New Delhi
Account created on 2 August 2013, almost 11 years ago

Merge Requests


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🇮🇳India naveenvalecha New Delhi

@tim-diels Welcome onboard
I have granted you the maintainers access.

🇮🇳India naveenvalecha New Delhi

flexible_permissions module will be bumped to v2
see 📌 Bump minimum core version to 10.3 Fixed
flexible_permissions v2 does not have dependency on variationcache module

🇮🇳India naveenvalecha New Delhi

It's already done in 📌 Bump minimum core version to 10.3 Fixed closing it as duplicate of 📌 Bump minimum core version to 10.3 Fixed

🇮🇳India naveenvalecha New Delhi

Thank you for your contribution. Please create a Merge request

🇮🇳India naveenvalecha New Delhi

I have added you as a co-maintainer with Edit project permissions

🇮🇳India naveenvalecha New Delhi

nothing pending other than more features. It's under review and waiting for RTBC

🇮🇳India naveenvalecha New Delhi

This issue is only appearing on the github action CI and not on the actual website.
It happened due to 📌 Document using local library file, with CDN as fallback Needs review
After downloading the library on the CI workflow. This fixed the issue.
The fix could be seen here

🇮🇳India naveenvalecha New Delhi

PR has been merged to 2.0.x
It will be rolled out in next release.

🇮🇳India naveenvalecha New Delhi

Resaving the issue after updating the titles of the issues specified in the summary

🇮🇳India naveenvalecha New Delhi

I have updated the title of the issues which I have created.

🇮🇳India naveenvalecha New Delhi

PR has been merged to 1.0.x
It will be rolled out in next release.

🇮🇳India naveenvalecha New Delhi

PR has been merged to 1.0.x
It will be rolled out in next release

🇮🇳India naveenvalecha New Delhi

The PR is ready to be QA'ed

🇮🇳India naveenvalecha New Delhi

Thanks for the update! I have created few of the Drupal 11 Compatibility issues against the modules(we're using in our project) which does not exist in the issue queue.

🇮🇳India naveenvalecha New Delhi

PR has been merged to 1.x
It will be rolled out in next release

🇮🇳India naveenvalecha New Delhi

The PR is ready for review

🇮🇳India naveenvalecha New Delhi

I have used #3 and it worked like a charm for me. It also fixed the issue for filtering a string containing '':" in it.
Example - topic:sci-fi+topic:fantasy

I have converted #3 patch to a PR

🇮🇳India naveenvalecha New Delhi

The PR is ready for review

🇮🇳India naveenvalecha New Delhi

PR has been merged to 1.0.x
It will be rolled out in next release

🇮🇳India naveenvalecha New Delhi

Closing it as Works as designed.
Please reopen it if needed

🇮🇳India naveenvalecha New Delhi

PR has been merged to 1.0.x
It will be rolled out in next release

🇮🇳India naveenvalecha New Delhi

I have added the documentation link to the module project page too.
Closing this issue. Please reopen it if you need more information

🇮🇳India naveenvalecha New Delhi

PR has been merged to 1.0.x
It will be rolled out in next release.

🇮🇳India naveenvalecha New Delhi

naveenvalecha changed the visibility of the branch 3417765-large-modal-exceeds to active.

🇮🇳India naveenvalecha New Delhi

naveenvalecha changed the visibility of the branch 3417765-large-modal-exceeds to hidden.

🇮🇳India naveenvalecha New Delhi

Thank you for your contributions!
The issue status automatically gets changed after two weeks by Project issue tracking system
Details here

🇮🇳India naveenvalecha New Delhi

Thank you for the patch. We are using #note-8 patch on a big customer website for a long time and its working fine for us.
Looking forward to get this in soon :)

🇮🇳India naveenvalecha New Delhi

Thanks for merging it
Marking this as fixed.

🇮🇳India naveenvalecha New Delhi


The details are already mentioned in the docs

I didn't duplicate it because our repo could be outdated but will always stays latest.


🇮🇳India naveenvalecha New Delhi

Thanks everyone for the contribution.
Code has been merged to 1.0.x
It will be released out in next release.

🇮🇳India naveenvalecha New Delhi

Thanks for the PR
I have tested it on a customer project. It works with the claro. I have replaced the css selector with genric one.

🇮🇳India naveenvalecha New Delhi

The PR is ready for review

🇮🇳India naveenvalecha New Delhi

Thank you for the PR. We are using PR on a big customer website and its working fine for us.
Looking forward to get this in soon :)

🇮🇳India naveenvalecha New Delhi

Here's the patch attached of the current PR

🇮🇳India naveenvalecha New Delhi

@sethhill if that's the case this should be closed as duplicate of Allow View Mode Selection Inside Layout Paragraphs Widget Fixed

🇮🇳India naveenvalecha New Delhi

@kristiaanvandeneynde Will you bump flexible_permissions module version to v2.0.0 for the new Group 3.3.0 release?

🇮🇳India naveenvalecha New Delhi

Thank you for testing it out
Should I explore the option to add multiple attributes via UI? Are you open for this direction?

🇮🇳India naveenvalecha New Delhi

@Rajeshreeputra Thanks for the contribution
Putting it back to Postponed.
The ticket was put into Postponed state because we need jquery_ui release with Drupal 11 compatibility needs to be out.
Could you push for 📌 Automated Drupal 11 compatibility fixes for jquery_ui RTBC and get that issue sorted and a new release of jquery_ui module?
Please reopen it back to Needs review after the above is done. I can't test and commit it without jquery_ui.

Production build 0.69.0 2024