A new patch has been provided since using MR as a patch is a security issue.
A new patch has been provided since using MR as a patch is a security issue.
The patch has been updated depends on a dist: https://ftp.drupal.org/files/projects/typogrify-8.x-1.3.zip
The patch has been provided.
v.dovhaliuk → created an issue.
Rerolled patch from #23 🐛 PHP Fatal error: Declaration of Drupal\imageapi_optimize_webp\Controller\ImageStyleDownloadController::deliver Active to add compatibility with Drupal 11.
The changes have been accepted and included in the new 2.2.0 release of Drupal 11 core.
Since using MR as a patch is a security issue, a new patch has been provided.
These updates have been incorporated into the new 2.0.0 release.
Thank you.
The patch has been provided.
v.dovhaliuk → created an issue.
The patch has been provided.
v.dovhaliuk → created an issue.
The patch #2 has been updated to fix the issue with taxonomy terms.
Steps to reproduce:
1. Enable content moderation and set up the following moderation states: Draft, Awaiting Approval, and Published.
2. Enable workflow for the taxonomy.
3. Create a taxonomy term.
4. Create a translation for that term.
5. Edit the original entity and add an additional paragraph to the `entity_reference_revisions
` field.
6. Save the entity as a draft.
7. Edit your translation; you will notice that the newly added paragraph does not appear in the specified field.
The path has been provided.
v.dovhaliuk → created an issue.
A new patch resolves an issue if Content Moderation is enabled for the Taxonomy, and $revision_ids = $storage->revisionIds($entity);
throws an error undefined method <code>revisionIds()
Since using MR as a patch is a security issue, I'm adding a patch as a temporary solution until a new release of the module is added.
The patch has been updated to fix the warning:
Warning: Undefined array key -1 in Drupal\entity_browser\Plugin\Field\FieldWidget\EntityReferenceBrowserWidget->formElementEntities() (line 779 of /var/core/www/modules/contrib/entity_browser/src/Plugin/Field/FieldWidget/EntityReferenceBrowserWidget.php).
The patch has been provided.
v.dovhaliuk → created an issue.
v.dovhaliuk → created an issue.
v.dovhaliuk → created an issue.
Rerolling patch for the Drupal 10.3 compatibility
This issue will be added to the new release.
v.dovhaliuk → created an issue.
I provide the patch file since using merge requests as patches is a security issue.
The configuration schema has been added. See https://git.drupalcode.org/project/submit_and_continue/-/commit/91a692788acc7070d89ae003838b38239ab90663
v.dovhaliuk → created an issue.
I'm happy to close this ticket. Thank you.
Thank you, Alyona, for your contribution. Your improvements will be included in a future release for Drupal 10.
#3289883: Drupal 10 compatibility already committed D10 compatibility.
Setting this to Closed (Duplicate) in favour of #3289883: Drupal 10 compatibility, since the work in there is way more complete.
The merge request has been accepted and will be included in the upcoming release of Drupal 10 core. Thank you, everyone.
The patch file has been provided.
v.dovhaliuk → created an issue.
v.dovhaliuk → created an issue. See original summary → .
v.dovhaliuk → created an issue.
Using patches, whether merge requests as a patch ensuring the patch is from a trusted source, accurately addresses the issue without introducing new vulnerabilities, and is applied correctly. So the patch file has been provided.
Using a Merge Request (MR) as a patch in your project can raise concerns regarding security and stability. So the patch has been provided to resolve this issue.
v.dovhaliuk → created an issue.
The patch has been provided.
v.dovhaliuk → created an issue.
Related issue is https://www.drupal.org/node/3358135 →
The patch has been provided.
v.dovhaliuk → created an issue.
v.dovhaliuk → created an issue.
The patch has been provided.
v.dovhaliuk → created an issue.
The patch has been provided.
v.dovhaliuk → created an issue.
The patch has been provided.
v.dovhaliuk → created an issue.
Using a merge request as a patch poses a security concern.
Therefore, I am providing a patch to address this issue.
Since using MR as a patch is a security issue, I am providing a patch based on it https://git.drupalcode.org/project/drupal/-/merge_requests/4994 for the Drupal 10.2.2 release.
Rerolled patch for the compatibility with 10.2.2 release.
Rerolling patch for the Drupal 10.2.2 compatibility
v.dovhaliuk → created an issue.
v.dovhaliuk → made their first commit to this issue’s fork.