Account created on 2 April 2020, about 4 years ago

Merge Requests

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🇮🇳India sahilgidwani Jaipur

Can anyone help me here with how to migrate existing ckeditor div manager from CK4 to CK5 on a existing site.

🇮🇳India sahilgidwani Jaipur
  1. After applying the patch mentioned in #163 Drupal 10 & CKEditor 5 readiness Fixed and clearing the cache, I am getting the following error.
  2. Error: Call to undefined method Drupal\entity_embed\Plugin\EmbedType\Entity::getModulePath() in Drupal\entity_embed\Plugin\EmbedType\Entity->getDefaultIconUrl() (line 243 of modules/contrib/entity_embed/src/Plugin/EmbedType/Entity.php).
  3. And also, as mentioned in #162 Drupal 10 & CKEditor 5 readiness Fixed , the PR is not merged yet, so reopening this issue.
  4. Correct me if I am wrong somewhere in my understanding.
🇮🇳India sahilgidwani Jaipur
  1. I am getting the error for PHP Stan command failed, as mentioned in the issue description, but not getting any error related to "No files found to analyse".
  2. When I debugged the analyze method of the DeprecationAnalyzer class, I found that the Process class is not returning output on line 373, and as a result, we are getting null in $json.
  3. Further, the condition check implemented for checking any JSON errors is returning true, and it is showing errors, although the PHP stan command is being executed successfully without any errors.

Anyone can please look into this and implement a solution to resolve the issue mentioned above.

🇮🇳India sahilgidwani Jaipur

MR is not merged because of error, we need to reopen this issue.

🇮🇳India sahilgidwani Jaipur

Added patch file for the diff file added by @codebymilkey

🇮🇳India sahilgidwani Jaipur

Please review the patch added in comment 17

🇮🇳India sahilgidwani Jaipur

We need to remove the core key also in info.yml, removed the core key and update the patch.

🇮🇳India sahilgidwani Jaipur

Not able to apply patch, therefore adding new patch.

🇮🇳India sahilgidwani Jaipur

Any update on this issue? I am also facing this issue in my production environment but not on Pantheon.

🇮🇳India sahilgidwani Jaipur

Please try to follow the MR workflow instead of patches for new issues.

🇮🇳India sahilgidwani Jaipur

I have reviewed the PR and it looks perfect to me.
Moving the issue to RTBC.

🇮🇳India sahilgidwani Jaipur

I reviewed the PR and it looks perfect to me.
Moving it to RTBC.

🇮🇳India sahilgidwani Jaipur

The issue is a duplicate of 3336589 Drupal 10 support Fixed .
Therefore closing it as duplicate.

🇮🇳India sahilgidwani Jaipur

Not able to reproduce the issue on my local D10 commerce environment. Can you please add the details of which version of commerce module you are using and also drupal core version.

🇮🇳India sahilgidwani Jaipur

I have made the required changes and checked on D10, it is working fine. Also, I have updated the readme.md according to the latest standards also.
Moving it to needs review.

🇮🇳India sahilgidwani Jaipur

I have searched for the hook_page_attachments occurrences throughout the D10 core and created a new patch for D10, also changed version of this issue to 10.1.x.
Moving it to needs review.

🇮🇳India sahilgidwani Jaipur

I will reroll the patch.
Also, @smustgrave should we change the issue version to D10?

🇮🇳India sahilgidwani Jaipur

I have checked and reviewed MR and it works perfectly for me.
Moving it to RTBC.

🇮🇳India sahilgidwani Jaipur

I have checked and reviewed MR and it works perfectly for me.
Moving it to RTBC.

🇮🇳India sahilgidwani Jaipur

Mr looks good to me.
Moving to RTBC.

🇮🇳India sahilgidwani Jaipur

I will review patch and will update the status once done.
Also, please try to follow the MR workflow for new issues.

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