Account created on 28 November 2014, over 9 years ago

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🇵🇱Poland salmonek


I've restored those actions and pushed to the working branch.
Ignore all and add to dictionary options are dependent on ignore/dictionary permissions.
Today we've released a 1.2.9 verion, but it doesn't yet contain changes for this ticket, so patch still needed for now.

🇵🇱Poland salmonek

Fixed the link to the configuration guide (wrong anchor).
The animation shows font background plugin use. Highlight uses the icon with yellow marker.

🇵🇱Poland salmonek

Hi @jons
As far as I remrmber the CKeditor 5 plugin works on span itself, so that would need to rewrite the plugin itself.
There is a workaround though. Highlight plugin works in a similar way, but uses classes and mark elements. Please try it - maybe it'll suit your needs. Please be aware that you'll need to add the styling to your theme manually, reuired code is availabe in the config form.

🇵🇱Poland salmonek

Ok, pushed an update with additional permission.
Thank you for the fixes.

🇵🇱Poland salmonek

Here is a patch that adds 4 new permissions for each section in the plugin settings menu (dictionary, language, general and ignore).
When user does not have access to any of sections, the settings menu won't be available at all.
Additionally the local settings storage will be disabled for sections that are not available for user and default settings will apply. The default settings can be adjusted at /admin/config/ckeditor5-premium-features/wproofreader

When this update will be released, we'll most probably set the hook_update to enable permissions by default for sites that already have module installed (so there won't be unexpected loss of functionality). In such case we'll provide info about that here before release of the feature.

🇵🇱Poland salmonek

Hi @xamount

The "Administer the CKEditor 5 WProofreader configuration" applies to the main config form - /admin/config/ckeditor5-premium-features/wproofreader

The settings form available directly in the editor is not affecting whole site. Those settings are stored in the browser's local storage, so if you log in to another user's account on the same browser then indeed it will retain the changes made on first user's account.
If you log in on another browser or icognito mode then the settings will be again defaults.
We can do an additional permission to disallow personal configuration (I'm not 100% sure if we can do it for whole form), however for us it doesn't look like a major bug.

🇵🇱Poland salmonek

41.3 brings multi-level lists (in a separate plugin which we're not offering,

We'll have it covered in the CKEditor 5 Premium Features module.

🇵🇱Poland salmonek


I've posted MR with fix.
We'll have internal QA on this issue however this may take some time (this week weekend in Poland starts on Wednesday).
Feel free to test the solution, we'll be happy for any feedback.

🇵🇱Poland salmonek

Thank you, we have reproduced the issue, and will notify you once we have it solved.

🇵🇱Poland salmonek

Hi @duckydan
Is there any chance that some custom code is adding own '#suffix' to the textarea?

🇵🇱Poland salmonek

Provide a menu link checked

🇵🇱Poland salmonek

Change page status

🇵🇱Poland salmonek

Changed Wproofreader comparison table url

🇵🇱Poland salmonek

This patch extends the one posted in #3425804 with height fix within off-canvas scope.

🇵🇱Poland salmonek


The permissions system for Non-realtime collaboration was added in version 1.1.0
Here I'm attaching a patch that will enable anonymous comments in non-rtc mode.
For realtime collaboration, we're still working on permissions system, and I'm not sure if we'll have possibility for anonymous comments there.

🇵🇱Poland salmonek

Here is the patch against 10.2.2
matthieuscarset, I can send you patch for 10.1.2 on Slack in case this won't work

BTW: Wim when I'm posting a patch with name format {issue_number}-{comment-number} do I have to put {comment-number} manually and hope that nobody else will post or can the name be somehow generated automatically?

🇵🇱Poland salmonek

The issue occurs when all plugins are enabled.
The Validator that throws an Exception is loading all enabled and disabled plugins separately for some validation:
$disabled_plugin_elements = new HTMLRestrictions($this->pluginManager->getProvidedElements(array_keys($enableable_disabled_plugins), $text_editor, FALSE));
The problem is that getProvidedElements() returns all plugins in case first parameter is empty. I'll prepare a patch shortly.

🇵🇱Poland salmonek

Hi @jkamizato

With recent versions of Drupal Core and Premium Features the link styles is working.
This was an upstream issue within CKEditor 5 itself and was fixed in CKEditor 5 v40 which is available in Drupal since 10.2.0

🇵🇱Poland salmonek

The patch I uploaded here: 🐛 Full Screen button produces a JS error if not using any other premium modules Needs review
is also adding a css rule that makes full screen usable on editors within off-canvas blocks

I'll get back to this issue later as editor height isn't calculated correctly (around 100px short on bottom) and also premium features sidebars aren't working when editor is within off-canvas.

🇵🇱Poland salmonek

I have prepared a patch that makes fullscreen working both with an w/o premium features modules.
Patch applies fof 1.2.6 (probably also 1.2.5)

🇵🇱Poland salmonek

Thank you @bkosborne for reporting the issue

Temporary solution is to downgrade to 1.2.4 when not using other premium features sub-modules.

🇵🇱Poland salmonek


The 1.2.6 version of our module now comes with WProofreader integration submodule.

🇵🇱Poland salmonek


We have released 1.2.6 with update which should work for all cases where editor is initially hidden (not limited to field group module).
The #5 patch isn't compatible nor required in 1.2.6

🇵🇱Poland salmonek

Added WProofreader configuration section

🇵🇱Poland salmonek

Hi @jkamizato

Thank you for reporting this. Yes we have to add additional integration as media provides custom HTML element.
I'll notify you once we have it ready.

🇵🇱Poland salmonek


We had actually worked on fieldgroup tabs support before. However we only considered auto sidebar mode (based on viewport width).
For now I simply added handling of fixed sidebar modes within tabs.
I think we may need to change this to monitor editor visibility in general and apply proper methods once editor becomes visible for user (as this is potential issue for modal windows and custom made tabs which contains editor with sidebar).

As for now I'm attaching a patch which adds support for fixed mode sidebars in fieldgroup tabs which should work for your site.

🇵🇱Poland salmonek

Hi @jkamizato
Thank you for bringing this issue to our attention. We'll check the issue soon and notify here once we have a solution.
I have a question - are you positive that you're using version 1.2.5? In this release we introduced an update to the editor wrappers structure. Toolbar should actually now span over whole editor element (editing area and sidebar). I wonder if your screen was made with older version or is it another bug raleted to tabs.

🇵🇱Poland salmonek


Not right now. We have code actually ready. We're now in a process of discussing release details with WebSpellChecker LLC
After the release we'll be very thankful for feedback.

🇵🇱Poland salmonek

Hi @vladimiraus

We're looking into adding the WProofReader integration as we had few requests for spellchecking feature.

🇵🇱Poland salmonek

Import images to media entities had been added in version 1.2.5

We'll be looking into CKBox integration soon. We have such scenarios on mind for implementation.

  1. Plugin for CKEditor 5 to add image hosted on CKBox as it works in one of our demos -
  2. Similar as above, but import into Drupal filesystem instead of linking to CKBox
  3. CKBox as a source for media entities

If you have other ideas for CKBox implementation don't hesitate to share your ideas.

🇵🇱Poland salmonek

Added Import from Word section

🇵🇱Poland salmonek

Hi @e2euser,
Currently there isn't a specified plan for this integration. However, we'll take your post as an upvote for this feature.

🇵🇱Poland salmonek

Changed parent guide, so the page will land in Drupal 7 section of contrib modules documentation. Thank you  hansfn  for noticing.

🇵🇱Poland salmonek

Changed parent guide

🇵🇱Poland salmonek

Changes formatting.

🇵🇱Poland salmonek

Changed menu link weight

🇵🇱Poland salmonek

Hide page in menu before Drupal 7 version is released.

🇵🇱Poland salmonek

Updated installation instructions for Drupal 7 version of the module, To be published once 7.x-1.24 is released.

🇵🇱Poland salmonek

Added AI Assistant configuration instructions

🇵🇱Poland salmonek


We have released version 1.2.3 which allows to convert images to base64 on export. The setting is abailable in text format configuration in Export to PDF/Word tab:

There are unfortunately some limits on filesize that cloud can process - as far as I remember ~20 MB which sholud be raised in future.

Recently export plugins started to support access headers. We'll be working on support for this feature in the module. I'll keep you posted once we have it ready.

🇵🇱Poland salmonek

Hi pandurenganjegadeesan

Indeed that won't work on CKEditor 5 which is not rendered in an ifreame element.
In order to get editor content you can simply use editor.getData(); function.

You can access editor object via Drupal.CKEditor5Instances - it is a Map object containing all instances active on current page.

If there is a possibility that there are multiple instances of CKEditor 5 in single form you can iterate over Map elements and get value for each instance and also access source textarea element (which will have data-drupal-selector and name attributes with which you can identify a field which is using current instance of CKEditor):

🇵🇱Poland salmonek

Just small info - we have released version 1.0.0 and there were no further problems with package override.

🇵🇱Poland salmonek

Hi @phpforfree

For images that are saved in private filesystem a base64 seems to be only option. Exports are processed on cloud/on-premise server so it have to have an access to the linked images.
It looks like we are able to write a CKEditor plugin that will alter editor data by converting images to base64 before data is sent for export.

Thank you for your suggestion, we should be able to work on this soon, I'll notify when we'll have solution ready.

🇵🇱Poland salmonek

Thank you for reporting the issue and I apologize for the problem we raised.
I will contact infrastructure team to discuss how we can avoid this in case of future releases.
Our intention was to have this module available as drupal/ckeditor_lts, not overriding drupal/ckeditor for users that doesn't use LTS version.
We do base our module on ckeditor having same namespaces to simplify update process and as far I'm aware CKSource no longer maintains original ckeditor module thus the decision to deploy new module.

Once more apologies for the mess.

🇵🇱Poland salmonek

Change Menu link weight

🇵🇱Poland salmonek

Changed headers formatting.

🇵🇱Poland salmonek

Added configuration instructions body.

🇵🇱Poland salmonek

Changed title in hope to change url alias

🇵🇱Poland salmonek

Change page to become an installation guide.

🇵🇱Poland salmonek

Wrong node type created initially

🇵🇱Poland salmonek

Updated Non rtc revision history settings section. Updated modules list screenshot.

🇵🇱Poland salmonek

I have another question to clarify your situation.
Did errors on other mentioned pages appeared just after module was installed and you didn't actually had a working realtime collaboration at any time? In such case - are you able to locate a "ckeditor5_premium_features_realtime_collaboration module installed." message in a watchdog log and check if there is any message that might be related to the installation process that precedes installation notification?

🇵🇱Poland salmonek

I found a core issue related to the error thrown when entity table doesn't already exist: 🐛 Improperly deployed *missing* entity table breaks module uninstall Needs work
I've tested patch on Drupal 10.1.2 - it successfully applies and allows to uninstall module.
I wasn't actually able to reproduce your issue with regular module uninstall, however when manually removed the table I got same error and was able to uninstall with patch installed.

I've also verified that using Entity API doesn't require hook_install() nor hook_uninstall()
Entity API database operations are handled in Drupal\Core\Extension\ModuleInstaller class

🇵🇱Poland salmonek

Hi @bajah1701
Sorry for long response on your error.
There is a "Channel" entity definition within our module, so Drupal handles database table creation and deletion automatically.
During module development we switch between RTC and Non-RTC quite often which requires uninstallation of currently used collaboration module, and we never had such problem before.

I would like to reproduce this issue and would need some information:

  1. Did the SQL error appear on a first attempt of uninstallation? Most reasonable explanation for me would be that on first attempt something went wrong after entity was deleted from system and then on subsequent attempts lack of table is an issue.
  2. Which core version was used?
  3. How was unistallation attempt done - via UI or using Drush?

Do you need help with some quick workaround solution to uninstall the module right now?

🇵🇱Poland salmonek

Hi @jkamizato
Sorry for long response time. We'll be checking this case probably next week. In meantime two questions:
1 Do you use track changes with realtime or non-realtime collaboration
2 Are there any errors in JS console?

🇵🇱Poland salmonek

Hi @bezlashgmailcom

I have some status update for you.
In order to save images in CKEditor 5 as Drupal files you need to have Image module enabled and image uploads enabled within text format configuration:

In 1.2.1 release of Premium features module we have fixed an issue occurring when there were more than one image in imported content.

As for media integration there is currently a ticket to support this in general in CKE 5: 📌 Ease the transition to Media: save image uploads in CKEditor 5 as media entities when media is enabled? Needs work
There is a PoC patch that will use a default image media entity type.
In our team we're thinking about a dynamic configuration where a site admin could set a target media entity type and target field within.
I'll notify in case we have some progress on that.

🇵🇱Poland salmonek

Productivity pack configuration added

🇵🇱Poland salmonek

Hi c-s-comfort
We have released version 1.2.0 which contains support for Productivity Pack. Please note that Productivity Pack submodule requires Drupal 10.1 due to CKEditor 5 main script version.

🇵🇱Poland salmonek

Hi @kushagragoyal

Thank you for reporting the issue and providing patch.
We are currently a little busy with new functionalities and bugs related to updated CKEditor in upcoming Drupal 10.1
We'll check the problem and patch at some time.

🇵🇱Poland salmonek

Hi @yuanyuanzhang,

As for now we have released 1.1.0 version which bring permissions for non-realtime collaboration.

Realtime collaboration permissions are also planned, but will require some updates in cloud services / on-premises server software.
We'll notify once we have more info about that.

🇵🇱Poland salmonek

Hi @bmagalhaes,

We have added option to auto-enable tracking changes in 1.1.0 release.
Checkbox is located in Text format plugin settings - for example at /admin/config/content/formats/manage/full_html

After updating module please review permissions section. For non-realtime collaboration you'll need to set them to not have ckeditor in read-only mode (granting all four permissions has effectively same result as was up to 1.0.1)
For realtime and export plugins there is required token endpoint access permission.

🇵🇱Poland salmonek

Added permissions description

🇵🇱Poland salmonek

Hi @bezlashgmailcom

There is no CKBox integration for Drupal yet.

Unfortunately we do not have anything implemented to save a base64 image as media after importing from word.
We'll check what are possibilities and notify here once we have any update to this matter.

🇵🇱Poland salmonek

Hi @bogdog400

Currently we do not support permissions system at all, however this is something that we're working at now. We didn't yet thought about comment visibility - rather permissions just for writing. Your suggeastion seems to be valid case though so we'll take a look at possibilities. I'll notify here in case we'll make a release containing functionality you asked for.

As for comment anonymization - this is also currently unsupported. We didin't had plans for such functionality yet.
Please let me understand your needs better. Would you like to have ability to anonymize comment author in CKEditor's sidebar only, having the information of author saved in database anyway?

One more thing to clarify - do you use Realtime or Non-realtime Collaboration module?

🇵🇱Poland salmonek

Hi @yuanyuan.zhang

We have added possibility for custom styling for content of exported PDF files in 1.0.0

🇵🇱Poland salmonek


Version 1.0.0 has been released today. As mentioned earlier the issue was fixed.

🇵🇱Poland salmonek

For custom config related to permissions you linked - you don't actually need any custom js.
Permission config is embedded in access token which is being generated in Drupal\ckeditor5_premium_features\Generator\TokenGenerator class.

🇵🇱Poland salmonek

Hi @yuanyuan.zhang

Thank you for reporting that issue. We have cnfirmed that bug is occuring on 1.0.0-rc2.
This issue will be fixed in final 1.0.0 which should be released next week.

🇵🇱Poland salmonek

Hi @bmagalhaes,

Thank you for your suggestion, we're focusing now on deliverif 1.0.0 final release. We'll certainly look into this afterwards.

🇵🇱Poland salmonek

Hi @yuanyuanzhang,

Currently we do not support permissions for collaboration. This is something we will be investigating after 1.0.0 final release.

Production build 0.69.0 2024