senzaesclusiva → created an issue.
senzaesclusiva → created an issue.
[SOLVED] Mysterious mystery discovered. The culprit is Chrome, which no one knows why or what has changed in version D10.3.8 that prevents the creation and editing of nodes (the only error Chrome reports is in my previous post).
Which is very strange, because although my OS and compatible programs are not the most up-to-date, I have never encountered any anomalies in any kind of online operation.
As a last resort I tried changing browsers, and with Firefox everything works normally
I tried downgrading Twig to version 3.14.0, but the issue remains, unlike D10.3.7 where the downgrade solves. At this point the issue is somewhere else.
I can manage terms in the vocabularies and change the settings in ckeditor5, but nodes are not saved.
I should add that even creating a D10.3.8 project from scratch always returns “Not saved yet” when attempting to create new content. Again, no error message
Ahhh...that's the mystery I had missed :-)
Thank you very much
I wanted to add an aspect that puzzles me with respect to this issue.
I am not a programmer and am unfamiliar with the code, but I am quite skeptical that the problem that occurred is caused by Twig.
I am managing the development of 3 sites installed starting with D 10.3.6 and later upgraded to D 10.3.7, in none of them did I run 'composer update -W' , which maintain Twig version 3.14.0.
So I am wondering why, if D10.3.7 installs|updates|requires Twig to version 3.14.1 , composer does not warn of the need to update it.
I am a little confused, about this
I encountered the same problem in a from scratch D 10.3.7 installation. The #52 suggestion “composer update -W” solved the problem.
For the moment I do not notice any performance slowdown with the Twig update to 3.14.2, but it should be considered that I have few test nodes and with few fields per node. Maybe as I continue to develop the site the problem may arise.
One possible issue to keep monitored
My 2 cents
Yes @Chris-burge, setting as custom provider all work smoothly
Provider name:
Provider URL :
Endpoint schemes:*
Endpoint URL:{format}
Thanks, I had thought it was a bucket problem too. I resumed a custom provider set up on a previous site, disabled Rumble in the bucket and everything was back up and running.
As a precaution, I had Rumble's technical support confirm the correctness of the endpoints
Thanks again
senzaesclusiva → created an issue.
Hello @jaypan
I try to explain better goal, what I did and what I get
The ultimate goal is a) to obtain a view url-query composed mainly of term-referenced fields that shows the term name and not the term ID and a2) give visitors an intuitive, user-friendly search tool
So, a url-query "" instead ""
View 1) The url query with the tid terms I get it with a simple view with the exposed filters (BEF).
With this type of view there seems to be no way to get terms name in the url-query
To try to get the term name in the url query I tried another way
View 2)
- Relationship -> field_arguments(term reference field)->relation required
- filter criteria ->(field_arguments:Taxonomy term) Taxonomy term: name(exposed)->filter identifier 'arguments'
It works: '"”
But the problem is that this exposed filter is a plain text field, and should instead be a tool for visitors to show them with a select list among which arguments they can search. So it is not useful.
So it occurred to me that maybe turning this field into a selection field (being related to the related reference field should show the terms). I'm not sure, but all I can do is to try
The cue for this attempt I got from this Drupal answer post
Other ways to have a SEO oriented url-query and allow visitors to easily filter content I can't find any
I hope I was able to be clearer
Many thanks
Hi Jaypan
thank you for your response.
I thought I explained it well enough, but maybe I omitted some details that could clarify better.
I will rewrite it so that it is much clearer, and I will reply to you
Thank you for your interest
Oh, sorry, I thought it also added some options in the filter setting.
senzaesclusiva → created an issue.
senzaesclusiva → created an issue.
I have been installing test sites for a long time with Mamp Pro. Perhaps I did not explain what happened properly.
If you don't ‘set up first’ the settings.php file before starting the newly created local host and run the installation via UI, the first page after choosing the language and type of installation is the page where it asks for database connection data (dbname, username, password).
And only after that does it ask you on another page for your site setup data (name, mail, etc).
This is the part that is completely missing in this installation.
Never happened.
It hasn't done it since, but I'm investigating with MAMP PRO support whether there may have been a corruption of the application
Thanks for your reply
Yes, I think it is important to start getting familiar with all features of this module before the site is fully accessible to all users.
I will temporarily implement your suggestion
Thank you very much
Damn, having started from scratch I didn't realise this abnormal behaviour
Hi @salmonek
Thanks for your brilliant and simple workaround. I would never have guessed it without looking at the other plugin pack modules.
The solution is very intuitive even for those who only have to deal with writing articles.
Thanks again to you and this wonderful community.
Oh, sorry, thanks for you replay
I didn't put it in by mistake as a code and the system rejected it.
I meant something simple like this. A simple 'div' tag for example that could allow it to be handled by css.
<div class=“ck-inline-remote”>
<img src=“https://...image that has been copied”>
.ck-inline-remote {
justify-content: center;
.ck-inline-remote img {
max-width: 100%;
border: 1px solid #b3afaf;
senzaesclusiva → created an issue.
Hi Cyber555
many thanks for your effort! It works well and allows to change date format in many use cases.
Thanks again
I can confirm the good result of patch #39.
Previously, in order to show the title set by Manage Display, I had to enable the Field Layout (Experimental) and Layout Discovery modules, but I did not like this solution as Field Layout is strongly discouraged.
I hope that this module, or at least the part about managing the title order display, can be implemented in Drupal, because the title does not always have to be the first part of a piece of content.
I kept looking for directions because something in the behavior of the drush command had raised a question in my mind:
When you run the drush command 'drush cset uuid <new uuid>' the message appears:
Do you want to update uuid key in config? (yes/no) [yes]:
it basically asks you if you want to override the old value with the new one. Which the command '$config['']['uuid'] ='<new uuid>' in settings.php does not do.
In fact, if you compare the two module|drush commands solutions suggested in the attached posts you will see that they both sequentially use the commands “getEditable” first and “set->save()” then do exactly that: make the file editable and overwrite it.
stackexchange override uuid
In this description of Drupal 8's api configuration-api/configuration-override-system → perhaps explains it even better.
My 2 cents
Hi @tolstoydotcom
Thanks for your replay
1) The line is to the end of settings.php
2) I have only one settings.php file
3) Other value changes work
I can't figure it out; figuring that something might have changed I even tried
replacing $config with $settings, but no way.
There seems to be “something” protecting its modification from file :-(
Also confirmed here.
I had done a test by manually importing the jqyery.fancytree library into web/libaries on a D 10.2.0|TM 2.0.15 version and the vocabulary tree opened correctly.
On D 10.3.5 the same test failed. This patch solved the problem.
Many thanks
senzaesclusiva → created an issue.
I had planned to write a separate post, but having come across this one it seems useful to comment on it here.
I use the cPanel cron set up according to Drupal rules like this:
wget -O - -q -t 1<key>.
Today I find a information from Crowdsec:
Anonymous (not verified)<key>
Unexpected response status code: 401. Body was: @“message”: “Unauthorized” { 'type': “WATCHER_REQUEST_LOGIN_RETRY”, 'code': 401 }
IP address
It 's not an error message, and the site, although online, is not yet fully active, but I would not want to find myself then with 24 such messages a day and run the risk of finding the ip of the cPanel server banned
So perhaps a white/allow list might be useful for these and similar cases
My 2 cents
senzaesclusiva → created an issue.
Ah, okay, but does it also work with the fieldset title?
I will try to read up on it, I am not very expert about this.
Thank you very much
Thanks to you @vladimiraus
Many thanks @cyber555
I thought too that with {% created%} it was taking the 'Default short date' format from Drupal core. The problem is precisely if you want to use another one :-)
Thank you for what you can do
senzaesclusiva → created an issue.
@aaron.ferris [Solved] In fact, your suggestion worked perfectly, unlike what I would have thought. In this case, the legacy method prevailed. Not that the library adds much (I would have preferred without it, but that's my personal taste), but importantly, the latest Taxonomy Manager release is now working fine.
Thank you!
Thanks, I will try your suggestion.
In the meantime, looking for how to install third-party libraries via Composer I came across
this solution for the Varbase theme →
which seems to have the same problem with fancy.tree library. It requires NPM and the installation of the composer-installers-extender
I can't apply it because the composer provided by the host can only be used and not configured|modified, but for those with full tools control it seems like a good solution.
One question as a Composer novice: To your knowledge, are those instructions permanent or temporary for a specific use? And if they are permanent, does it change the main operation of Composer in any way?
Thanks again
@aaron.ferris @dgwolf
Tried to install TM again by composer on several from scratch Drupal >10.x release and issue is always the same.
By the moment i solved installing TM older 2.0.12 version with composer require 'drupal/taxonomy_manager:<2.0.13'
which run fine for my needs with jquery.ui library only
senzaesclusiva → created an issue.
senzaesclusiva → created an issue.
senzaesclusiva → created an issue.
senzaesclusiva → created an issue.
senzaesclusiva → created an issue.
senzaesclusiva → created an issue.
Contextual Field →
Return to your view (which must be a block in the sidebar) and set in Advanced - Contextual filters:
When the filter value is NOT in the URL
- set Field from route context
- Type -> Field from route context
- Choose source content -> your_content_type
- Choose the field from your_content_type - field_tags
[SOLVED] Well, i can confirm that this patch 3385600-5.patch 🐛 Don't hide permissions local tasks on bundles when no permissions are defined Needs work seem to solve the issue. No more system message on D 10.3.1, Php 8.3.8 related about Comment module or permissions
Same here on D 10.3.1 just upgraded from 10.2.x
To attach a view to another view, from D9 onward I use →
Hi @Andriy
I did a quick test locally
Drupal 10.2.6 from scratch /php 8.2.18/Taxonomy Manager 2.0.11.
Smooth installation with no problems, Taxonomy Manager works properly in all its features
Thanks for your job and to letting me know about the new version
Thanks @Andriy, i'll test new version sooner and report you
Hi @ainsofs
Thank you for your hints.
I have tried again and again, but unfortunately I can't get a result.
Since I am still somewhat new to Composer, I am afraid I do not understand the use of "composer-patches" well enough.
Thank you anyway for your replay
As I had specified, I don't need term_merge, so after the first attempt to install TM 2.0.10 which asked me for the module, uninstalled TM -JqueryUI and updated db, I attempted the installation of version 2.0.9 which, however, gave me the above problems.
Then I realized that traces of the previous attempt remained in composer.lock, and I, damn it, still haven't learned how to turn back with Composer.
So I tested locally: Drupal 10.2.6 and Taxonomy Manager 2.0.9 from scratch. Everything finally works as it should, and for the time being, at least until the major problems with the new version are fixed, I can keep this one.
All that remains to me is to learn how to properly revert the composer.lock. I have found online several methods, opinions and crash alert; can anyone recommend the best one?
Thank you very much for your patience and kindness
Oops...many thanks @Rajab
I will try in the morning to see if I can solve it by reinstalling with this your direction
senzaesclusiva → created an issue.
Ok , I managed to install 2.1.9 with the command “ composer require ‘drupal/taxonomy_manager:<2.0.10’ ”
Everything seems to work fine at first when creating an initial list of terms, but once created they are not shown on the page, but I will open another post for that.
Thanks for everything
Still referring to version 2.0.10, while downloading with Composer I had been getting the message “dependency not downloaded,” so I assume the instruction was already in the module composer.json.
I'm still a bit of a beginner with Composer, and I'm slowly learning how to handle exceptions and issues, but right now I have an online project with D 10.2.6 and about 20 modules fully managed with Composer, so I don't understand what I might have done wrong with TM.
senzaesclusiva → created an issue.
senzaesclusiva → created an issue.
Sorry to reopen this post. The patch was not committed to the git distribution, but that is not the problem. I installed Remote Image in the traditional way, applying the patch and first changing the minimum:stability to ‘stable’ and it works regularly, exactly as it does on D9.
All I have is this (picture attached) partly funny incompatibility message: Not compatible version 2.0.0 | Recommended version 2.0.0 :-)
I'm on a D 10.2.5 | Php 8.2.6 project
Can you help me solve the problem? Grateful to anyone who can help me solve this quirk
Very precise suggestions @VM
by disabling pdo_mysql and enabling nd_pdo_mysql extension the installation proceeds smoothly. I tried with Php 8.2 but I suppose it will be the same with Php 8.3
Thank you very much
Many thanks @aaron
senzaesclusiva → created an issue.
Many thanks
Many thanks for patch, issue has been solved
The same here !!
Thank you for this recommendation. It looks very interesting and I will definitely try it
Thanks a lot, it works
senzaesclusiva → created an issue.
I did what in point #2 but I have 2 errors in the referrer ./admin/appearence
User warning: The following theme is missing in the file system: at_tools in Drupal\Core\Extension\ExtensionPathResolver->getPathname() (line 63 of /Users/xstage/Sites/ECA10dev/web/core/lib/Drupal/Core/Extension/ExtensionPathResolver.php)
Deprecated function: dirname(): Passing null to parameter #1 ($path) of type string is deprecated in Drupal\Core\Extension\ExtensionPathResolver->getPath() (line 85 of /Users/xstage/Sites/ECA10dev/web/core/lib/Drupal/Core/Extension/ExtensionPathResolver.php).
And in the list of themes, the Adaptivetheme subtheme has the message telling that I can't install it:
Requires: stable (missing)
This theme requires the at_core base theme to work properly.
Does anyone know how to fix this problem?
senzaesclusiva → created an issue.
[SOLVED] I correct and apologize for the unnecessary post. I had done a quick local installation from scratch that I wanted to devote only to testing ECA...only I stupidly forgot to install Token :-(
It would never have worked without it
Sorry again
senzaesclusiva → created an issue.
Same issue here with version 6.0.0-alpha1 on Drupal 10.2.2
I had to temporarily disable it
I know, but "back then" it was used :-)
Great if ECA can use views!
Thanks also for the suggestion of the hidden field...hadn't thought of that, sic!
Thanks again
Thank you for your response
The data is all stored in the default DB. Indeed, an empty field referring to the user type should indicate that I have not yet created any of its nodes.
In Rules D7 I used to realize this condition thanks to a PHP plugin that allowed me to run a query on the DB
global $user;
$result = db_query("SELECT nid FROM node JOIN users ON node.uid = users.uid WHERE node.status = :status AND users.uid = :uid AND node.type = :type", array(":status"=> 1, ":uid" => $user->uid, ":type" => 'professional'))->fetchField();
if ($result >= 1){
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
If the result returned TRUE the action was executed.
I will try what you suggested
Thanks again
senzaesclusiva → created an issue.
senzaesclusiva → created an issue.
Usually the Mac's advanced search always found everything, but this time it was defeated by Sublime Text's project-based search ;-)
I'll have to study a little, but I think I've found the crux of the matter
Thanks again
I have searched enough but without finding anything. Oh well!, fortunately there is the oEmbed module, although following the philosophy of 'as few modules as possible' I would have preferred to solve it some other way.
Thanks to all
@VM Genius
The problem was exactly that. I had been fooled by "If left blank, all providers will be allowed.", but I hadn't thought that providers other than the default should in some cases be added.
As per the link you suggested, with the oEmbed Providers module I solved the problem.
Out of curiosity, what json file should I have edited, not wanting to use oEmbed? The only json files in the Media module are in the 'tests/fixtures/oembed' subdirectory. Could it be providers.json?
Thank you very much for your response and courtesy
No @VM, it isn't . I'm using Media core module only and made its basic settings.
Thank you for your reply. I'm trying to search online, although it seems I can't find much
Hi @dstorozhuk
tested the dev version. I would say it fits well with what I wanted to achieve.
Thanks for everything
Many thanks @dstorozhuk, sorry for my two-day absence.
This afternoon I will try the dev version
Ps: "The Address module also does not have Lombardy in province field. It has only "Brescia" in province."
- This is an "error" also in Address. Eg. Lombardy has 12 provinces. If you want to make a selection of the whole region you can still do it, but you have a query filter with 12 'and'.
Some Address modules that add/complete data for a state (I tested the one for Germany) insert 'administrative zones' (or regions as we call them in Italy)
I will let you know and thanks again
@dstorozhuk I would never dare to ask a developer to make major interventions on his own module.
As I see it, I would just leave the possibility of renaming the label and leave only the regions in the select list.
It is no big deal for the user to write the city (with the abbreviation of the province, if necessary) address and postcode.
So a minimal thing that does not change anything on the whole setting.
For the rest I would check the compatibility with Views, which I do not understand why only for those two fields (country, state/province, does not produce results)
Simple Address is an excellent substitute for Address, for those who do not need to do all the checking that Address allows.
Thanks for everything, if you can, and sorry to bother you
A good evening
The problem is that in many regions the main cities name the province itself. Brescia is both city and province.
If one lived in Brescia would have to write
Contry: Italy
State/province: Brescia
City: Brescia
but one data item is missing, the (administrative) Region
For that I find it more correct:
Country: Italy
State/province/region: Lombardia
City: Brescia
It is just a matter of changing the label and the admin telling the user how to fill in.
What is certain is that the field 'State/provinces/region' should not contain both provinces and cities, it is confusing.
Absolutely agree. I never imagined it as a replacement for Address, just an easier module to collect addresses where they are needed.
It's just that when they become many and you have to do a search, each field must have homogeneous data.
Unfortunately I don't have the technical skills to understand if there is some error code or conflict with some library.
Keep in mind that I am testing on a D10.2.1 from scratch on Php 8.1.13, if that helps, and I have installed Admin Tollbar and Simple Address only by using Composer 2.6.6.
Thank you very much for your interest
Hi @dstorozhuk
In essence there are two structures in Italy
but the latter depends on the former as a correspondence. The complete one is
region->province->town (small town, village, etc)
If in the select list you give the option to enter either the province or the region (try to imagine a professional use for collecting traders in a trade sector), you will never be able to do a complete search by 'region' because someone will surely enter the province and it will not be found.
It is as if there were additional administrative areas in Ukraine, each comprising several oblasts, and then the structure would be
Something > oblast > city
Somethingelse > oblast > city
I don't know if I explained this well; if I didn't, let me know what is not clear
senzaesclusiva → created an issue.
Thank you @nofue and @yJaypan for your replies and sorry; I just now realized there is a specific forum area for Composer
While waiting to understand more, and after reading your replies, I made further attempts, and discovered that my error was generated by having taken a wrong solution literally in an attempt to solve what I believed to be a major problem, especially online: not having the https://mydomain/web path appear on the site's home page (something I found several issues with).I therefore adopted the solution reported above, which seemed to work for this purpose, but created the problems reported.
After your answers I decided to make a further attempt: Install Drupal with Composer by indicating the web folder as root installation path (without adding-editing anything in .htaccess and settings.php to start from the root of the project) and see what would happen.
- Drupal installed correctly, and the local domain is correct 'http://testfullcomp:8888/
- Installed Admin Toolbar and drush by Composer
- Enabled the two Admin modules and checked whether a DB update was needed by drush
After that, from the admin area, I installed the Filecache module, which does not require libraries, and started the "run update" check. Everything is OK
Thanks again for your answers; without them I wouldn't have had the doubt that my initial solution created, on the one hand, permission problems in the subfolders, and on the other I didn't want to "resign myself" to the possibility that a dependency manager would take this so much the upper hand on the system.
I would say that due to too much fear of starting off on the wrong foot, I created a problem and a wrong solution, which at present from version 9.5 onwards was non-existent :-(
Hi @jonathan1055 and thank you for your reply.
With the host we found initially a temporary solution, and then finally a permanent one by finding out what it was generated from.
Assuming that everything was working fine in the main site, we discovered that the TTY error in the 'staging' site was workable around by typing './drush sql-cli', instead of 'drush sql-cli' .
This aspect suggested us that something was wrong in the '.profile' configuration, and indeed we found that there were two absolute 'export PATH' in the file, each for each site, to the 'vendor/bin' folder.
As mentioned earlier, in the main domain it was running correctly, while in the subdomain the error itself also seemed to suggest to the technician (since the TTY configuration was correctly set up) something like "sorry, I can't read/write because I'm already busy."
We commented out the two 'export PATH' in .profile and inserted PATH="$PATH:./vendor/bin" in .bashrc
Now everything is regular, and typing 'drush status' or 'drush sql-cli' in both respective directories I can get DB and server informations.
[username@hostingssd82]$ drush status
Drupal version : 10.2.0
Site URI : http://default
DB driver : mysql
DB hostname : localhost
DB port : 3306
DB username : username_dru10ed
DB name : username_dru10
Database : Connected
Drupal bootstrap : Successful
Default theme : olivero
Admin theme : claro
PHP binary : /opt/alt/php81/usr/bin/php
PHP config : /opt/alt/php81/etc/php.ini
PHP OS : Linux
PHP version : 8.1.26
Drush script : /home/username/
Drush version :
Drush temp : /tmp
Drush configs : /home/username/
Install profile : standard
Drupal root : /home/username/
Site path : sites/default
Files, Public : sites/default/files
Files, Temp : /tmp
[…]$ staging
Maria DB [username_dru10]> \s
Connection id: 10194974
Current database: username_dru10
Current user: username_dru10ed@localhost
SSL: Not in use
Current pager: stdout
Using outfile: ''
Using delimiter: ;
Server: MariaDB
Server version: 10.6.16-MariaDB-cll-lve-log MariaDB Server
Protocol version: 10
Connection: localhost via TCP/IP
Server characterset: latin1
Db characterset: latin1
Client characterset: utf8mb3
Conn. characterset: utf8mb3
TCP port: 3306
This is my little contribution. Tomorrow I will try to go back to the previous configuration and install your patch. I will update you on what happens
Many thanks
Thanks for your all answers
I'm not using the drush-launcer
BTW issues seems to be solved with last update of Drush and Composer 2.6.6
Thanks again
Sorry for reopen
Is this the same problem i've founded while checking db tables?
I'm on D10.2.0, MySQL 5.7.39, php 8.2
Many thanks for your answer
Deprecation Notice in ./vendor/webmozart/assert/src/Assert.php#1973
Use of "static" in callables is deprecated
Mixin.php#81: Webmozart\Assert\Assert::__callStatic(
string 'allStringNotEmpty',
CheckController.php#51: Webmozart\Assert\Assert::allStringNotEmpty(array)
Routing.php#192: PhpMyAdmin\Controllers\Table\Maintenance\CheckController->__invoke(
./../../../../../../../../../../Users/xstage/Sites/karma/web/index.php#44: PhpMyAdmin\Routing::callControllerForRoute(
string '/table/maintenance/check',