Account created on 11 December 2012, about 12 years ago

Merge Requests


Recent comments

🇷🇸Serbia majmunbog

I've removed the extra lines from the CSS. This needs review.

🇷🇸Serbia majmunbog

The MR has been updated and needs thorough review. I've also updated the standard Commerce icon (drupal cart) to be used as a mask image.

🇷🇸Serbia majmunbog

@aylis the patch works, but we than have repeatable code, we can just remove this code:

  /* When the layout has vertical tabs */
    ~ .layout-region--commerce-footer {
    width: calc(var(--commerce-layout-content-width) + 8rem);

commerce.admin-layout.css from line 46 to line 53. and have the same effect.

🇷🇸Serbia majmunbog

This should work:

.toolbar-tray .toolbar-icon.toolbar-icon-entity-commerce-order-collection::before {
    mask-image: var(--commerce-icon--clipboard-check-fill);
    background-color: #787878;
    mask-repeat: no-repeat;
    mask-position: center;

And then for active just change the background color.

It would be great if we had a class for all commerce toolbar items.
The existing icon should also be moved to a variable at some point.

🇷🇸Serbia majmunbog

I was not able to use mask to set the color because that requires an actual dom element to function properly and modifying the structure of the toolbar isn't really a good idea if it's even possible.

@rhovland I prefer we use a mask image. Can you explain how this is not functioning properly?

🇷🇸Serbia majmunbog

majmunbog made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇷🇸Serbia majmunbog

Here's a patch that adds the missing dependency to the copy link library.

🇷🇸Serbia majmunbog

I think we can remove that whole preprocess function. The active trail class should work without it and we don't even use it in the theme CSS. With the :has() CSS selectors there's no real need to complicate and add a class to

  • elements.
  • 🇷🇸Serbia majmunbog

    @tBKoT I think we should not reference variation in CSS, libraries, or data attributes. That way we can reuse this link and styles elsewhere.

    🇷🇸Serbia majmunbog

    Patch #2 is fine for now.
    We should consider changing the markup in a major release and start using CSS grid and variables here.

    🇷🇸Serbia majmunbog

    The third menu level has significant usability issues and is not 100% supported. It should be handled with care.

    🇷🇸Serbia majmunbog

    Thanks @alicacwb for providing the correct method to incorporate new fonts into the theme settings. This issue could be a good reference, and the process should be added to the documentation.

    🇷🇸Serbia majmunbog

    Sure @alicacwb, you can manually make those changes.
    You can also clone the fork git clone and then checkout the branch git checkout 3424189-subtheme-error-region.

    🇷🇸Serbia majmunbog

    Thanks @djween for bringing up this issue.
    I don't think that Popper.js was ever included in core. The Belgrade CSS is responsible for displaying the dropdowns on hover.

    I agree that the dropdowns should be opening on click. However, according to the Belgrade design, the main menu is intended to open on hover.

    I'm currently considering two options:

    1. Specifying hover-based dropdown CSS exclusively for this menu.
    2. Implementing theme settings to toggle the global dropdown behavior between hover and click.
    🇷🇸Serbia majmunbog

    Thanks @alicacwb for opening up this issue. The issue should be fixed in my MR, can you please review it?

    🇷🇸Serbia majmunbog

    This works great, thanks.
    The template suggestions need to be better ordered but that's another issue.

    🇷🇸Serbia majmunbog

    I'm just a bit late to respond to this one, but thanks a bunch @webengr for the positive feedback! If you have any feedback or suggestions for improvements, please feel free to share them in the issue queue.

    🇷🇸Serbia majmunbog

    This code is not present in the 2.0.x version of Belgrade.
    Can you update the issue metadata with the version you are using?

    🇷🇸Serbia majmunbog

    Icon added, sprite generated and styles updated.


    🇷🇸Serbia majmunbog

    Part of the command was missing from the example.

    🇷🇸Serbia majmunbog

    The wrong patch, this one is much better.

    🇷🇸Serbia majmunbog

    Here's a quick patch to fix the white text on the white background issue in CKEditor.

    🇷🇸Serbia majmunbog

    Here's the patch that fixes the styles for both themes.

    🇷🇸Serbia majmunbog

    Here's a patch with all CSS violations fixed.

    🇷🇸Serbia majmunbog

    @djween This version of Belgrade is based on the Commerce Bootstrap base theme , so both need to be compatible.
    There is an open issue here 📌 Automated Drupal 10 compatibility fixes Needs review .

    Not the best approach, but what you can do is copy the base themes as you would a starter kit and make the adjustments.
    Update the core_version_requirement in both themes *.info.yml file to core_version_requirement: ^8 || ^9 || ^10

    🇷🇸Serbia majmunbog

    Hi and welcome!
    Unfortunately, the issue is quite complex and will require significant work (site building, theming, backend) to address properly.
    You are better off asking for help on Drupal Slack. Good luck!

    🇷🇸Serbia majmunbog

    Try installing commerce kickstart

    composer create-project -s dev centarro/commerce-kickstart-project kickstart
    cd kickstart
    composer require drupal/commerce_demo:^3.0

    Make sure you check all options during the last install step.
    You should have everything that's in the demo.

    Commerce Kickstart Live Demo

    🇷🇸Serbia majmunbog

    I don't like the approach in the solution.
    Can you give me more information when is this issue happening? I'm guessing you have no logo added to the theme.

    🇷🇸Serbia majmunbog

    Read this documentation on how to add regions.

    Are you using Belgrade as a starterkit or you created a subtheme?

    🇷🇸Serbia majmunbog

    That variable is required.

    🇷🇸Serbia majmunbog

    Hello, I need more information to address this issue.
    Could you specify which version of Kickstart are you using?
    And are you using the commerce_cart_flyout module for the cart block?

    🇷🇸Serbia majmunbog

    The homepage is not coming from the theme. The frontpage and the products are provided by the Commerce Demo module.

    🇷🇸Serbia majmunbog

    Works great. Thanks @khiminrm.

    🇷🇸Serbia majmunbog

    This is just a matter of a missing class form-item. Added the class to both checkbox and radio element.

    🇷🇸Serbia majmunbog

    The issue has been tested and confirmed to be working. This is probably outdated or not an issue with Belgrade.

    🇷🇸Serbia majmunbog

    Information is in the README file.

    🇷🇸Serbia majmunbog

    Logo is now an inline SVG. Site name and site slogan are removed in configuration. This is outdated.

    🇷🇸Serbia majmunbog

    This is outdated. Theme will not break if the catalog menu is not present.

    🇷🇸Serbia majmunbog

    The scope changed, this is outdated.

    🇷🇸Serbia majmunbog

    Here's the README/documenation update patch.

    Production build 0.71.5 2024