Belo Horizonte
Account created on 26 February 2020, over 4 years ago
  • Developer at CI&T 

Merge Requests

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🇧🇷Brazil paulocs Belo Horizonte

Thanks @daggerhart.

🇧🇷Brazil paulocs Belo Horizonte

paulocs made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇧🇷Brazil paulocs Belo Horizonte

paulocs made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇧🇷Brazil paulocs Belo Horizonte

I was not able to reproduce your issue. I tested on Drupal 10 and Drupal 9. The profile are installed correctly.
I'm using IMCE 3.0.7.
I checked the files and they are correctly placed in the imce/config/install directory.

For a quick-fix you can import the configs imce.profile.admin.yml and imce.profile.member.yml on admin/config/development/configuration/single/import.

🇧🇷Brazil paulocs Belo Horizonte

Are you able to proceed with the update?
If yes, you can proceed if:
1 - You don't use the BUEditorPlugin

Also install CKEditor 5 first. I think the second problem will disappear if you install it.

🇧🇷Brazil paulocs Belo Horizonte

paulocs created an issue.

🇧🇷Brazil paulocs Belo Horizonte

Looks good. Attaching a video to confirm.

🇧🇷Brazil paulocs Belo Horizonte

@devil2005 try to update you admin_toolbar module first.
Seems you are on 2.x version. Update it to 3.x.

🇧🇷Brazil paulocs Belo Horizonte

paulocs created an issue.

🇧🇷Brazil paulocs Belo Horizonte

paulocs created an issue.

🇧🇷Brazil paulocs Belo Horizonte

It makes totally sense. Moving to RTBC.
I created a MR with the same code provided on #3 to be easier for the maintainers to get it merged.

🇧🇷Brazil paulocs Belo Horizonte

paulocs made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇧🇷Brazil paulocs Belo Horizonte

paulocs created an issue.

🇧🇷Brazil paulocs Belo Horizonte

For now I have created a issue to work on the 'none' case as I think it's a bug.
We can keep this issue open to talk about not verifying normal block id replacements. I have updated the issue summary.

🇧🇷Brazil paulocs Belo Horizonte

Looks good!
I have only opened a PR to speed up maintainers review and commit.

🇧🇷Brazil paulocs Belo Horizonte

Fixed on 🐛 Error Missing required keys (type) in temporary Fixed

🇧🇷Brazil paulocs Belo Horizonte

On it.

🇧🇷Brazil paulocs Belo Horizonte

Hey @jrockowitz, are working on this issue?

🇧🇷Brazil paulocs Belo Horizonte

paulocs made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇧🇷Brazil paulocs Belo Horizonte

We can remove this as its not used anymore. Attaching a patch.

🇧🇷Brazil paulocs Belo Horizonte

paulocs made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇧🇷Brazil paulocs Belo Horizonte

I've made some small changes of the explanation of the module.

🇧🇷Brazil paulocs Belo Horizonte

paulocs made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇧🇷Brazil paulocs Belo Horizonte

Makes sense. I tested the PR and it looks good.
I installed and tested the module on Drupal 10 and had no issues at all.

🇧🇷Brazil paulocs Belo Horizonte

Oh yes. I have read 'thrown error' instead of 'trigger_error' :)

I have created the deprecation notice. I have also created a new branch and MR as I can not change the target branch of MR !3316.

🇧🇷Brazil paulocs Belo Horizonte

Sorry. New patch and interdiff.

🇧🇷Brazil paulocs Belo Horizonte

Code looks good and it fixes the errors.

Only one thing: we use snake_case for variables declared in the functions.
$userWithoutPassword = $this->createMock('Drupal\user\Entity\User');

I'm attaching a patch and the inter-diff of this change only. So I think I can move to RTBC after tests pass.

🇧🇷Brazil paulocs Belo Horizonte

Here is change and the test suggested on #36. I attached the interdiff as well.

🇧🇷Brazil paulocs Belo Horizonte

I have fixed the core_version_requirement to set the minimum required version to drupal core ^9.3 because of #3265557: [Drupal 9.3.x] Functions file_create_url() and file_url_transform_relative() are deprecated .

🇧🇷Brazil paulocs Belo Horizonte

paulocs made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇧🇷Brazil paulocs Belo Horizonte

I have created a PR to create the hook. I think we can add the hook as @svendecabooter provided some useful use cases.

🇧🇷Brazil paulocs Belo Horizonte

paulocs made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇧🇷Brazil paulocs Belo Horizonte

Thanks @hmendes, can you review it again, please?

🇧🇷Brazil paulocs Belo Horizonte

Instead of adding the library via hook_page_attachments, we can add it via JS but it will not allow other modules to edit the antibot style tag in the element using the hook_page_attachments_alter. I think the solution provided in MR 10 is okay.
I'll address the comments added the the merge request 10.

MR11 doesn't have the changes to fix this issue. It has only code standard fix. We can keep our effort working on the branch of MR 10 (3195229-no-script-element).

🇧🇷Brazil paulocs Belo Horizonte

paulocs made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇧🇷Brazil paulocs Belo Horizonte

Sorry team, I haven't been very active in the last months in the context module and I don't have permission to give you access as co-maintainer. I'll try to reach out any maintainer with 'administer permission' permission so they can give me access.

Anyway here is the release:

🇧🇷Brazil paulocs Belo Horizonte

Test looks good and the problem is fixed.
I'm adding in the IS the steps to reproduce.

🇧🇷Brazil paulocs Belo Horizonte

Now patch looks good.
Set to RTBC.

🇧🇷Brazil paulocs Belo Horizonte

Set to need work because of comment #50.

🇧🇷Brazil paulocs Belo Horizonte

I fixed what @quietone pointed on comment #210, except item 7 and 9.
I could disable the "Structure" menu item but I don't why the tests are falling when set $this->assertSession()->responseNotContains('class="toolbar-icon toolbar-icon-system-admin-structure"'); if in my case I don't see the Structure item.

I attached a new patch with the interdiff but it still needs work.

🇧🇷Brazil paulocs Belo Horizonte


Patch #199 looks good. But I think we need tests for. Am I right?

Cheers, Paulo.

🇧🇷Brazil paulocs Belo Horizonte

Fixing code standard and set description = '' instead of NULL RoleResourceTestBase.php

It still needs work.

Production build 0.69.0 2024