Added a patch for a possible fix:
I tested the MR, and it resolves the alignment but it can create an issue if we have a background on the header & footer.
screenshot for reference:
Needs Work+1
I tested the MR, and the pagination gets the styling.
RBTC +1.
Currently on branch 2.1.x, info.yml file have
core_version_requirement: ^9.4 || ^10
which contradicts the open issue.
The drupal rector report is fine.
Needs review from the maintainer.
I faced the same issue I Fixed it by adding this on settings.php
$settings['file_private_path'] = '../private/files';
Similar to #20 comment
patch#2 applied cleanly, works as intended.
drupal rector status - no issues
phpcs - no issues.
works on D10.
patch#2 applied cleanly
Changes are straighforward and ready for D10.
Found 1 minor error with phpcs ( screenshot attached )
patch#2 applied cleanly
There are phpcs issues found ( screenshot attached),
drupal rector issues are resolved after patch applied.
Tested the patch #3.
Applied cleanly and it added services as per D10 usage but
Found several phpcs issues.
The Upgrade status report is attached with errors.
So, Moving to Needs Work
Tested the patch#3 applied cleanly.
No errors found as such on enabling the module and seems to work fine with D10.
Ran drupal rector on local -- No depreciated code issues found after the patch apply.
Ran Update status following report is shown.( attached screenshot )
Tested the patch#2 .
Applied cleanly and changes are starightforward and works as intended.
Also checked with drupal rector for depreciated code, No issues found.
Tested on 2.x & 2.2.0.
Now the functionality is working as describe below:
1) If an authenticated user likes an content type, and again by pressing the like button a msg is shown: " You have already liked..! ", and for dislike button also same behavior is seen with a msg "You have already disliked..!".
2) If an authenticated user likes an content type, And then dislikes it the like count reduces to 1 and dislike count increase by 1. The same behavior is seen for dislike button.
Added screenshot for UI reference.
Tested it, didnt found the issue,
Moreover the icons loads one time & is independent from the change in orientation as per code.
Tested the patch #3 applied cleanly & working fine.
Used command: phpcs --standard=DrupalPractice,Drupal --extensions=php,module,inc,install,test,profile,theme,css,info,txt,md,yml,js
Ready to be moved to RBTC.
Tested the patch it applied cleanly.
attached before & after patch screenshots for reference.
So, can be moved to RBTC +1
hi @markfieni have tested it , the subtheme works for me.
(screenshot attached - pink color is from subtheme css )
what i have done:
installed the theme -> enabled the subtheme ( Drupal8 W3CSS Sub-theme (default theme) )
-> added styles inside (d8w3css-subtheme-style.css)
Let me know if u have taken any other steps.
Tested the patch , working fine & is compatible with d10. But need to test other functionality as well.
Tested the, it patch applied cleanly.
So, ready for RBTC +1.
I have added those changes in this patch.
But for me , I was having issues in .div() function. ( NOTE: the node version to use in the issue summary can help others )
So , I tested by replacing div() to / locally, even though the logic is simple & should be effective in current implementation as well
but a proper review is needed.
Tested the patch#2, for me it applied cleanly. ( screenshot attached )
command used: phpcs --standard=Drupal,DrupalPractice --extensions=php,module,inc,install,test,profile,theme,css,info,txt,md,yml,twig,js
Updated the issue summary with command used.
The coding standard didn't include js standards,
So added js standard fixes along with changes in patch#2.
tested the patch#3, its working
So, moving the issue to RBTC.
tested the patch#2 , applied cleanly.
It resolved the dependency injection issue as per summary.
Found some translation errors added them in the above patch along with all the changes in patch#2.
checked the MR the issue as per problem is now resolved.
attached screenshots.
So, Moving to RBTC
Tried patch #7,
applied cleanly & no errors reported by phpcs.
Tried patch #0 , it unfortunately failed to apply. throwing error:
Checking patch
error: while searching for:
description: 'Provides reusable, predefined options for list fields'
package: Fields
- options
core: 8.x
core_version_requirement: ^8 || ^9 || ^10
error: patch failed:
error: patch does not apply
So, Added Fixes for phpcs in the above MR.
i am checking and fixing them.
Checked the patch , applied cleanly but the hamburger menu functionality was not working. Mostly due to the missing menu.js file.
I have added the changes to handle the toggle functionality in this patch.
The menu is placed on navigation region & brand-logo at header region.
NOTE: apply the patch#8 before applying this patch.
screenshot added after the changes applied.
checking & working on it.
updated the issue summary with js parameter & updated report with DrupalPractices included.
upadated the steps to reproduce command by adding ignore the assets/includes & fonts folders.
patch #2 applied cleanly on branch 8.x-1.x
Both Drupal & DrupalPractice standard issues are resolved.
patch #2 applied cleanly on 3.0.x branch
The phpcs of both Drupal & DrupalPractice standard issues are resolved.
i will review it
Note even though maintainer has closed the issue, these were my findings as per comment#12.
Reviewed patch#10 addresses the DrupalPractices standards
But issue summary errors are of Drupal standards.
(Updated the issue summary )
Errors addressed by patch#10:
phpcs --standard=DrupalPractice --extensions=php,module,inc,in
FILE: /home/specbee/contribution/drupal/drupal/modules/contrib/dismissible_message_bar/
24 | WARNING | Unused variable $notifications_entity.
FILE: /home/specbee/contribution/drupal/drupal/modules/contrib/dismissible_message_bar/
24 | WARNING | Unused variable $notifications_entity.
FILE: /home/specbee/contribution/drupal/drupal/modules/contrib/dismissible_message_bar/src/Service/DmbNotificationService.php
498 | ERROR | The $_COOKIE super global must not be accessed directly; inject the request_stack service and use
| | $stack->getCurrentRequest()->cookies->get('dismissible_message_bar') instead
FILE: /home/specbee/contribution/drupal/drupal/modules/contrib/dismissible_message_bar/src/Form/DmbNotificationsEntityForm.php
22 | WARNING | Unused variable $entity.
FILE: /home/specbee/contribution/drupal/drupal/modules/contrib/dismissible_message_bar/src/Entity/DmbNotificationsEntityInterface.php
16 | WARNING | There must be no blank line following an inline comment
Pending issues as of branch: 8.x-1.x
js/dismissible_message_bar.js - Drupal standard issues.
Thanks @apaderno for the feedback,
So should i update the issue summary since the patch addresses DrupalPractices isssues as well
Just paste the report by phpcs DrupalPractices before the patrch applied in the comments , which might be long.
I wanted to know this, since i am unaware of the right procedure
patch#0 applied cleanly & it fixes most of the issues reported by phpcs --standard=Drupal,DrupalPractice.
Added patch for function naming error in module file as reported by phpcs.
Remaining one warning as maintainer might need it in future code.
WARNING | Unused variable $fields.
Added fixes for the above issue in the MR on comment #5.
Linkedin icon is present before the patch apply as well.
screenshot attached.
The patch #2 doesnot apply & throws error -error: unrecognized input.
Someone else should also try it before closing the issue, so leaving the state in Needs Review.
patch #2 didn't applied cleanly, as the changed files/folders are not present.
Added Fixes DrupalPractices & few Drupal standard fixes.
Remaining fixes for Drupal standard, if someone doesn't pick up will do it in a while.
Fixed the issues remaining issues reported by phpcs --standard=Drupal,DrupalPractice
i will review it
i will review it
Added Fixes for comment #3 along with the pending dependency injections.
Reviewed the patch #2
It applies cleanly & resolves the phpcs --standard=DrupalPractice issues.
But the module is throwing error:
ArgumentCountError: Too few arguments to function Drupal\smart_content_cdn\EventSubscriber\HeaderEventSubscriber::__construct(), 0 passed in /app/core/lib/Drupal/Component/DependencyInjection/Container.php on line 259 and exactly 1 expected in Drupal\smart_content_cdn\EventSubscriber\HeaderEventSubscriber->__construct()
Found out:
The comment #4 issue have been resolved in this issue:
\Drupal::entityTypeManager()->getStorage call should be avoided use dependency injection instead
Needs review
So changing the status to RTBC.
After applying patch #2.
proposed command doesnot throw any exceptions But
phpcs --standard=DrupalPractice for the module
Have errors (screenshot attached)
Added changes as per comment #4.
i will review it
Kaustab_Roy → made their first commit to this issue’s fork.
Removed the margin top from project__logo img & added on parent div.
Kaustab_Roy → made their first commit to this issue’s fork.
hi @Rajan Kumar,
I need some details for debugging this.
1) Did u installed the module via composer.
2) Did u enabled the theme who's path u are providing in the sass and css path fields.
3) add this patch via git apply. & check in the log if it throws "source directory invalid".
i am looking into the issue.
Fixed the button color issue in the patch #2
I have tested the theme without the patch:
found no such issues: (screenshot attached).
what I did - I have placed my menu items in main navigation & main navigation is placed under primary menu region.
checked the patch #9, The patch is empty
Changing the status to needs work.
Tested patch #25.
applied cleanly on dev branch - 2.0.x
Tested phpcs via phpcs --standard=DrupalPractice & phpcs --standard=Drupal -> No errors Found.
Tested functionality via adding fields, works as expected.
Added dependency injection as per standard, Fixed the error on request object.
Kindly review.
Check patch#2, it didn't apply and throwing path errors.
Added a new patch with the fixes.
before & after patch applied results attached.
Kindly review.
checking the issue
i will review it
@drupalnesia i think the root cause of the issue due to ckeditor5 js.
It sets the following:
dialogSettings.autoResize = window.matchMedia('(min-width: 600px)').matches;
dialogSettings.width = 'auto';
Hence under 600px the default behavior of dialog to resize is not working.
And this overrides the default dialog.position.js autoResize & width property.
I have checked it by removing them from ckeditor5.js file.
it works ! ( screenshot added)
I currently didn't find why it has been done on ckeditor, but i think , it can be related to provide the ability to resize using the resize tool under 600px, but the jquery resizable doesn't works with touch devices though.
So, under current circumstances, your proposed solution of providing custom css to override the height will work, but might not be optimal.
Any of the core maintainers need to check this once.
Made the navbar collapsible at 991px.
looking at the issue.
looking at the issue
I tried to fix the overriding issue, Found out that
Bootstrap3 has the issue of overriding the theme_registry, which is main cause of the current issue.
I have checked that by removing the bootstrap_theme_registry_alter() from .theme file, it works
But unfortunately it didn't had a proper solution. So adding this for reference. →
I installed the project via composer from the project page ( →
For me both on drupal 10.1.x & 9.5.6, the info file have the following:
core_version_requirement: ^8.7.7 || ^9 || ^10
With no "core" key.
So no error found.
patch #4 applied cleanly, The outlines can be seen in contrast high themes now.
Before patch:
After patch:
I have a temporary solution
The main issue is boostrap3 theme function is overriding the templates of sticky_local_tasks templates.
So, since you are using subtheme of bootstrap3, You can override the menu-local-tasks & menu-local-task templates of bootstrap3
with sticky_local_tasks module menu-local-tasks & menu-local-task templates. It works! (attached screenshot)
You can copy the templates from folder:
I am working on fixing the overriding issue. will provide a patch if resolved.
I have a created a patch, review once with it.
Affected files:
Looking into the issue.
Addressed issues pointed at comment #7
Kindly review.
Faced same issue of php errors: Deprecated function: DOMElement::setAttribute():…
patch#2 Applied cleanly
Errors are gone.
Kaustab_Roy → made their first commit to this issue’s fork.
Added patch based comment #14 requirement.
But I think it will be better to create a subtheme of Olivero theme, then add changes or override them as needed.
Even the changes in above patches can be problematic if we run postcss.
Kindly review.
Tested but i didn't find phpcs errors as per #25 comment.
Tested #23 patch for Instapage plugin module against 8.x-3.x and with Drupal core version 9.5.6 & 10.1.x.
Patch applied successfully with the following:
commands used:
1.drupalcs (i.e --standard=Drupal)
Have warnings regarding the @depreciated code as mention in comment#23
screenshot: 3167610-23-patch-drupalcs.png
2. drupalcsp ( i.e --standard=DrupalPractice )
No errors/warnings.
screenshot: 3167610-23-patch-drupalcsp.png
Thanks !
ok, i am working on fixing these issue.Thanks
Added Patch for updated UI
Kindly review.
Added patch
patch →
Created updated patch:
patch-7 →
Verified the patch at #5
before patch apply:
After patch apply:
One error is remaining:
1 | ERROR | [x] End of line character is invalid; expected "\n" but found "\r\n"
( As attached in screenshot )
Kaustab_Roy → made their first commit to this issue’s fork.
Kaustab_Roy → made their first commit to this issue’s fork.