Providence, RI
Account created on 14 October 2010, over 13 years ago

Merge Requests

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🇺🇸United States johnpicozzi Providence, RI

I can confirm the patch from #7 resolves the issue, but we will need a long term fix to add the validation correctly. Going to get this issue some attention as this module was a module of the week on Talking Drupal. Thanks All!

🇺🇸United States johnpicozzi Providence, RI

@rkoller Do you think removing the sub-menu item for extend resolves the issue? If so this could be moved to RTBC. Thanks!

🇺🇸United States johnpicozzi Providence, RI

Created an MR that just removes the menu item. I don't really agree that the extend menu item should go to the browse tab directly. However, the MR provided removed the menu link and thus removes the slide out menu.

🇺🇸United States johnpicozzi Providence, RI

johnpicozzi made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇺🇸United States johnpicozzi Providence, RI

I'm going to be honest, I'm not sure if a wrench or a gear really matter. The larger issue is educating the user as to what the icons means. I have discussed not using a legend ( Improve iconography usability by adding a legend Needs work ) and adding a tool tip ( 🐛 Security and maintained icons require alt text, should not use title attribute Active ). I tend to agree that a wrench might be better than a gear based on the above comment of a gear being associated with settings.

🇺🇸United States johnpicozzi Providence, RI

I'm not going to lie the addition of a legend doesn't feel as helpful as a tooltip (title text) on the icon on the card. I know this is being discussed. 🐛 Security and maintained icons require alt text, should not use title attribute Active however, my feeling from a user standpoint is that a legend could easily be ignored or not helpful because it's not on the card itself and viewable all the time.

🇺🇸United States johnpicozzi Providence, RI

After looking at 📌 Replace Wrench icon on project views with Gear icon Needs work and talking with Chris at DrupalCon the question came up as to why the icons on the cards don't have tool tips (title text). I think adding title text to provide a tool tip for these is important for usability here. As a user I would expect to hover over the icon to see some help text / tool tip for what the icon means. A discussion is happening around a legend Improve iconography usability by adding a legend Needs work which I don't think will be useful to users as it can be overlooked or ignored. I would propose to add both alt text and a title to these.

🇺🇸United States johnpicozzi Providence, RI

I don't think this should be a Project Browser problem. Based on conversations at DrupalCon the current core module page has the same or similar issue. So that being said it would seem that this should be a theme/core issue to resolve and not a project browser issue to resolve. I suggest closing this as "Works as Designed" or moving this issue to the core issue queue.

🇺🇸United States johnpicozzi Providence, RI

@tekNorah this effort is for the redesign of the page. The issue you are highlighting is for specific event pages. I have reached out to the d.o dev team to ask about the permissions issue and will comment there with any updates.

🇺🇸United States johnpicozzi Providence, RI

Updated main issue to list out the resources and other sources of information to support this post. Will be doing a Lightning Talk at Boston Drupal Meetup about this. Interested in others thoughts/opinions on this.

🇺🇸United States johnpicozzi Providence, RI

I think the last two comments raise a great point. The "Fear of Drupal" or "Drupal Sucks" mindset is out there. I couldn't agree more, matter of fact I ran into it just a few months ago.

However, I don't think the above mindsets have to do with us saying "Drupal" vs "Drupal 10". More so, I think they have to do with communicating and informing those people on how the current version of Drupal is better.

As an example, the above person from months ago had not used Drupal since Drupal 7 and the team that built the original Drupal 7 site didn't have a great governance model in place. This lead to "wild west" Drupal and something that become hard to use and unmaintainable. After having a conversation with this person and discussing their concerns I was able to inform them that Drupal had improved greatly. I also was able to communicate that Drupal's upgrade path going forward would not require rebuilds and if used with a headless front-end could provide more benefit while easing concerns.

I think the above comments around The "Fear of Drupal" and "Drupal Sucks" apply no matter of if we say "Drupal 10" vs "Drupal. I honestly think it comes down to communicating the improvements and having a conversations when these scenarios arise. I don't think keeping the version number in marketing and conversations helps this situation because at the end of the day does someone who thinks "Drupal Sucks" really care if we say "Drupal 7" vs "Drupal 10" vs "Drupal"? Quick answer no, they stopped listening when you said Drupal :-)

We are a wonderful, open, and accepting community of passionate people. We should standardize on "Drupal" and be excited for the conversations it will foster. "Have you thought about using Drupal" - "Drupal Sucks" - "Well, whens the last time you used it? Why do you feel this way" greatness will ensue. All without a version number.

🇺🇸United States johnpicozzi Providence, RI

Worth adding the origination point of this conversation

I agree with this fully and would love to talk more about it.

🇺🇸United States johnpicozzi Providence, RI

I was thinking something like

"Please select all event types that apply to your event."

🇺🇸United States johnpicozzi Providence, RI

Thanks for creating the issue, Will test the MR later today to ensure it resolves the issue. Will report back.

🇺🇸United States johnpicozzi Providence, RI

To put some acceptance criteria around this.

  • Create a Block and Page on d.o that lists Drupalversaries for that day
  • Include the users d.o username (link to d.o account page) and number of years on d.o.
  • Block to show the oldest 25 users and/or be fixed width and allow for scrolling within the block to show all users (instead of 25)
  • Block could have a "View All" or "View More" link to a page view that has the rest for that day and maybe a pager based on date to see other days data
🇺🇸United States johnpicozzi Providence, RI

Since posting this I have updated to Drupal 10.2 and I'm using the 2.0.0 Alpha 1 Version of the module. I'm still seeing this error when running cron in my logs. I think the MR needs to be reviewed to work with this version of the module. Also based on the comment above it seems the root cause still needs to be investigated.

Updating this to Version 2.0.0 Alpha 1.

🇺🇸United States johnpicozzi Providence, RI

@lauriii You raise a good point... I guess I don't have a use case to get to the Structure Page other than using it to get to the Block Layout Page. However, it might be worth asking around as I seems to remember some modules not always providing a menu item and only appearing on the overview page. That could be an edge case, the main issue here is not being able to get to sub-items like Black Layout.

🇺🇸United States johnpicozzi Providence, RI

So another issue case that I have found. When using the Structure menu 1) you can't easily get to the Structure Page (as this issue indicates) 2) you also have the same issue with sub-items. As an example you can't get to the Block Layout Page. See attached screenshot.

Not sure on a great solution here, but whatever we land on should resolve both issues.

🇺🇸United States johnpicozzi Providence, RI

Created a merge request to resolve this issue.

Also @ctrladel should get credit also because he helped with the code edits over my shoulder at NEDCamp.

🇺🇸United States johnpicozzi Providence, RI

johnpicozzi created an issue.

🇺🇸United States johnpicozzi Providence, RI

johnpicozzi created an issue.

🇺🇸United States johnpicozzi Providence, RI

I'm still having this issue on my local. My above comment was based on a SimplyTest environment. The patch above doesn't apply cleanly and based on my review looks like it need some re-working. I'm not 100% sure the best way to apply an if statement to this code. I did create a fork to move this work into the GitLab workflow.

🇺🇸United States johnpicozzi Providence, RI

This issue may be resolved with the latest dev release. I will test again in the original environment and then close if that is the case.

🇺🇸United States johnpicozzi Providence, RI

@Shreya_th Couldn't apply the patch via composer.

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