🇩🇪Germany @Schoenef

Account created on 11 November 2016, over 7 years ago

Recent comments

🇩🇪Germany Schoenef Unna

This one should be patched imideatly, it breaks actually every composer update command, if the module is installed.

#4 works and fixes the issue.

🇩🇪Germany Schoenef Unna

I think the issue is editor.editor.basic_html, it might be a lost migration or something. In the frontend it shows that now editor is selected, but in the config it has ckeditor5.

I attached a screenshot of the UI under drupal 10.0

Many migrations around the world are probably already in this state, as linkit 6.0 allows to upgrade to 10.0 but no further until it get's updated to 6.1.

Thx for looking into this!

🇩🇪Germany Schoenef Unna

I removed the whole example view now. There whre 3 patches to do so, so i guess it was not exactly loved.

🇩🇪Germany Schoenef Unna

As this is 7 years od, I close it as outdated - the general idea seems valid, but please reopen with a new patch if this is still required.

🇩🇪Germany Schoenef Unna

Hi Friends, sorry for beeing late to the party, but it is closed now (exactly idetical) via #3356588.

🇩🇪Germany Schoenef Unna

This was fixed already with #3356588.

🇩🇪Germany Schoenef Unna

Thx Mate! I'll be doing this also on a minimal base but are happy to help a bit here (Almost completely without any self interest :D)

Best wishes

🇩🇪Germany Schoenef Unna

Hi Team, we are still using this module in one of or old projects and I'd like to fix at least the worst issues here.

It would be great, if you could grant me ownership, so we don't need this massive patch cascade anymore.

Thx a lot!

🇩🇪Germany Schoenef Unna

Hi @it-cru,

we also have this issue now and I think the provided MR is very good. youtu.be is also not a seperate provider, but a shorthand notation for youtube links.

🇩🇪Germany Schoenef Unna

This patch works for me - a little drawback is, that I had to hardcode the plugin id, but it takes too much time now, to introduce a static getId method to the migrate universe.

🇩🇪Germany Schoenef Unna

The second of our 6 migrations is already bringing it down - the used plugin is `custom_sql_query` - I guess $this->pluginManagerMigration->createStubMigration($definition) is doing something very ressource intentsive under the hood for this.

I propose do delay this call as late as possible.

🇩🇪Germany Schoenef Unna

Ok, so it is a code issue, possibly related to https://www.drupal.org/project/drupal/issues/2974321

- The form is called, but the redirect happens during the buildForm method in this loop:

foreach ($this->definitions as $definition) {
      $migrationInstance = $this->pluginManagerMigration->createStubMigration($definition);
      if ($migrationInstance->getSourcePlugin() instanceof CSV || $migrationInstance->getSourcePlugin() instanceof Json || $migrationInstance->getSourcePlugin() instanceof Xml) {
        $id = $definition['id'];
        $options[$id] = $this->t('%id (supports %file_type)', [
          '%id' => $definition['label'] ?? $id,
          '%file_type' => $this->getFileExtensionSupported($migrationInstance),
🇩🇪Germany Schoenef Unna

/admin/config/content/migrate_source_ui works, I'm double checking if there is some kind of redirect.

🇩🇪Germany Schoenef Unna

Ok, thx anyway. Any idea for a workaround in order to open page 3 of a webform via parametrizized url?

🇩🇪Germany Schoenef Unna

The discussion mentioned above was deleted / censored (I guess the public opinion on this one was not matching the creators own...)

I tried to restore some ways to get rid of the message here: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/76130997/composer-how-to-remove-stan...

🇩🇪Germany Schoenef Unna

This patch makes it sue the new d9 apis.

🇩🇪Germany Schoenef Unna

Hi @wim-leer,

I added a screencast illustrating the problem - it's mainly a usability issue in my eyes.

The style config used in the screencast is the same as above:

a.btn.btn-primary|Primary Button
a.btn.btn-outline-primary|Primary Outline Button
a.btn.btn-secondary|Secondary Button

Thx a lot!

🇩🇪Germany Schoenef Unna

I added a screenshot to further illustrate the issue:

🇩🇪Germany Schoenef Unna

This change comes also a bit of a surprise to me. I'll check out the claro never the less.

🇩🇪Germany Schoenef Unna

I'm using a custom theme indeed - I just switched to Olivero, but the behaviour is also the same:

I have Webform Clientside Validation, Clientside Validation jQuery and Clientside Validation modules enabled. The console shows no errors, it only logs the Ajax POST request on submit (Brave Browser).

🇩🇪Germany Schoenef Unna

Ok, I just found the "Enable Side Wide Modal Support" checkbox - thx a lot for the helpful videos.

however, this is exactly the same behaviour (ajax dissabled this time) - the form in the modal is turned automatically into some ajax thing - if I submit it empty, the validation is happening only server side, not client side.

Am I missing something else?

🇩🇪Germany Schoenef Unna

Dear @jrockowitz,

so I used your example yml form and enabled the webform client side validation module. It does work for your example (which has not ajax enabled) on the webform page, but I was not able to get it as model using

<a href="/form/contact" class="webform-dialog webform-dialog-normal button">Test Normal</a>

Any other module I'm missing.

However - if I enable ajax, the client side validation is ignored again (please see the updated yaml of your form - I had to rename it to kontakt thou)

So I think it really is a bug, ajax should not prevent the client side validation in my opinion. Ideally also it would not be necessary to install any extra plugin for the basic html5 client side form validation api to kick in.

🇩🇪Germany Schoenef Unna

Dear @jrockowitz,

it looks like my webform knowledge has a lot of holes... (It's the first time I hear of the
Webform Clientside Validation module or build in modal support).

Incidentally it is not even activated in my project, so I'll try it out tomorrow and if it works. This whole ticket might be not an issue at all...

Thx for answering never the less!

🇩🇪Germany Schoenef Unna

Urks, this appears to be really deeply in the core already. It is aparently possible to either override the Drupal.Ajax.prototype.beforeSend ( https://www.drupal.org/forum/support/module-development-and-code-questio... ) or potentially to do it for a specific call only: https://drupal.stackexchange.com/questions/1890/how-to-add-some-javascri...

This should not be done generally but only for webform ajax.

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