Berlin, Germany
Account created on 12 March 2008, over 16 years ago

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🇩🇪Germany hexabinaer Berlin, Germany

For completeness:

@mandclu reading on in the mentioned "phrasing content" list you'll find elements with specific conditions.

<a>, if the href attribute is present

🇩🇪Germany hexabinaer Berlin, Germany

This is still the case in the current 8.x version. Comparing to a second project where SbT delivers quite satisfying results while in my current project we have very nested hierarchical vocabularies, I reckon this might be related to a miscalculation of (counted in) term children.

🇩🇪Germany hexabinaer Berlin, Germany

Right so :-)

🇩🇪Germany hexabinaer Berlin, Germany

Yes sorry, I might have been mislead. The conversion from float to integer is probably totally unrelated.

However, I am still puzzled why the relevancy is always "1", no matter what operator I set, e. g. "Contains any of these words" (parse mode for fulltext search is "Multiple words")

🇩🇪Germany hexabinaer Berlin, Germany

This is an unfortunate known issue. To be honest, we didn't take it seriously enough because it appeared during test nodes cleanup. To avoid unintended damage, we introduced the "unpublish" workflow state and restricted the node delete permissions to higher privileged roles.

But now that the scenario has been reported for the 3rd time already (2 off-platform) we should find a robust solution.

I am still having a hard time understanding the user story that makes people delete a (reusable) event description. Understanding the situation would help deciding upon one of the possible solutions.

By the way, the solution must handle any entities that are referenced by a mandatory field as well. Plus cleanup of non-mandatory fields like article "mentions" references.

The decision is to be made between these 2 principles

- Disallow deletion with reference to dependencies (feedback information page lists referencing nodes linked)
- Bulk deletion based on dependency detection (confirmation page lists current and referencing nodes, confirmation option complete - or cancel)

🇩🇪Germany hexabinaer Berlin, Germany

I ran into the same, trying to combine content type and media type in a single facet. Setting identical URL aliases and ignoring the warning is no workaround btw.

Whatever setting you try, the facet link will be invalid and issue an empty search result.

🇩🇪Germany hexabinaer Berlin, Germany

+1 from me!

This behaviour was indeed unintended. (As you see in the address paragraph default display, avoiding the mouse wheel trap was always planned.)

🇩🇪Germany hexabinaer Berlin, Germany

Thanks for noting this! If nothing less it helped me understanding what my current problem is.

🇩🇪Germany hexabinaer Berlin, Germany

Beim Lesen der Kommentare bekam ich kurz Puls, weil das ja keine Frage von Entweder-Oder ist :-D Aber darauf lief es ja gar nicht hinaus.

Ich denke, wir sollten die Validierung in die gitlab CI Templates mit aufnehmen, damit alle Module bei jeder Änderung immer automatisch geprüft werden und die Entwickler eine Fehlermeldung erhalten, wenn ein string falsch ist.

Jawoll, das brauchen wir auf jeden Fall. Unterstützung bei der Fehlervermeidung wo immer es geht. Deshalb bin ich ja auch für das Rausschreiben von fehlerhaftem HTML beim Übersetzen. Nicht als einzige Maßnahme, aber eine, die die Nerven derjenigen schont, die Übersetzungen importieren.

Bei unseren eigenen Patzern sind wir dazu übergegangen, als erstes die Übersetzungen zu fixen, einfach weil's schnell geht. Wir notieren die Übersetzung zusammen mit den Source-Korrekturen, so dass wir sie schnell zur Hand haben, wenn das nächste Release rauskommt.

🇩🇪Germany hexabinaer Berlin, Germany

Awesome, thanks! Will look into it shortly.

🇩🇪Germany hexabinaer Berlin, Germany

Ah yes, I should have had a look at the Log before writing:

Deprecated function: Implicit conversion from float 0.75 to int loses precision in Drupal\Core\Template\TwigExtension->withoutFilter()

🇩🇪Germany hexabinaer Berlin, Germany

A client of ours reported the same issue und now they want a reroll to CKEditor 4 :-D

Admittedly the "missing link" in this evolution is rather that the regular CKEditor link widget is not prepared for anchor links (maybe allowing to enter anchor names but then not allowing to edit the link).

In case patching that widget would be too effortful: It should be reasonable to introduce a complimentare extra button/widget just for adding anchor links. The icon could combine chain link + flag.

🇩🇪Germany hexabinaer Berlin, Germany

Adding related issues, I think this issue will be answered be one of these.

🇩🇪Germany hexabinaer Berlin, Germany

What is it meant for, anyways? It even appears in the table head when there are no orderable items.

It would help mitigation when the th cell had a css class.

🇩🇪Germany hexabinaer Berlin, Germany

Fix in the making. A context filter will exclude the current delta in the URL (?date_delta=n) and handle a NULL fallback.

Trade-off: When the date page has no delta parameter (e. g. after adding a new node) the list will show all date instances, including the one shown on top of the page.

I think this will cause the least confusion. Again, thanks for pointing out.

🇩🇪Germany hexabinaer Berlin, Germany

The challenge is this: simply removing the offset in the "alternative dates" display would result in an always rendered block that repeats the very same date instance.

We need to find a way to exclude the current date's delta from the rendered list.

🇩🇪Germany hexabinaer Berlin, Germany

Your question is indeed related to Search API, not this module. There is quite a lot of documentation available for all flavors of search. Move onwards from

In short: First configure an index (which you might have already done). Then add a view (/admin/structure/views/add) based on your Meilisearch index. Expose a fulltext search field. That's basically it.

🇩🇪Germany hexabinaer Berlin, Germany

I am reluctant. Admittedly this is the more modern approach and surely makes it nicer for sighted users. Have you checked back with different input devices in all instances?

🇩🇪Germany hexabinaer Berlin, Germany

Sounds good, makes absolute sense.

🇩🇪Germany hexabinaer Berlin, Germany

Oh my, you are right. QA failed. Thanks for pointing out!

🇩🇪Germany hexabinaer Berlin, Germany

For the record:

For the initial version we had discussed both variations: results tagged with current term including/excluding child terms. There are arguments for both because it depends on how hierarchical tags are used. For example, when music events are always tagged with music and the suitable child term, the difference in drilling down would be "discovery" vs. "filtering".

I am changing the category to feature request just for the sake of respecting both scenarios as valid. Whoever finds this may get an idea of where to make changes for the "excluding child terms" scenario.

🇩🇪Germany hexabinaer Berlin, Germany

Makes sense, absolutely! I reviewed the diff and opt for a merge.

🇩🇪Germany hexabinaer Berlin, Germany

Setting this issue to "works as designed". Please don't feel backed down by this, it's just because this module was not designed to provide more than what you can configure over on the project page and apply that behavior to Drupal entities.

Feel free to get back here in case you need more hints.

🇩🇪Germany hexabinaer Berlin, Germany

Can you provide the configuration and a markup example?

In case you have "arrows on slide" (not outside) the arrow area might overlay your links.

I have not noticed any trouble with links in Swiffy Slider. The "Highlights ... Magazin" section on is a working example with links.

🇩🇪Germany hexabinaer Berlin, Germany

The "configurator" is actually just handling the functionality and is not designed to produce or affect code at all.

No need to get anywhere close to the suggested markup. We are using the swiffy views formatter for file and node bundles in different configurations.

In your case I'd start here:

  • Create a view
  • Use a suitable "rendered entity" display of your product - or build the required markup with fields
  • Theme your views rows like desired (e. g. with CSS)
  • Format the view with swiffy slider an use the above suggested 3-slide configuration
  • You might want to hide the dash indicators via CSS
🇩🇪Germany hexabinaer Berlin, Germany

Thanks for the demo, we'll look into it shortly :-)

🇩🇪Germany hexabinaer Berlin, Germany

Awesome initiative, I've been impatiently waiting for full support on the html element - thanks for taking it even a step further!

As to the styling, avoid overdoing. The required additions should rather go into the core themes. Module-related CSS will just make it harder to override in custom themes whereas native theming support in core should help a lot. After all, this is just an html element ;-)

🇩🇪Germany hexabinaer Berlin, Germany

I would have expected that an affected view would at most react like it would upon a missing field: "missing or broken role".

🇩🇪Germany hexabinaer Berlin, Germany

This issue is mentioned on the project page as a "hot topic".

Some help is appreciated for the following topics:
Add microdata [1 issue]

Is this still the case? If so, please give a hint in the issue description, e. g. "test against".

We are thinking about using office_hours in OpenCulturas so there is a chance for help ;-)

🇩🇪Germany hexabinaer Berlin, Germany

I found a fix that makes us less dependent from the cke community providing a fix: CSS, hooray :-) {
  overflow: scroll;
  max-height: var(--ck-min-height);

This is the result of a browser mockup based on Claro. Might need a higher specificity.

🇩🇪Germany hexabinaer Berlin, Germany

@cmlara you asked me to join the discussion from a translator's perpective. Not an easy task, I have two strong (conflicting) feelings about this question:

  1. I would tend to opt for "2FA", remembering that it required quite some discipline to stick to "TFA" all the time while my experience was constantly dragging me to "2FA".
  2. There are almost 150 strings containing "TFA" (according to l.d.o) - that will take a while add new translations to upcoming new untranslated strings. Last time it took me around 4 hours to add the missing German translations.

Yet and still I would recommend to differentiate between user-related observations/feedback (users may be site owners or their users, not us site builders/developers in first place). Their perspectives should guide the decision. If there is no clear need for renaming, we should focus on findability and, for example, add the synonym to help pages (not each and every field description though) and maybe claim the namespace on d.o with a sandbox project pointing to tfa.

🇩🇪Germany hexabinaer Berlin, Germany

@cmlara unfortunately the kick did not have any effect. Fingers crossed that someone reacts on the cross-post.

🇩🇪Germany hexabinaer Berlin, Germany

Thanks so much for the fast reactions, you're awesome!

I've cross-posted at 🐛 TFA release 8.x-1.3 not listed on l.d.o Active

Quoting from

Project or release not listed?

If you maintain a project (module, theme, distribution) and it does not show up here or has "No data available", that means you do not have a release of your project for either Drupal 7.x or 8.x (maybe your project is a sandbox project). Because your development code can change from minute to minute, we are only parsing released packages, so translators can focus on shipped software to translate. If you think you have a release out but it is not listed in at most a day, please submit an issue and fill in your project and release name.

🇩🇪Germany hexabinaer Berlin, Germany

Ha, sorry, tobiasb just pointed out that there is a pretty huge teaser on ("Project or release not listed?")

But keep your fingers crossed please ;-)

🇩🇪Germany hexabinaer Berlin, Germany

For what it's worth, I just notice that - in contrast to the missing translation - the "Accept all cookies" button in fallback overlay does indeed yield the default config override (original string "Accept All Cookies", changed in default config to lowercased "Accept all cookies".

🇩🇪Germany hexabinaer Berlin, Germany

I am trying to trace down several "missing translation" issues, namely this one plus issues around the cookie documentation block. In multisite setup with one multilingual site, one site default German and one site default English.

While working on my matrix I was wondering if it made sense to create one issue with an overview. Any hints on how to create a big picture that would be helpful in fixing?

🇩🇪Germany hexabinaer Berlin, Germany

See profile: allow organization page Needs work for a Drupal field solution.

🇩🇪Germany hexabinaer Berlin, Germany

Having pondered for I while, I would opt for abovementioned

Alternative solution

🇩🇪Germany hexabinaer Berlin, Germany

I would not insinuate that content editors are automatically trusted users, depends too much on the combined permissions. I personally know some site owners who are way less trusting than our cozy FOSS communities are.

That said, I do not need a "solution", this was rather a feature suggestion anticipating possible requirements ;-) I'm fine with postponing.

🇩🇪Germany hexabinaer Berlin, Germany

Tried again, still not reproduceable.

However, the button is hard to spot.

button { align-self: flex-end; } and including the button styling could help a lot. Especially sind hitting the enter key does not trigger the button.

🇩🇪Germany hexabinaer Berlin, Germany

PS: Took me a while to find out that the Time separator field allows markup. But the separator itself does not make a difference between separating days or times.

🇩🇪Germany hexabinaer Berlin, Germany

That was superfast, thanks a lot!

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