Spain, 🇪🇺
Account created on 4 March 2007, over 17 years ago

Merge Requests


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🇪🇸Spain pcambra Spain, 🇪🇺

I think patch in #50 is removing a bunch of stuff, added a MR bringing #32 up to date, it works for my use case.
Setting to NR to clarify what's left.

🇪🇸Spain pcambra Spain, 🇪🇺

I've found the same issue after a few years, showing fields from Search API, I need to check by the raw value and it is empty.

Here's the workaround I'm using:

function mytheme_preprocess_views_view_fields(&$variables) {
  $view = $variables['view'];
  if ($view->id() == 'view_id' && $view->current_display == 'display_name') {
    foreach ($view->field as $id => $field) {
      $items = $view->field[$id]->getItems($variables['row']);
      if (!empty($items)) {
        $item = reset($items);
        if (isset($item['raw'])) {
          $variables['fields'][$id]->raw = $item['raw'] ?: NULL;

I've tried the patches here but no dice. I'll be happy to help if there's any direction to pull from :)

🇪🇸Spain pcambra Spain, 🇪🇺

Confirming RTBC

🇪🇸Spain pcambra Spain, 🇪🇺

If I'm completely honest with you, I don't really remember why we require gin_lb and gin_toolbar, could you try to remove the requirements from the info file and see if it works? IIRC this is because this module was initially intended for a FarmOS proof of concept ( ) and gin is used there, so might be a leftover?

🇪🇸Spain pcambra Spain, 🇪🇺

This is probably more a documentation/example than anything that the module needs to do, maybe we could add a simple element with field_group example?

🇪🇸Spain pcambra Spain, 🇪🇺

Widget is also affected

🇪🇸Spain pcambra Spain, 🇪🇺

Fix some formatting issues

🇪🇸Spain pcambra Spain, 🇪🇺

Maybe you two could share the fix in a MR? thanks :)

🇪🇸Spain pcambra Spain, 🇪🇺

Stop gaming the system.

🇪🇸Spain pcambra Spain, 🇪🇺

You're probably looking for , what you describe is out of the scope of this module.

🇪🇸Spain pcambra Spain, 🇪🇺

Merged, thanks

🇪🇸Spain pcambra Spain, 🇪🇺

Found the same issue and the patch fixes it, 🐛 Missing config schema RTBC is needed too.

🇪🇸Spain pcambra Spain, 🇪🇺

RTBC confirmed, please get this MR in :)

🇪🇸Spain pcambra Spain, 🇪🇺

Not abandoned, that issue is forever old.

🇪🇸Spain pcambra Spain, 🇪🇺

Yeah, we're not doing this.

🇪🇸Spain pcambra Spain, 🇪🇺

This is awesome, thanks @mfb!!

🇪🇸Spain pcambra Spain, 🇪🇺

Previous patch is not the fix really, we need to declare $currentRouteMatch instead

🇪🇸Spain pcambra Spain, 🇪🇺

Maybe a false positive?

🇪🇸Spain pcambra Spain, 🇪🇺

@vetchneons my use case is to be able to reuse the same media entity type and image field for heterogeneous images, i.e. a regular content image but also a decorative background one. The requirements for these two are very different in terms on dimensions so it would be awesome to be able to have different form modes and configure the widget in different ways depending on the context which is something that entity browser allows to do with the form modes. So entity browser is definitely something that I would need to integrate with (as I'm not really using media library for any of this tbh).
I see that there's an MR but I see no code, so if there's someone already working on this, I'll be happy to test & provide feedback, and if nobody has started, I could give it a stab, let me know!

🇪🇸Spain pcambra Spain, 🇪🇺

I'm quite interested on this module, is it still in development? How can I help? :)

🇪🇸Spain pcambra Spain, 🇪🇺

Thanks @taniachque that was my issue :)

🇪🇸Spain pcambra Spain, 🇪🇺

I'd be one of the users """affected""" by this, not sure if this change is worth implementing, however I would be more in favor of a group by company/organization rather than removing the duplicates. I do like the "Associated with" naming suggested by @BramDriesen

🇪🇸Spain pcambra Spain, 🇪🇺

Well, that answer is quite uncalled for, @alex.amtr. If there's something that you want to improve from the module, patches are welcomed, as well as documentation and guidelines/tutorials.

As mentioned above, the module provides entity based integration which is available through views without anything else, so if you add a display mode (or view mode) that has the "likes" field and the formatter configured with the "Likes" format.

Then you add a view using the display mode and there you'll see the widget.

There's nothing special about this module really.

🇪🇸Spain pcambra Spain, 🇪🇺

Just pointing out that this is something I'm working on on , specifically 🌱 [PLAN] Users should be able to configure their own shortcut sets Active

🇪🇸Spain pcambra Spain, 🇪🇺

Those are warnings, not errors, I'll open a separate task for these

🇪🇸Spain pcambra Spain, 🇪🇺

Contrary to what itunes specifies, seems that w3 expects episodic or serial (all lowercase)

🇪🇸Spain pcambra Spain, 🇪🇺

Merged, thanks all!

🇪🇸Spain pcambra Spain, 🇪🇺

Setting to the right state, I've changed code around this in other issues so probably a rebase is needed.

🇪🇸Spain pcambra Spain, 🇪🇺

You need to add a relationship to the media in the view, then you will have all media fields available to use.

🇪🇸Spain pcambra Spain, 🇪🇺

I'm not being able to reproduce this one, both itunes:summary and description are wrapped around CDATA and I am seeing the supported tags (see correctly displayed.
Please let me know if there's anything I'm missing to reproduce it.

🇪🇸Spain pcambra Spain, 🇪🇺

One way to do this without too much coding (but probably template altering) is to add a view or display using , then use the same criteria for filtering that you have on your current view, sort by published or changed, limit the view to show just 1 element and then show the published/changed date with "D, d M Y H:i:s T" format. I think you will need to change the view template so it only shows the content without HTML wrapping.

Alternatively, I've created to support this with a little bit of glue code, you can add a presave every time the target content for the podcast is updated (normally a content type, in my case named "podcast")

function my_module_node_presave(NodeInterface $node) {
  if ($node->bundle() == 'podcast' && $node->isPublished()) {
    \Drupal::state()->set('podcast_last_build_date', date('D, d M Y H:i:s T'));

And then use Views State to show that as a field of the view and display it in the Style settings.

🇪🇸Spain pcambra Spain, 🇪🇺

pcambra changed the visibility of the branch 3436421-add-itunestype-in to hidden.

🇪🇸Spain pcambra Spain, 🇪🇺

pcambra changed the visibility of the branch 8.x-1.x to hidden.

🇪🇸Spain pcambra Spain, 🇪🇺

Related: 📌 Remove Symfony 4 RequestStack BC shim in 11.0.x Fixed

🇪🇸Spain pcambra Spain, 🇪🇺

pcambra made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇪🇸Spain pcambra Spain, 🇪🇺

That's a great point @rodrigoaguilera, I've just fixed that.

🇪🇸Spain pcambra Spain, 🇪🇺

I'm seeing that redirects to but the apple guide does say http...

Merging this, thanks for catching the regression!

🇪🇸Spain pcambra Spain, 🇪🇺

Shouldn't they be https?

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