i have created an issue in the simplesaml_auth module
-simplesamlphp 2.2.1 with twig/twig v3.9.3
-drupal/core 10.3 with twig/twig v3.14.2
-the simplesamlphp library has been downlaoded
Updating the library simplesamlphp to 2.3.3(twig/twig v3.14.2) fix the error but i still do not know which twig is used on the site then.
we are using the module simplesamlphp_auth and the simplesamlphp library is in drupal/vendor/bin
i don't know why the twig is processed by simplesamlphp
#16 fixed it for me
i find out it s a browser compatibility problem.
It works on chrome but not firefox.
i ll create another ticket.
Regarding this ticket, don't you think a documentation is missing and more back-office hints ?
it s a complex module with many possible parameters and one has to deduce everything.
I am having for example a lot of questions regarding the possiblity to boost certain fields and the effect on the overall relevance calculation.
Thanks for that.
i did not realised there were additionnal options because the click on + does not work.
I cannot select the field_tags:entity:name
I am using Drupal 10.2.6+ search_api 8.x-1.34 +gin theme
I have also tried with claro and adminimal theme and it s still the same
Your assumtion is exact. This is precisely what happens !
I did not realise "des" returns indeed all results
"des" + a non excluded keywords returns what match out that 2nd keywords.
Do you agree this is not an expected behaviour and it should be corrected?
my mistake
found that
<lots><value>lot 1</value><value>lot 2</value></lots>
work if the parser is configured as parse subdirectories with a matching /lots/value
The module is lacking clearly of documentation or hint in the back office or infos using the tour module
what if it s not there ?
i cannot see it ( see capture)
i am using database
i do use the database backend for searching, and i cannot see that "partial matching option".
Could u tell me the url and screen capture ?
i don't see the relevance of that relevance sorting. Who would want an unrelevant sorting ?
is it safe to put lax then regarding CSRF vulnerabilities ?
the parameters was not there in the services.yml
it should be lax by default.
Anyway , adding
# Set the SameSite cookie attribute: 'None', 'Lax', or 'Strict'. If set,
# this value will override the server value. See
# https://www.php.net/manual/en/session.security.ini.php for more
# information.
# @default no value
cookie_samesite: Lax
seems indeed to fix it
matoeil → created an issue.
i have looked more thoroughly on our use case.
We do use a lot of entity ref fields and i can spot at least 2 problems
if having a content type let's say 'page' , having a paragraph entity ref field, having a view ref field displaying a list of content, let s say 'articles' with their respective fields.
when using front editing here to edit the article, the article is revisioned, but the page is not.
if having a content type , lets say 'article', having a media ref field
when using front editing here to update the media, the article is not revisioned
I am editing the issue
to precise #3:
if using back-office editing , a revision is created each time a modification is made
if using front end editing , a revision is, in certain cases, not created.
If someone revert a revision, all modif that would have been done without revision are lost.
That is why i have considered it critical.
same same here
matoeil → created an issue.
using dev version ( cf#115) and patch #149 :
it work well when the visibility for the field is conditionned by a checked boolean or a value or a list field.
It does not work when the control field is a taxonomy entity ref field.
will this not be pushed to drupal10 ?
indeed ! and thanks
nice, but it's not enough.
It won't work on sites using a base theme different than "stable".
adding the links to olivero solve the problem as long as content translation is not used
function child_preprocess_links(&$variables) {
if (!empty($variables['links'])) {
foreach ($variables['links'] as $key => $value) {
if (!is_numeric($key)) {
$class = Html::getClass($key);
When trying to edit paragraphs on a fr or en version of one content , the modifications affect both versions ( 1revision for each language is created)
Are these links language aware ?
-adding content translation
- configure the paragrph to be translatable
-adding to the basic page a paragraph ref field
- create a content in default language
- translate
=> the edited paragraph is saved on both languages.
1 revision is made for each language
the edition in one language should not affect the other language !
are the geysir links language aware ?
it solves it with the preprocess_links hook
i am in php7.4 yes. I guess u can close the issue.
does not work for me with umami distribution
as the Rendered HTML output solves it for me, u can choose to close the issue.
This feature would be useful though when not wanting to index the whole content of the entity
There is a /modules/contrib/n1ed/src/Plugin/CKEditorPlugin/N1ED.php file
The problem is the module leave to content editors of the site, that are not Drupal experts, to choose one option or the other, from one media to another, without understanding fully the consequences of it ( and without knowing how the site has been configured )
If the use of this module was to always overwrite the file , it would be better then to be configurable globally, and not left to the choice of the content editor on every media
Thnaks for taking that time to reply.
I understand your point, but why absolutely wanting to preserve drupal core's behaviour when it is not working properly ?
That module could fill a Drupal flaw.
Unless you do settings that are not recommended in production, that sentence is wrong :
"If unchecked, the filename of the replacement file will be used, and the original file may be deleted if no previous revision references it"
The original file is never deleted !
In other words, for sites in production, the media entity file replace module does not work as it says it should.
As previously said on #7 though:
- this module does not work as it should at the moment
- when doing replacement , the old file is never deleted , which causes data protection issues
- unless ['make_unused_managed_files_temporary'] = TRUE is set, which is highly not recommended because drupal core has issues with unmanaged files
-these core bugs have been on for 6years so it might not been fixed exactly tomorrow.
may i leave your reconsider as deleting the file immediately would fix the problem?
any hints ?
An example of nested fields to add when using nested paragraphs
If the current date is in the range of a seasonal weektable then display that one.
If the current date is less than 7 days of a change of timetable, a message could be giving that information
did u actually check that the module is working ?
this seems to work :
function my_module_theme($existing, $type, $theme, $path) { return [ 'my_module_theme' => [ 'template' => 'my_module', 'variables' => [ 'events' => my_function(), 'count' => my_other_function(), ], 'cache' => false, ], ]; }
it is not indicated as possible parameter in the doc
I understand it is not possible to import file to media ref fields ?
Add a mapping target to media field
Needs review
It would be useful to indicate that limitation explicitely on the /project/feeds page.
Is there an example of what information must contain the xml xpath to migrate a file from D7 to a D9 file media, using feeds?
In my case above , once correcting the text size, a media is created but it is not linked to the file system.