Account created on 17 September 2011, over 13 years ago

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🇳🇴Norway zaporylie

Thanks for the acknowledgment. I believe it would be advisable to also create a ticket per volunteering task (room monitors/registration/photo/etc) as many more people were involved with tasks on-site that haven't been attributed with their contribution credit. That's including our amazing org committee members.

I see there's already a ticket to also give appropriate credit to all speakers.

🇳🇴Norway zaporylie

Hi, I would like to adopt this module and help bringing it up to date.

🇳🇴Norway zaporylie

This is a great addition and I am all for it. We need a simple test coverage to make sure no regressions are added in the future.

🇳🇴Norway zaporylie

There are some errors to be addressed as a result of enabling Gitlab CI but IMHO that shouldn't block the addition of Gitlab CI to be added. Some will be trivial to fix, but some may need to be addressed in a way that changes how the module operates.

🇳🇴Norway zaporylie

Well, this module is not dependent on a fixed version of Commerce Core so closing it. Please consider merging in 📌 Enable Gitlab CI Active to ensure the compatibility.

🇳🇴Norway zaporylie

I updated the issue summary a bit to better reflect the issue. MR looks good—I tested it locally, and the problem of the password being reset on every form edit submission has gone away.

🇳🇴Norway zaporylie

I set the severity to Critical as in the current state the module doesn't work.

🇳🇴Norway zaporylie

This is critical issue as the sheet configuration cannot be set without this patch.

🇳🇴Norway zaporylie

What is the main purpose of this module other than being a wrapper over a composer package that can be added directly? I am a bit confused tbh

🇳🇴Norway zaporylie

Here's an example recipe.yml file I've been using along with the proposed MR to define a currency by simply applying the recipe and providing the required input.

name: 'Commerce Kickstart Currency'
description: 'Allows importing user-selected currency'
type: 'Commerce Kickstart'
  - commerce_price
    data_type: string
    description: 'Main currency. You can add other currencies later'
      # todo: Add currency constraint.
      NotBlank: []
      method: ask
        question: "Enter the currency you want to install on your site. The currency must be in 3-letter format, ex. USD, EUR, or PLN"
      '#type': 'select'
      '#title': 'Currency'
      '#description': "Enter the currency you want to install on your site. The currency must be in 3-letter format, ex. USD, EUR, or PLN"
      # todo: Add options callback.
      source: value
      value: 'USD'

      currencyImport: ${currency}

🇳🇴Norway zaporylie

It seems like my understanding was wrong :) We are still able to define a custom config action plugin (currencyImporter) that utilizes a currency importer service for dynamically defining currency config entity. The only non-clean part is the signature of the ConfigActionPluginInterface::apply(string $configName, mixed $value): void; that requires $configName which in my case would be something like commerce_price.commerce_currency.XYZ so it doesn't do much and feels hacky. Otherwise, it seems like I can achieve what I am aiming for.

🇳🇴Norway zaporylie


I propose one hard limitation up front: inputs cannot be used for dynamic IDs (like "enter the name of your content editor role"). Why? Because that makes recipes unpredictable, which would in turn make them less composable, which would violate a foundational design goal. Recipes are automatons, not functions. Inputs can only be used in the parameters passed to config actions.

(Having just written all that, I could see a way to maybe pull off dynamic IDs without breaking composability, but it would need further thought and hashing out, and we could always add it later. It's definitely out of this issue's scope.)

Is there an issue where dynamic IDs as being actively discussed? For all Commerce projects, we'd need to require the currency input from users applying the recipe. Currencies are config entities and the currency code is featured in the config ID. My understanding is that creating a Currency entity programmatically based on the user input would not be possible with the current state of things until support for dynamic IDs is added which is effectively blocking Commerce-based recipes.

🇳🇴Norway zaporylie

One more note - we will soon be tagging a new release of Drupal Commerce and while it is not critical to get this in ASAP it would be nice to use that opportunity to have the logo featured in a tagged release.

🇳🇴Norway zaporylie

Added the logo with a purple background in 512x512 resolution. My understanding is that it is in line with the requirements for Project Browser but I couldn't find a canonical resource to back up my understanding.

🇳🇴Norway zaporylie

zaporylie changed the visibility of the branch 3372681-commerce-core-logo to hidden.

🇳🇴Norway zaporylie

Merged. Thanks everyone involved.

🇳🇴Norway zaporylie

Thanks @dpi for this. I see you also uncovered a bug with dependency injection for the config form. I added 📌 The settings form is missing test coverage Active to add a test coverage for future-proofing this part. Also changed how dependency injection is handled in your MR and going to merge it now.

🇳🇴Norway zaporylie

The MR cannot be merged. Please rebase and ping me when ready.

🇳🇴Norway zaporylie

I decided to mark D7 as no longer supported therefore closing this as won't fix. Sorry.

🇳🇴Norway zaporylie

To leverage Gitlab CI I need an up-to-date MR that will make sure tests are green before this is merged in.

🇳🇴Norway zaporylie

Well, you're referring to only part of my comment :) And if this is what should be needed then I still wouldn't call it a bug but a missing feature.

But there's also the other view on this module's usefulness (and highlighted risk) that I tried to point out in my previous comment - the one about taking an order snapshot. In such cases, by design, the reports are never to be re-generated because they keep a record of the state of order at a certain time, ie. order placement transition.

When you say

The reports have NEVER been generated without clicking "Generate reports" manually.

do you mean that in your case reports are never GENERATED or never REGENERATED upon the UPDATE? Because if for PLACED orders you still don't see reports UNTIL button in the interface is clicked then yes, there's a bug somewhere :)

🇳🇴Norway zaporylie

For which of the existing reports would it make sense to have outdated reports?

All of them? :) I wouldn't call it an outdated thought as it is very much valid at the time of generation.

I guess it all depends on how we look at this feature (or sell this feature to our clients). If we think of each report type as a storage derivative for the order model (which is kinda how it's presented on this module's page ATM) and the generation of the report is only for the sake of keeping data in the more queryable format then it makes sense to regenerate every time order is saved/updated.

But if we look at it from a different angle and say that reports are snapshots of the order state in a particular moment in time (by design - order placement) then regeneration should never be required. In fact, just looking at some plugins, the regeneration will not work great if ex. promotion is deleted by the time of regeneration. or default tax rate changes/is deleted, etc.

🇳🇴Norway zaporylie

Could you elaborate on why having such a function would be beneficial?

I kinda understand why would that be available via UI or perhaps CLI (for maintenance purposes) but, IMHO reports should be persistent and basically never regenerated as they should reflect the snapshot of the order state at a certain moment in time.

🇳🇴Norway zaporylie

All other issues are blocked by this one as tests are currently failing against D11. I left a comment on the MR (requested feedback).

🇳🇴Norway zaporylie

I am the category to Task - it is not a bug as this functionality is neither implemented nor supported. Still, it is not a support request either because sometimes this cannot be "fixed" using the SameSite cookie.

I also changed the version to 3.0.x which is where this would have to go.

🇳🇴Norway zaporylie

Seems like we're discussing the same problem but with 2 different origins here:
- redirect from the offsite gateway via POST - this is where SameSite cookie will help
- redirect from offsite gateway to default browser with no user-session as the checkout was initiated in the non-default browser, most commonly - in-app browser (facebook, Instagram, etc) - in that case, SameSite cookie won't help.

🇳🇴Norway zaporylie

Please note that this MR is good to merge even if fails. The objective here is to enable tests which can be fixed in a separate issues, one by one.

🇳🇴Norway zaporylie

I have relaxed the Commerce requirement and updated gitlab ci template.

🇳🇴Norway zaporylie

I stumbled upon this issue when debugging not working migration plugins generated with drush gen migration. It turned out the generator was creating the plugin in the migration directory as opposed to migrations (singular vs plural).

I see many references on the internet referring to `migration` directory, and this issue is one of them. That creates some confusion so I had to debug the code to find out which directory exactly is to be used.

🇳🇴Norway zaporylie

MR is ready for mergin. The only known missing feature at this point is that the list of available shipping methods is fixed and it doesn't depend on the address selected within Vipps MobilePay Checkout.

🇳🇴Norway zaporylie

Adding @borgenk as he reported this issue.

🇳🇴Norway zaporylie

Adding @borgenk as he was the one reporting this to me.

🇳🇴Norway zaporylie

Added credit for @borgenk as he reported this bug

🇳🇴Norway zaporylie

I took pictures and contributed them back to Flickr

🇳🇴Norway zaporylie

While I didn't specifically signed up for the photo team I took some photos and contributed them back to Flickr.

🇳🇴Norway zaporylie

While I didn't specifically signed up for the photo team I took some photos and contributed them back to Flickr.

🇳🇴Norway zaporylie

It was nice meeting you all. Thanks for this.

🇳🇴Norway zaporylie

The module is already compatible with D11 and doesn't limit Commerce compatibility to 2.0 only so this issue can be closed.

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