- Issue created by @francismak
Hi francismak
Thank you for reporting the issue - we'll try to address it in one of upcoming releases.
With Drupal JS aggregation enabled, the plug-in doesn't load.
We are using find-and-replace, not sure if this is the same for other plugins
It seems maybe related to load ordering.
The find-and-replace JS script from CDN is loaded before the CKEditor 5 panel.
With JS aggregation disabled, the find-and-replace JS script will be loaded separately after the CK5 aggregated JS. Then the plugin is working.
Navigate to Admin, Performance
Enable JS aggregation
Enable find-and-replace in one of the Text Format
Create an article using one of the Text Format, the CK5 panel cannot be loaded. No JS error in console.
For remote script, setting the weight seems not working because it cannot set a positive number via hook_library_info_build.
For local script, setting the dependency 'core/ckeditor5.basic' to make it work.
Hi francismak
Thank you for reporting the issue - we'll try to address it in one of upcoming releases.