Endless Redirection loop when using Domain access

Created on 4 March 2019, about 6 years ago
Updated 14 February 2023, about 2 years ago

I have a website with multiple domains. I'm using domain access so each node has a source domain and some contents are available on several domains.

With the redirect module enable, when I go to a node with a different source domain, it redirect me to the domain source of the node.
That give me a endless redirection loop error

Following this discussion β†’ , the issue is that Redirect, like Drupal core, doesn't check for changes to the hostname before acting.

I manage to make it partially word with some improvement ( See code #13 β†’ ) on the following feature :

diff --git a/src/EventSubscriber/RouteNormalizerRequestSubscriber.php b/src/EventSubscriber/RouteNormalizerRequestSubscriber.php
--- a/src/EventSubscriber/RouteNormalizerRequestSubscriber.php
+++ b/src/EventSubscriber/RouteNormalizerRequestSubscriber.php
  * Normalizes GET requests performing a redirect if required.
@@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ class RouteNormalizerRequestSubscriber implements EventSubscriberInterface {
       $original_uri = urldecode($original_uri);
       $redirect_uri = urldecode($redirect_uri);
+  	   $original_uri_parsed = parse_url($original_uri);
+  	   $redirect_uri_parsed = parse_url($redirect_uri);  
+      $original_uri_path = $original_uri_parsed['path']; 
+      $redirect_uri_path = $redirect_uri_parsed['path'];
+      // Should we also compare : .'?'.$original_uri_parsed['query'].'#'.$original_uri_parsed['fragmant'];
-      if ($redirect_uri != $original_uri) {  
+      if ($redirect_uri_path != $original_uri_path) {
         $response = new TrustedRedirectResponse($redirect_uri, $this->config->get('default_status_code'));
         $response->headers->set('X-Drupal-Route-Normalizer', 1);
         // Disable page cache for redirects as that results in unpredictable

Could you help me to improve this patch ?

✨ Feature request

Needs work





Created by

πŸ‡±πŸ‡ΊLuxembourg nambroise

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  • Needs tests

    The change is currently missing an automated test that fails when run with the original code, and succeeds when the bug has been fixed.

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