant an undertaking it would be to create a custom firewall and the number of hours required with each Gitlab release to maintain I really question if this isn't a sign that we are trying to implement Gitlab in a way we shouldn't.

So to that end, What is the actual risk of allowing all endpoints to be open?

Users: What is the worst a user could do to their account? Change their personal details? Change their Gitlab username? Is any of this a major issue? Is there coupling on D.O. that is a concern, if so can we just remove that? Is this something we can just solve with a routine sync? If this data is as critical it stays synced I imagine we would already be looking to have an integrity solution put so should a Gitlab Admin accidentally make a change it corrects itself.

How about projects? What settings on them are we concerned about being changed and how negative is it if those are changed?

Is there anything else that we are worried about other than projects and users? If so what are the actual risks of users being able to change that data?

From a human resources point, having these blocks create concerns, some applications that would empower developers, leading to faster issue resolution may be impossible to use. I'm already hitting one issue where I'm not sure if I'm hitting an application bug or an API restriction. Given I know the API is restricted I can't in good conscious file a bug report with the software vendor until I can prove it isn't our API restrictions. All of this adds up to hours spent debugging with wire captures that could be used to developing modules.

I wasn't very active on D.O. when the decision was made to migrate to Gitlab, however that decision has been made, shouldn't we use the features to the fullest we can?

Proposed resolution

Remove API blocks to allow users to benefit from the community choice to migrate to Gitlab.

Remaining tasks


✨ Feature request




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πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈUnited States cmlara

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  • Issue created by @cmlara
  • πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈUnited States cmlara

    may need to eventually allow the GraphQL API in order for Gitlab itself to function.

    Looking at the developer tools in the browser it appears this may already be the case. Previously we had #3117965: GitLab browsing is not working (GraphQL endpoint redirecting) β†’ which required opening up the GraphQL endpoint at least partially.

    Visiting just a project page (on GitLab) creates a number of GraphQL requests, some that based on the query and the results appears to be using using authentication as it returns results that are specific to the logged in user (what level of permissions the user has, and what other forks the users has access to.)

    To me it appears the GraphQL API is already opened at some level for authenticated requests, PAT's are just a different form of authentication leading to the same endpoints.

  • πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈUnited States cmlara

    we may need to eventually allow the GraphQL API in order for Gitlab itself to function.

    Looking at my browsers network requests, it appears this may already be the case. I notice numerous GraphQL targeted queries when visiting various parts of GitLab. There is also #3117965: GitLab browsing is not working (GraphQL endpoint redirecting) β†’ which indicates that GraphQL is essential. Some of these requests could in theory be handled unauthenticated, others can not.

    As an example visiting$project_nameperforms at least two authentication sensitive queries, the first requesting what the user level permissions for the visitor are, and the second (when logged in with developer permissions) requesting what forks are writable.

    If the load balancer doesn't allow filtering out these requests (as previously stated by an infrastructure team member) than it appears like the API may already open for those authenticating with JWT and project modification may already be possible. PAT based access just provides another method of access that is more compatible with traditional GitLab tooling.

  • πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈUnited States hestenet Portland, OR πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ

    I wanted to respond here - first to say that I understand and appreciate the instinct to use the tool as fully as we can, but also to help explain why our approach here has been cautious.

    At this time, there is not enough granularity in the user permissions provided by GitLab to exclusively rely on that permission scheme to avoid destructive operations, whether that's user deletion, project deletion/renaming, or some other unknown feature. Furthermore, we don't have much advance notice of whether a future release will open a radical change in the API that could result in destructive operations. Adopting a principle of least privilege in API access seems prudent, especially in a transitional period before we've finished moving all of our collaboration features into GitLab (such as issues).

    Further, because release management still happens on, among other things, we do need to care about the coupling of GitLab to We do have quite a bit of infrastructure(including automated integrity checks) that help alert us to changes in the GitLab DB schema, catch API requests that have gotten lost, and other things of that nature.

    From the 'gaming the credit system' perspective we also want to be cautious about enabling tools that might result in mass MRs being posted at an even greater rate than we can manage today. It's unfortunate, but we have to think not only about the feature, but the moderation of it.

    Did this mean that it took an extra week or so from initial opening of PATs to resolving the API issues? Yes. Do we feel that's a reasonable delay in the circumstances? Also yes. We're erring on the side of conservative, and we understand the speed of that is somewhat frustrating, but we feel the caution is warranted.

    All that said, our goal is to(gradually and carefully) open this up to be as maximally permissive as we feel is safe. I know it's tough to be patient when you witness these things take longer than planned as we're pulled into other directions, but in the meantime we do appreciate you reporting to us any unexpected failures or broken features as we open more things up - so we can fix them.

  • πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈUnited States cmlara

    It is my understanding from posts by @drumm that the GraphQL point can not be filtered, it allows full access to GitLab (subject to account permission limits) so long as one has access to it.

    We currently appear to have the GraphQL endpoint open for Session based users because it is required for GitLab to function as noted in #2

    All the concerns raised in #4 appear to already be possible through the GraphQL endpoint.

    This issue is essentially requesting that: The REST API be given the same restrictions as the GraphQL for Session based users, and that PAT users be given the same level of restrictions as Session users.

    Most of the issues I've heard raised on Slack and here so far appear to be solvable. Users deleting themselves can probably be solved through SSO adding them each time they log in if they don't exist or worse case a re-create button on D.O., Projects on D.O. can sync to GitLab using ProjectID's instead of Project Names (and alert if a project does rename itself sending an email to the project maintainers), Deleting Projects is already prevented due to no user having the Owner permissions, etc.

    Our biggest issue I suspect is the Credit Gaming, and I doubt we can make that much easier as it appears that is often done with Automation. We already provide enough API for this on D.O. that Gitlab will likely make minimal impact in my opinion. It doesn't matter how hard it is for a computer to do once its automated its done. Were much better off fighting this at the organization levels (as we have started doing with recent changes in D.O. policy) by making it a cost negative process to be credit farming.

  • πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈUnited States cmlara

    Adding a tag to track requests related to the GitLab API

  • πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈUnited States cmlara

    The GraphQL endpoint has been open for cookie login for over a year now.

    Have we had any confirmed incidents of abuse? If not do our arguments above for not allowing access still hold validity?

    I noted in SLACK I’ve seen some niche Gitlab apps use Cookie login (it’s rare because why bother) and I’ve seen browser plugins. Inherently all of the above is already accessible. At this point we are just punishing those developers who want to be dedicated to their projects and are early adopter of tools.

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