Account created on 22 January 2019, over 5 years ago
  • Senior Drupal Developer - L1 at MaterialΒ 

Recent comments

Please check if the Mailsystem module is installed

Is this issue has a solution? we had this module to get the functionality to work β†’ , but the ajax call which is used to display the available shipping methods based on provided address doesnt gets triggered.

Same issue here. Need to ajaxify address field the zipcode field, tried after_build, #ajax, #process callbacks, didnt worked. But if we give #ajax callback to main address field it works but still only the ajax progress bar comes in that scenario.

It works fine. The problem was with the local machine config mismatch.So closing the issue.

this is not working on the initial load of a slider and a tab.

Changing the return type of normalize() method from the previous patch to make it D10 compatible.

Updating the patch compatible to latest Drupal 10 version.

Updating the patch compatible to latest Drupal 10 version

Updating the patch to be compatible with the latest Drupal 10 version.

Updating the patch to be compatible to the latest D10 version

I think the below issue addresses the above one πŸ’¬ XML Import xpath not working Closed: works as designed , comment #17

Just added the basic way

$form['field_account_number']['#states'] =  array(
      'visible' => array(
        ':input[name="field_are_you_requesting_an_item"]' => array('value' => 'no'),
        ':input[name="field_reactivation_request"]' => array('value' => 'no'),
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