(oops, double post; submit didn't seem to work first time)
Added a merge-request with the changes I made for this feature request.
spadxiii β created an issue.
@solideogloria the mr is quite old and needs to be rebased :\
and when I push, I get an error that: remote: You are not allowed to push code to this project.
So I cannot update the mr.
I seem to have attached the wrong patch. Here's the correct one, that works.
We have been using the mr in #37 for a while, but there are some issues with it: when using multiple conditions on the same column in an entity-query, the same table is joined several times.
I've fixed this with another if-statement in the patch that checks if the table is already joined (with the same type).
Ran into this issue myself as well, I've added a small patch that helped me with making my entity type (that uses a machine-name as id) revisionable
I haven't added any tests, just a POC that seems to work good enough for me to continue :)
SpadXIII β made their first commit to this issueβs fork.
I think there should be a code-change as well, as drush 11 deprecated the drush.services.yml (drush 12 doesn't support it anymore): https://www.drush.org/11.x/dependency-injection/#services-files
Also, there is a new requirement that the drush commands should be in a 'Drush' subfolder, see the commands.md:
1. Drush 12 expects commandfiles to use a [create() method](dependency-injection.md#create-method) to inject Drupal and Drush dependencies. Prior versions used a [drush.services.yml file](https://www.drush.org/11.x/dependency-injection/#services-files) which is now deprecated and will be removed in Drush 13.
1. Drush 12 expects all commandfiles in the `/Drush/` directory. The `Drush` subdirectory is a new requirement.
fixes committed
I ran into this with a rest controller myself where it had "string|int" as its parameter.
Added a small change to the if-statement in \Drupal\Component\Utility\Reflection::getParameterClassName:
method_exists($parameter->getType(), 'isBuiltin')
I'm not sure how to handle union types in this case, but this patch allowed me to prevent the error from happening :)
I've included this in 3.x
I've included this in 3.x
Looks like this was already reported in #3412728
Thanks for the fix. I've included this in 3.x
Thanks for the fix. I've included this in 3.x
Attached the wrong patch file, oops!
Found a small bug where it would set an error on the values array from the form_state; fixed it by pointing the error to the form field instead
$form_state->setError($entity_element, $this->t('Link to is deprecated. Remove its value and use WYSIWYG Link button functionality over embedded entity.'));
$form_state->setError($form['attributes']['data-entity-embed-display-settings']['link_url'], $this->t('Link to is deprecated. Remove its value and use WYSIWYG Link button functionality over embedded entity.'));
did a quick re-roll on the latest 8.x-1.x
v40.2.0 seems to have fixed the anchors-issue indeed!
I don't want to put it on RTBC just yet, as I manually patched our drupal site instead of using 10.2.x
I've updated the patch in #13
a couple missing .once-calls and changed the way it was used in paragraphs.js
can't seem to generate an interdiff due to 'interdiff: Whitespace damage detected in input' ?
Added a little bit of code to 'toggle' the sticky toolbar, because it was not taking up the available width when going to fullscreen and/or back.
By toggling the isSticky-bit in the toolbar, it would figure out the correct width and use that.
SpadXIII β created an issue.
SpadXIII β created an issue.
This mr should do it; it disables the button when in source editing mode now.
SpadXIII β made their first commit to this issueβs fork.
I tried to get something working, but did not succeed.
My goal was to use the alias during editing and store the node-url in the database. The link would then show the node alias in the editor, but in the database the node/ was stored. By adding another data-property (data-entity-path) I tried adding a editorDowncast and dataDowncast in the plugin, but that didn't work correctly: it would create a new a-tag wrapping the one that was being made by the base link plugin.
By adding a general upcast conversion, the href is changed to the alias:
.elementToAttribute( {
view: {
name: 'a',
attributes: {
href: true,
['data-entity-alias']: true
model: {
key: 'linkHref',
value: viewElement => viewElement.getAttribute('data-entity-alias'),
converterPriority: 'high'
} );
But I failed trying to move the other way around. I tried adding a dataDowncast (which would set the path back to the href), and an editorDowncast (which would use the alias as href). This didn't work, because when creating an element with the same attribute, would add another element to the html instead of merging them (effectively overwriting the href-attribute)
I also tried using a data downcastDispatcher, but that doesn't seem to be able to get the correct viewElement (or rather, it couldn't find any element at all).
ps. there are some other code changes required as well to not only pass but also use the alias and path in the links.
SpadXIII β created an issue.
SpadXIII β created an issue.
SpadXIII β created an issue.
Added the line in a new merge request
SpadXIII β created an issue.
rerolled against 9.5.x
just a quick note: patches still apply to 2.1
Looks good and still applies to 2.x :)
We've been using this for almost a year in production now
Added the mr and linked this to a related issue: 3050868 β
SpadXIII β created an issue.
Created a merge request with the local caching vars.
SpadXIII β created an issue.
I've added some functionality to allow setting of some options for both PhpRedisCluster and PredisCluster.
I was missing the 'scheme' option and the timeout options.
As seen here, https://github.com/phpredis/phpredis/blob/develop/redis_cluster.stub.php..., the RedisCluster class allows for a context-array to be passed into the constructor. (It's not documented properly yet, and I can't find the issue I came across that mentions this method argument :) )
With my addition, it's possible to set the scheme to tls like so: $settings['redis.connection']['scheme'] = 'tls';
The options `timeout` and `read_timeout` are also used.
SpadXIII β made their first commit to this issueβs fork.
I seem to have forgotten to add a use-statement. Fixed in new patch.
As the ticket responsible for postponing this has been merged and fixed (and released), I've re-rolled the latest patch against 2.x.
And putting it back to needs review
SpadXIII β created an issue.
I ran into a little issue with paragraphs where one of the paragraphs has a linkit-field. When the user types in an invalid uri and then tries to add a new paragraph-item, an exception is preventing the new paragraph to be added.
One part of the problem is that the add-more button in paragraphs has a limit_validation_errors, so no validation is done or error is shown at all. I tried removing this, but that didn't work properly: it would validate the whole form and show error-messages in a way that's confusing for the user. After a bit of digging, I found that the error is an exception thrown when trying to make an Url-object from the invalid uri. So after adding a try/catch, it works fine :)
I based this change on the patch in #293, as we're still using version 5.x of linkit.
Note that this change also requires a patch in core for the link field widget. (Same change basically): 3340154 π Link-widget throws exception when rebuilding a form with an invalid uri Fixed
SpadXIII β created an issue.
I found that the last patch didn't work for our platform anymore. We use flysystem (and s3/cloudfront) so our 'file public path' isn't anywhere near /sites//files and had to find a different solution.
I removed the whole part of trying to rewrite the file-path, because the path is fine already.
I've added the 'is_file' boolean to the $parts so that the alter can change it later on. (We added an alter to set is_file to true for flysystem-urls)
Found another small issue where it would strip the time from the entered values. And the end-value wasn't handled correctly.
Here's a new patch.
Found another bug where it would still validate when leaving the end-date empty.
ps. an interdiff doesn't seem to generate : interdiff: Whitespace damage detected in input
I added the getUniqueId-suggestion by rfbrandsma to the patch in #188. Other than this addition, the patch is identical to the #188 one.
I just saw the notice mentioned by prudloff. This was with a field that had no parents.
I noticed a little typo in the patch, so here's an updated version.