Account created on 11 May 2011, about 13 years ago

Merge Requests


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🇧🇪Belgium Mschudders

example on how to post media:

'status' => 'Le Label',
'media_paths' => [
$mediaPath, >> Should be a FILE URI.

If this gets applied (this merge request) >>> please update documentation.

🇧🇪Belgium Mschudders

This incoperates the patch from: 🐛 Authentication works but profile isnt returned 404, Warning: Attempt to read property "id" on null in RTBC
So be sure to give credits to

That issue was about making it work again, this is about yeah applying media/images.

🇧🇪Belgium Mschudders

testing okay after final bug fix

put to needs review

🇧🇪Belgium Mschudders

patch added and merged manually.

🇧🇪Belgium Mschudders

Well you need to fill in javascript selectors on the settings page. I think by default there are "defaults/placeholders" filled in at the settings page?
The selectors specify a certain element on for example the search page.

Sorting for example: You need to write a javascript selector that targets this element, for example a "select" element.

Does this help you?

🇧🇪Belgium Mschudders

Can you elaborate? The module is still available and supported so I don't know what is wrong atm?

Thanks for clarifications.

🇧🇪Belgium Mschudders

resolved merge conflicts, all good. fixed, thanks!

🇧🇪Belgium Mschudders

so the fix has been reverted. (Checking commits on Merge request)

Is the orderBy still needed then or can we close the ticket? Thanks.

🇧🇪Belgium Mschudders

put to needs work >>> For testing ;-)

🇧🇪Belgium Mschudders

added in DEV. Copied file from admin_toolbar_version.

🇧🇪Belgium Mschudders

committed to latest DEV.


🇧🇪Belgium Mschudders


Is the project overview page clear enough for you: ?

Otherwise I will elaborate.


🇧🇪Belgium Mschudders

this is not necessary anymore as of 10.2.x

There is already a fix inside of the JS. Nicely done.

🇧🇪Belgium Mschudders

fix pushed.

Ongoing testing.

🇧🇪Belgium Mschudders

todo have to test mixing "+" and ",".

Right now tested "+" and "single values"

🇧🇪Belgium Mschudders


 if ($value) {
            $storage = \Drupal::entityTypeManager()->getStorage($entity_type);
            $entity = $storage->load($value);
            $form['override'][$block->getDerivativeId()][$type][$id]['value']['#default_value'] = $entity;


 if ($value) {
            $storage = \Drupal::entityTypeManager()->getStorage($entity_type);

            $values = preg_split("/[\+,]+/", $value) ?: [];
            $default = $storage->loadMultiple($values);
            $form['override'][$block->getDerivativeId()][$type][$id]['value']['#default_value'] = $default;
🇧🇪Belgium Mschudders

I can also confirm #39 works on a big Drupal multilingual Drupal 10.1.5 with Apache (no NGINX)

🇧🇪Belgium Mschudders

I would refactor the naming of the methods instead of declaring this as a conflict.

Doesn't hurt even though.

Will do a refactor later this year so this will get picked up in there (normally)

🇧🇪Belgium Mschudders

which version of layoutbuilder_extras are you using?
This was resolved in 2.X (I think will check)

🇧🇪Belgium Mschudders

+1 to opt into security coverage.
You can do this on the project page if the project is "old" enough

🇧🇪Belgium Mschudders

Can you import the config manually? (views.view.....yml)

Or do an uninstall - install?

🇧🇪Belgium Mschudders

I've added this to the latest DEV branch.

D10 version not yet tested ;-)

🇧🇪Belgium Mschudders

Mschudders made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

Production build 0.69.0 2024