Possible class to allow top bar region to stick?

Created on 16 February 2024, 10 months ago
Updated 19 February 2024, 10 months ago

LOW Priority.
Is there an elegant easy way to make the top bar be "sticky" ?

It looks like you can easily add/change classes for regions under appearance, admin/appearance/settings/belgrade

I think the default classes for Belgrade "Top bar" are: position-relative bg-dark py-2 opacify-links text-white

I had hoped just using changing the class "position-relative" to "position-sticky" then save and refresh cache would be a quick easy way to make the content in top bar region stick to top while scrolling down. Did not work for me nor other things tried over hours of hair pulling. I missed something simple maybe and went down some rabbit holes trying to do so..

This is a LOW PRIORITY support request, can close ticket if this is not the way to approach getting topbar stuff to stay on view while scrolling.


💬 Support request

Closed: works as designed





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  • Issue created by @webengr
  • DOH...

    Instead of using class "position-sticky" I realized days later I should try "top-sticky"
    That does seem to work.

    It is really nice how you can add bootstrap classes to regions with this theme, you could also use asset injector and add additional classes to regions in this theme.

    Nicely done and also nice that it is using the latest bootstrap.

  • Assigned to webengr
  • Status changed to Closed: works as designed 10 months ago
  • Works as designed, if you know the correct bootstrap class to use, in this case sticky-top replacing position-relative in the top region, you can elegantly change the behavior of the top region to to stick! Closing support request.

  • 🇷🇸Serbia majmunbog

    I'm just a bit late to respond to this one, but thanks a bunch @webengr for the positive feedback! If you have any feedback or suggestions for improvements, please feel free to share them in the issue queue.

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