Account created on 18 March 2007, about 17 years ago

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ACL has now a full fledged D10 (beta) out there.
It would be an amazing use case to work together with user individual goals and with commerce as well.
Did you already look into creating a ACL / user x node access sub module or something @jurgenhaas?

@Ambient.Impact for your described solution in #4 there is custom code involved as well? (via the Symphony events?)
Or have you been able to do it, just using modules and admin?

I found multiple ways to grant permission / access to a node on a role basis, but none on a per user basis.
ACL seems to be the module to use - but there seems to be no connection between Commerce 2 and ACL possible, without code.

Any update to this topic?
Or does anybody have an idea on how to implement this?

A user should be able to buy access to a node.

How about the other problem? 
Portrait vs. Landscape - that seems to be much more challenging. :(

Same here - just did #19 and ran into the same issues like #27.
How to handle this here?

Same issue here.
Will try to downgrade to 1.12 unless: @sijumpk Can you explain what you mean by updating weight to 10?

Thanks, I've installed it and it's working.

Additionally, I've setup a BCC mailbox since mails aren't showing up in the sent items.

Thanks - I'll give it a try (together with the http client manager module it seems to be possible).

I was searching for something without code.
Similar to ECA or just a simple admin interface to configure.

Something is being done in Drupal, and I want to inform another software / system about it.

Basically, calling a webhook to POST content title and content body to a service like, n8n or other systems.

@briantes Thank you for pointing it out - that helped.

The use case would be locations for example:

Now, I'd like to have one 'location' page under each city.

The layout of the location page will always be the same.
The content will be dynamically loaded with blocks / views etc. with a contextual filter from the related term (los-angeles for instance).

So with a custom route, I'd need to do sth like:

  1. create 4 content types and 4 nodes, each content type one
  2. create a custom module
  3. build the route logic into my module to load, render and display the node, if someone has opened the URL .../location

Is this correct?

What are the "hidden disadvantages" here?
How about layout builder, (field) permissions, SEO, etc. - does this work out of the box? Or would I need to develop any features of a standard node / content type within my custom module?

Works as designed without a link?
Do you have an example of how it should look like?
Nobody is using the block, page visitors need to install it via the address bar feature from the browser?

That's an interesting take on it.

From a site builders perspective, the Views have the huge advantage, that I can add CSS styles and HTML rewrites easily.
In order to do sth similar with the view modes, I'd need to develop / learn how to build twig templates, I guess?

But I don't have to create nodes, but rather use path variables like in views.

When I create a page view (not a block view), there is the option to set a path.
There, I've got the option to use variables from the path.

In my taxonomy terms, I've got 15.000 terms.
For 4 content types under each, taxonomy term, I'd need to generate 4 * 15k = 60.000 nodes.

If there'd be a feature with "virtual nodes" or content type page variables like in views, I could just create 4 pages and the variables will automatically build my pages dynamically.

Maybe to express it in a different way:

Under a child-term, I'd like to have different pages.
Those pages should have page builder features. (placing (views, custom, ...)-blocks etc. in columns / sections etc).

So basically, I'm searching for a content type that I can use page builder on. But I don't have to create nodes, but rather use path variables like in views. Possible?

Thanks for your reply. Let me use examples:

So inside a term, I'd like to display a list of locations.
But this page / list of locations should give me the option to use layout builder with adding blocks dynamically etc.

I could generate 4 nodes for all terms, as you suggested.
Then I'd use the layout builder on the nodes and build in my blocks etc.

The disadvantage of the approach would be, in case I need to change / update anything in the nodes, I'd need to programmatically do it for a few thousands.
Seems possible though.

The charm of variables in the path like in views is, you don't have to actually generate the nodes - it will generate the pages on the fly.

Thanks for the answer - I've done a bit of searching around.
Seems to be a very technical workaround with plenty of disadvantages for non-developers.

Any other thoughts on what else to do / not to do? 
I know, very general, but sometimes you wish someone would have told you earlier ;)

Check out this case study: β†’

15 mio products
1 mio product updates daily

Quite some numbers there.

It seems, a non Drupal solution would be easier.

Take any website crawler (Xenu's Link Sleuth is old, but doesn't impose limits) and generate a list of all URLs.
Use Excel to build your redirects and generate your htaccess file.

When you migrate content, you can just delete those redirects from Excel and export .htaccess file again.

Ok - no worries.
Just wanted to mention it, in case it becomes relevant.

A listing is basically a content piece.

If that content is about one visitor, she should be able to claim it somehow.
We'd probably then have her:

  1. sign up
  2. check the situation manually
  3. assign the content to the user manually

So later on, this content will show up in her user dashboard / profile.

Seems as if you're right - I'm on Chromium with KDE / Ubuntu underneath. Other PWAs seem to be working in the same way.

How about the link in the footer?

Very good explanation. Thank you very much. :)

I'd search for a very good reason to go with Drupal.
Surely, it can do ecommerce - but compared to WooCommerce or Magento, you'll spend much more time on "configuring" ecommerce than starting to sell.
So look into your business case - if there is need for a very scalable CMS around your ecommerce, Drupal might be your best bet.
If you just want to start selling for a small brand, WooCommerce might be a better choice.

Thank you very much - Search API Location seems to be the right solution. :)

I seem to be unable to install the dev version successfully.

composer.phar require  'drupal/geocoder:4.x-dev@dev'
./composer.json has been updated
Running composer update drupal/geocoder
Loading composer repositories with package information
Updating dependencies
Your requirements could not be resolved to an installable set of packages.

  Problem 1
    - php-http/guzzle7-adapter 1.0.0 requires guzzlehttp/guzzle ^7.0 -> found guzzlehttp/guzzle[7.0.0, ..., 7.5.1] but the package is fixed to 6.5.8 (lock file version) by a partial update and that version does not match. Make sure you list it as an argument for the update command.
    - drupal/geocoder 4.x-dev is an alias of drupal/geocoder dev-4.x and thus requires it to be installed too.
    - drupal/geocoder dev-4.x requires php-http/guzzle7-adapter ^1.0 -> satisfiable by php-http/guzzle7-adapter[1.0.0].
    - Root composer.json requires drupal/geocoder 4.x-dev@dev -> satisfiable by drupal/geocoder[4.x-dev (alias of dev-4.x)].

Use the option --with-all-dependencies (-W) to allow upgrades, downgrades and removals for packages currently locked to specific versions.

Same as in the geocoder:^4.9 branch.

Is there an alternative to first upgrade to 10 and then switch Geocoder back on - even though I can't uninstall it, since fields are using it?

It works indeed - out of the box in Views:

The 3rd setting in the 'Pager options':

Pager ID

Unless you're experiencing problems with pagers related to this view, you should leave this at 0. If using multiple pagers on one page you may need to set this number to a higher value so as not to conflict within the ?page= array. Large values will add a lot of commas to your URLs, so avoid if possible.

Thanks for your reply.
That's what I've done and I'm not happy with the outcome. But that is probably not due to a technical reason.

Still, I was wondering:
Why Bootstrap and not Barrio?

My goal is: Develop (CSS/templates) as little as possible and use what's already out there and looking good.

Thank you. That sounds easy enough - hopefully not too outdated.
I'll give it a try and post specific question if or when I should run into issues.

Did you ever find a solution to this?
Or anybody else - preferable in D9 :) ?

Did you get to a result with that? 
I'm being stuck at a similar problem.

Any update on this?
I just ran into the same problem unfortunately.

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