Account created on 7 August 2017, almost 7 years ago

Merge Requests


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🇮🇳India Vivek Panicker Kolkata

As the issue has been tested and verified by @Kanchan Bhogade, moving the issue state to RTBC.

🇮🇳India Vivek Panicker Kolkata

As @Kanchan Bhogade has already tested the patch and things are looking fine, moving the issue to RTBC state.

🇮🇳India Vivek Panicker Kolkata

As the issue has already been tested by @Yashaswi18 and things are fine, updating the issue state to RTBC.

🇮🇳India Vivek Panicker Kolkata

As @bindu has already tested this issue and mentioned it's fine, moving this issue to RTBC.

🇮🇳India Vivek Panicker Kolkata

Seems like as part of https://www.drupal.org/project/drupal/issues/2407745 , we have removed some code from the template but missed removing the documentation for it.
That's great actually, becuase that is what helped me to backtrace the changes.

Looks like these changes were done considering the classy theme but it is now breaking in newer versions of Drupal.

So should we revert the code instead to how it was here instead of how it has been done in the current MR?

🇮🇳India Vivek Panicker Kolkata

Regarding setting resizable=>'none', there seems to be an existing CORE issue: https://www.drupal.org/project/drupal/issues/2787025 🐛 Setting #resizable on a textarea has no effect Needs review .

The issue was closed, but I re-opened it since it still exists.

So adding the attribute from the backend is not having any effect, so I marked it resizble: false in the CSS.

I have addressed the feedbacks you have mentioned and updated the MR.

🇮🇳India Vivek Panicker Kolkata

I have raised an MR to fix the issue.
The Twig template seemed to have the variables defined in the docblock but were not using them.
I have added them now back to the code.

🇮🇳India Vivek Panicker Kolkata

I did some debugging and found that the resizable argument is not sent to twig for the text area.

🇮🇳India Vivek Panicker Kolkata

I confirm that this issue still exists on vanilla Drupal 11 install.
My system config is this:

I have generated a Drupal form using drush gen command which provides a text area by default.
I just added `'#resizable' => 'none',` to it.
After doing that, the text area is still resizable.

🇮🇳India Vivek Panicker Kolkata

Vivek Panicker changed the visibility of the branch aws_bedrock_chat-3443827 to hidden.

🇮🇳India Vivek Panicker Kolkata

@smustgrave Except for point 2, I have fixed the rest.
Not sure what to do about point 2.
So leaving this issue in the same state.

🇮🇳India Vivek Panicker Kolkata

@prudloff Question: The method expects a CSS identifier as argument. Why are we passing the output of file_get_contents()?

🇮🇳India Vivek Panicker Kolkata

@smustgrave can you please explain a bit more on what all is necessary now?
I can then give it a try.

🇮🇳India Vivek Panicker Kolkata

I have done all that you've mentioned.

> It's meant as a basis for all entity references including entities that are not revisionable as well is config entities.
This point I can understand.
Anyways I have raised an MR.
Let's see what the core maintainers have to say about this.

🇮🇳India Vivek Panicker Kolkata

Seems like a CORE issue.
Trying to fix in https://www.drupal.org/project/drupal/issues/3442267 🐛 Entity Reference Revision not loaded in EntityReferenceFormatterBase Active .

🇮🇳India Vivek Panicker Kolkata

Seems like a Core issue.
Trying to fix in https://www.drupal.org/project/drupal/issues/3442267 🐛 Entity Reference Revision not loaded in EntityReferenceFormatterBase Active .

🇮🇳India Vivek Panicker Kolkata

Thanks @adam-delaney
Much appreciated!

🇮🇳India Vivek Panicker Kolkata

@Indranil Roy has mentioned to me that the issue is resolved now.
Hence closing the issue.

🇮🇳India Vivek Panicker Kolkata

@adam-delaney Hi, just noticed that no credits were given for the contribution.
I believe @sandipta and @MukhtarM should receive credits for the help they've rendered?

🇮🇳India Vivek Panicker Kolkata


> Not sure we need to target against 10.3.x, this should all work against the 11.x branch.
Got it, thanks.

> We'll keep this branch open as more attributes become available.
But we don't have any other code using annotations.
Is there any other code for which we are waiting for the attributes to become available?

> Thank you for your contributions to this work.
Happy to help! :)

🇮🇳India Vivek Panicker Kolkata

No comment on this ticket for past 2 years.
Closing this ticket.
Please feel free to re-open if required.

🇮🇳India Vivek Panicker Kolkata

Code looks good.
Also requirements are fulfilled.
Hence moving to RTBC.

🇮🇳India Vivek Panicker Kolkata

@tjtj can we move the issue to RTBC state if that patch resolves the issue?

🇮🇳India Vivek Panicker Kolkata

Thanks a lot @drumm and @fjgarlin for helping to resolve the issue!

🇮🇳India Vivek Panicker Kolkata

Hello everyone!

Can someone please look into this?

I am not able to contact the module maintainers to help with review/merge of MRs :(

🇮🇳India Vivek Panicker Kolkata

Hello everyone!

Can someone please look into this?

I am not able to contact the module maintainers to help with review/merge of MRs :(

🇮🇳India Vivek Panicker Kolkata

@joachim @anybody, can someone help review the PR please?

🇮🇳India Vivek Panicker Kolkata

@Tarun Chauhan, if you encounter the issue again, please feel free to open this issue.
Closing this for now.

🇮🇳India Vivek Panicker Kolkata

@SteveHanson As the issue does not seem related to Drupal Core, I am closing this issue.
Please feel free to re-open in case you do not agree.

🇮🇳India Vivek Panicker Kolkata

As the issue is very old, I am assuming that newever versions of the project has fixed it.
Hence closing this issue.

🇮🇳India Vivek Panicker Kolkata

Does not look like an issue.
Please follow the steps mentioned by Tanushree Gupta to resolve the issue.
Closing this issue.

🇮🇳India Vivek Panicker Kolkata

As discussed with the maintainer, @hansa11, a new version of the theme is in the works and so this fix is no longer required.
Closing this issue.
@hritick @hansa11, kindly close the MR.

🇮🇳India Vivek Panicker Kolkata

@ak-lbo Gaurav Gupta did not seem to receive any credit for the work done in this issue.
Any reason why?

🇮🇳India Vivek Panicker Kolkata

I have raised the MR, but that needs to be targeted against the Drupal 10.3.x branch.
I am not sure how to do that.
Also, we need to thoroughly test this.

🇮🇳India Vivek Panicker Kolkata

Annotations are used by the following Field Formatters:
- AbleplayerVideoFormatter
- AbleplayerSignLanguageFormatter
- AbleplayerRemoteVideoFormatter
- AbleplayerPosterImageFormatter
- AbleplayerChapterFormatter
- AbleplayerCaptionFormatter
- AbleplayerAudioFormatter

We have Attribute available for Field formatter: https://www.drupal.org/node/3420980

So we can start working on this.

🇮🇳India Vivek Panicker Kolkata

@ramil g, actually what I am trying to say is that I am not able to reproduce the issue on a fresh Drupal installation with only this contrib module installed.
So can I request you to try to reproduce the issue on a fresh installation and then note down the exact steps followed to reproduce the issue?

🇮🇳India Vivek Panicker Kolkata

First of all, we get $value == _none only when we intially had given a value for the field and saved the content and later selected None from the options.
So I think that point needs to be mentioned in the description.
The first time we save the content without selecting any value in the term reference field, we get "" in $value.

2nd point is regarding this code:

1.    if ($element['#shs']['settings']['anyValue'] === reset($value)) {
2.     if (!$element['#required']) {
3.        return;
4.      }
5.      elseif (count($element['#options']) > 1) {
6.        $form_state->setError($element, t('You need to select a term from the deepest level in field @name.', ['@name' => $element['#title']]));
7.        return;
8.      }
9.    }

Even when there is _none in $value, still the code seems to return from line 2, since the element is not required.

So I don't get the part where the error is occurring for you.

🇮🇳India Vivek Panicker Kolkata

I see that the form that you have is a bit different from the one that I have, for eg. a toggle button saying "Is Registration".

What I would request you to do is try out the module on a fresh install of Drupal and try to reproduce the issue.
Once you are able to do that, can you update the description with the exact steps you followed to arrive at the problem so that someone else can also reproduce the issue?

🇮🇳India Vivek Panicker Kolkata

@linhnm I tried with the steps mention and see the date correctly appearing on the node page.
I have tried with smart_date_recur version 4.0.3.
Can you tell me what issue you see in front end?

🇮🇳India Vivek Panicker Kolkata

Seems some conflict with your existing configurations.

I installed the module on a Drupal 9.5 site and checked this.

🇮🇳India Vivek Panicker Kolkata

Can you ping me in Drupal Slack?
My name is Vivek Panicker.

🇮🇳India Vivek Panicker Kolkata

Followed the Drupal recommentations here and modified the previous patch.

🇮🇳India Vivek Panicker Kolkata

Please provide more details on how to reproduce the issue.

🇮🇳India Vivek Panicker Kolkata

@slogar32 Hi!
It seems neither me or @ankithashetty received any credit for this :|

🇮🇳India Vivek Panicker Kolkata

I have updated the patch for D10.
Request everyone to review it once.

🇮🇳India Vivek Panicker Kolkata

This is not an issue of this module.
It is requiring some package which is not in fully stable version.

When working on a project, we encounter many such packages which have dev stability version.

So we have no option but to set "dev" stability version.

Closing this ticket as this is not module related.

🇮🇳India Vivek Panicker Kolkata

I think we should be raising PR against 2.1.0 branch.
Instead of 2.0 branch.

🇮🇳India Vivek Panicker Kolkata

@chancenyasulu I see the it written as

{@inheritDoc }<code> in your code.
An extra space seems to have crept in.
Can you please fix that to <code>{@inheritDoc}

and run phpcs again?

🇮🇳India Vivek Panicker Kolkata

@chancenyasulu I checked this.

In SortPluginBase class, we have the query method defined.

`Length` class extends SortPluginBase class and overrides its `query()`.

So adding `{@inheritDoc}` on the function docblock does not cause any error.

Even VSCode is not showing any error.

🇮🇳India Vivek Panicker Kolkata

Vivek Panicker made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇮🇳India Vivek Panicker Kolkata

@alok_singh I am talking about core_version_requirement key.
It's already there in the latest 2.1.0 branch.

🇮🇳India Vivek Panicker Kolkata

I think doing a forceful redirection should be avioided.
So I updated the patch and added a link in the error message so that user can click on it and navigate to the configuration page.

🇮🇳India Vivek Panicker Kolkata

Tested on local.
The changes look good.

Just left 2 minor comments in the MR regarding the code comments.

Rest is good to merge.

🇮🇳India Vivek Panicker Kolkata

Vivek Panicker made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇮🇳India Vivek Panicker Kolkata

@admirlju Changes look good.

I applied the patch, followed your instructions and created the content.
When I edit the particular media I see the following:

It looks a bit out of place since it appears in the bottom of the page below the save button.
Can we fix that?

Also shouldn't we document the steps in the README file?

🇮🇳India Vivek Panicker Kolkata

@chancenyasulu are you working on it?
Or can I pick this up?

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