Upon further reflection on this issue, there are two potential solutions for using Entity Extra Fields to render Views. A developer can implement this using either the Views or the Block plugin within the Entity Extra Field module. I currently do not recommend supporting views being rendered in the block plugin when we have a Views plugin available. I've added some additional code to the Views Plugin within the Entity Extra Field module to address this issue. Please let me know if this addresses the issue you're personally experiencing.
That's interesting; we committed a patch that was supposed to address that exact issue, as most people were experiencing the problem where the configuration naming was set up incorrectly, which was introduced in a previous patch that was committed some time ago.
Can you confirm that after the upgrade you run `drush updb`?
Sorry this has taken so long to get merged in; much appreciated.
I wasn't able to get the MR to apply. Are you able to reroll?
I finally decided to confront this issue myself and began investigating what was happening, while also trying to recall my thoughts during the initial development process. Based on the current architecture of the Drupal condition API, it seems that core conditions are at least managing negation within the evaluation method of the condition plugin. I believe this was the standard that most developers were using within contrib. has well.
With that in mind, it makes more sense to wait for guidance from Drupal core. If they decide that condition plugins shouldn't handle their own negation, then we can patch the code accordingly. However, until a decision is made, I think the best approach would be to use the Drupal core patch https://www.drupal.org/project/drupal/issues/2535896 🐛 ConditionManager::evaluate() should not negate results itself Needs work to address this issue. Checking the `$condition->isNegated()` method and negating the value ourselves could introduce more bugs, as there is no clear way to determine whether the condition evaluation method has implemented the negation within the evaluation or not.
@anybody, this change appears to be a duplication of https://www.drupal.org/project/entity_extra_field/issues/3440365 🐛 Unable to edit existing extra field or render any public site pages Active . Can you confirm?
Closing, as it appears to be a duplicate of #3440365.
I'm currently in the process of getting the module approved by the Security Advisory. If anyone who uses this module has some time and would like to review the application, it would help push this process through faster. That would be much appreciated.
https://www.drupal.org/project/projectapplications/issues/3468193 →
I've updated the default branch in GitLab.
@Grevil! Much appreciated, I've been waiting to implement this feature for a while! :)
@Anybody Yes, once those issues are resolved and marked as reviewed by the community, I'll merge this into the dev release.
Much appreciated, I couldn't agree more with this change.
Great, I will check out the CLI tool and make sure to account for that in my next release.
I don't believe this error in the log is caused by the Entity Extra Field module, as it's not in the stack trace. I've come across this error often before during updates but have never pinpointed the cause. I suspect it may be related to caching. I suggest trying to resolve the error by clearing the cache first. If more detailed instructions on reproducing the issue are available and it is indeed a bug in this module, then I will investigate further.
Could you please provide more details on when you encounter that error? I am unable to replicate it. The patch that has been merged appears to be functioning correctly for me on a fresh Drupal installation.
Thank you for the patch; it has been merged into the development release.
This looks to be a duplicated issue, that is related to https://www.drupal.org/project/entity_extra_field/issues/3385923 🐛 Extra field is rendered outside field_goup details field group Fixed .
It makes sense that it doesn't work with Paragraphs entities, as they have their own solution different from what Drupal core offers out of the box. I can look into what it might take to get this to work with paragraphs on the edit screen, but it's going to be lower on the priority list as we're trying to get a stable release in the coming months.
I believe this is a duplicated issue: https://www.drupal.org/project/entity_extra_field/issues/3334147 🐛 Empty content view Fixed
Thank you, it has been patched in the dev release and will be pushed to the RC shortly
Thank you, it has been patched in the dev release and will be pushed to the RC shortly
I have made the changes as outlined so that any entity extra field plugin type can utilize the data attached to the extra field object. I am concerned that this patch might cause issues for existing sites that rely on the block ID instead of using the entity field name. Are you willing to test this patch to ensure it works for your problem?
I encountered an issue where I received an error message like the following:
Warning: Undefined array key 0 in Drupal\views_argument_token\Plugin\views\argument_default\TokenArgument->processToken() (line 426 of modules/contrib/views_argument_token/src/Plugin/views/argument_default/TokenArgument.php).
It was an easy change in the patch to address to ensure we don't process any empty arrays. The updated patch has been attached.
I had a similar issue, and I was able to use this patch to address those issues.
https://www.drupal.org/project/mercury_editor/issues/3401444 🐛 Entity Browsers within paragraphs don't reliably select entities Active
I was able to resolve this bug when using the following patch for the domain module:
https://www.drupal.org/project/domain/issues/3226427#comment-15104156 🐛 Arbitrary null value from DomainNegotiator::getActiveDomain() Needs review
Here is a reroll of the patch for the latest release.
This seems to be a typical problem in Drupal. I suggest checking out this Stack Exchange for guidance on fixing a mismatched entity and/or field definitions error in your configuration. Personally, I have used the Devel Entity Updates → module to successfully resolve similar issues.
The patch didn't work to resolve the error. I ended up trying a different approach, which seems to have resolved the issue.
I've created and deployed another tagged release.
After conducting some research, it appears that this issue is not specific to ME but rather stems from improper configuration settings.
Thanks for reporting. I modify the code to utilize NULL, which appears to be functioning correctly and should remain functional even if the referenced patch is implemented.