Account created on 17 January 2011, over 13 years ago

Merge Requests


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🇵🇰Pakistan hmdnawaz

The image displays fine, but when you right-click on it and select open the image in a new tab, you will see some strange characters.

🇵🇰Pakistan hmdnawaz

I have a file field in my content type, I attached a file to the node. I can see an entry in the file_managed and file_usage table for that file.

Now I deleted the node, I see the file entry removed from the file_usage and the entry is still present in the file_managed table.

But I don't see that file nor in the orphaned files and neither in the unmanged files.

🇵🇰Pakistan hmdnawaz

hmdnawaz changed the visibility of the branch field_encrypt-3421958 to hidden.

🇵🇰Pakistan hmdnawaz

Hi RandalV,

But on the module page, with version 1.1.1, it is mentioned that it is compatible with ^9.4 || ^10.

If it is not working on Drupal 9, then it should be mentioned on the module page that it will only works ^10

🇵🇰Pakistan hmdnawaz

I'm using Drupal version 9.5.11 and PHP version 8.1

🇵🇰Pakistan hmdnawaz

The other types like jpg, and png are removed from the tmp directory but not the webp, I tried to remove the webp as well, but then the image upload not work.

So now I will not write a cron function to remove the .webp files from the tmp directory. until the issue is fixed.

🇵🇰Pakistan hmdnawaz

These files are removed in the __destruct function in the ImageAPIOptimizePipeline.php, but I think that function is not called or temporaryFiles is empty.

🇵🇰Pakistan hmdnawaz


Can you please add the patch or describe how you did it?

🇵🇰Pakistan hmdnawaz

The patch in #10 does not apply to the latest version.

Here is the new patch.

🇵🇰Pakistan hmdnawaz

I also tried with the following code.

$email_factory = \Drupal::service('email_factory');
$email = $email_factory->newTypedEmail('user', 'register_pending_approval_admin', $user)

But still it sends the email to the site email address that is set in the mailer policy.

🇵🇰Pakistan hmdnawaz

@Anybody, Yes I will add another patch to fix those other deprecations.

🇵🇰Pakistan hmdnawaz


The $to email is dynamic, so we can't set it in the mailer policy.

You mentioned that we have symfony_mailer_bc enabled, so the answer is yes, we have that module enabled.

That was needed as we were shifting from the swiftmailer to symfony_mailer.

If we disable the symfony_mailer_bc module then the issue will be fixed.

And do we need this module now? As the migration is already done from swiftmailer to symfony_mailer?

And if disabling that module does not fix the issue, then is there any workaround?

🇵🇰Pakistan hmdnawaz

Yes I enabled the highcharts module.

I printed the $element variable just before this if statement. Line # 125

if (!empty($element['#library']) && isset($library_options[$element['#library']])) {

Also when I go to the the charts settings page, I don't see the highchart settings there.

🇵🇰Pakistan hmdnawaz

hmdnawaz made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇵🇰Pakistan hmdnawaz

hmdnawaz made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇵🇰Pakistan hmdnawaz

@dench0 your link does not have any example you mentioned.

Relying on entity queries to check access by default is deprecated in drupal:9.2.0 and an error will be thrown from drupal:10.0.0. Call \Drupal\Core\Entity\Query\QueryInterface::accessCheck() with TRUE or FALSE to specify whether access should be checked.

Created an MR and re-opening the issue.

🇵🇰Pakistan hmdnawaz

hmdnawaz made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇵🇰Pakistan hmdnawaz

The composer error is about search_api_autocomplete. Not sure why it is like that?

🇵🇰Pakistan hmdnawaz

We should Drupal\Core\Http\RequestStack instead of the Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\RequestStack according to the

Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\RequestStack::getMasterRequest() is deprecated in drupal:9.3.0 and is removed from drupal:10.0.0 for Symfony 6 compatibility. Use the forward compatibility shim class Drupal\Core\Http\RequestStack and its getMainRequest() method instead.

MR#8 doest that

🇵🇰Pakistan hmdnawaz

Yes, I re-installed the module and went to the /admin/config/content/charts and saved and clear the caches.

Still, I'm getting this error.

On /admin/config/content/charts, I do not see any field related to the library.

In web/modules/contrib/charts/src/Element/BaseSettings.php, I printed the $element variable and I see this

The library value is empty.

🇵🇰Pakistan hmdnawaz

This issue has been fixed in the latest patch 📌 Automated Drupal 10 compatibility fixes. Needs review

🇵🇰Pakistan hmdnawaz

Fixed these errors in MR11.

Call to deprecated method setRecurrenceRule() of class Eluceo\iCal\Component\Event: Deprecated since version 0.11.0, to be removed in 1.0. Use addRecurrenceRule instead.

Call to deprecated function module_load_include()(link is external). Deprecated in drupal:9.4.0 and is removed from drupal:11.0.0.
🇵🇰Pakistan hmdnawaz

Not sure what to do with these errors.

Call to deprecated method verbose() of class Drupal\Tests\webform\Functional\WebformBrowserTestBase(link is external). Deprecated in drupal:9.2.0 and is removed from drupal:10.0.0. Use dump() instead.

As I check it and the verbose method is not deprecated.

Also not sure what to do with these warnings.

  <li>#access_callback callback '#access_callback' at key '0' is not callable.</li>
  <li>The "#lazy_builder" expects a callable array with arguments.</li>
<li>The "#post_render" render array value expects an array of callbacks.</li>
<li>The "#pre_render" render array value expects an array of callbacks.</li>
🇵🇰Pakistan hmdnawaz

Any update on this issue? or any workaround instead of using node_revision_delete?

🇵🇰Pakistan hmdnawaz

I have tested the patch with Drupal 9.5. Here are the details.

The patch applies successfully to 9.5.6 and 9.5.7 but with 9.5.7 it is not working. Because of this downgrade. 📌 LinkIt requires new minor version for Drupal 10.1.x, since CKEditor 5 got a major version update (v35 → v36) Fixed .

With 9.5.6, initially, it was not working. After removing the plugin condition ckeditor5_arbitraryHtmlSupport from the patch, then it started working in the backend. So not sure why this condition is added.

But then in the backend, it was working fine, but on the frontend, every cell was of the same width. While I have changed the width of the columns in the backend.

And it was because the allowed tags for not added to the Limit allowed HTML tags and correct faulty HTML section of the editor settings.

As this field is a read-only field in the CKEditor 5, So I manually added these tags <col style> <colgroup> to the allowed html section in the exported configuration of the input format and import the configuration again.

After that, it worked fine on frontend as well.

So not sure, why these tags were not added to the allowed HTML tags with cache clear after applying the patch. While it is clearly stated that With CKEditor 5 this is a read-only field. The allowed HTML tags and attributes are determined by the CKEditor 5 configuration. Manually removing tags would break enabled functionality, and any manually added tags would be removed by CKEditor 5 on render.

🇵🇰Pakistan hmdnawaz

We need to load all the entities which is why accessCheck(FALSE) is added. Do we need to load only the entities the user has access to? If yes in that case we need to use the accessCheck(TRUE).

🇵🇰Pakistan hmdnawaz

I think we need to add this plugin.


🇵🇰Pakistan hmdnawaz

The issue was with Drupal 9.5.6, Upgrading the Drupal core to 9.5.7 fixes the issue.

🇵🇰Pakistan hmdnawaz

I'm using Drupal 9.5.6. and linkit `drupal/linkit:^6.0@RC`.

I'm getting the same error.

Is there any fix for the 6.0@RC version and still on Durpal 9.5?

🇵🇰Pakistan hmdnawaz

The dev version of the module supports D-10. Can you please create a new stable release from the dev version?

🇵🇰Pakistan hmdnawaz

The 2.x branch requires scheduler 2.x but it is not yet recommended by the project maintainer.

🇵🇰Pakistan hmdnawaz

I'm getting the following error with the patches in # 6 and 7.

TypeError: Drupal\broken_link\EventSubscriber\BrokenLinkSubscriber::handleBrokenLink(): Argument #1 ($event) must be of type Symfony\Contracts\EventDispatcher\Event, Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Event\ExceptionEvent given in Drupal\broken_link\EventSubscriber\BrokenLinkSubscriber->handleBrokenLink() (line 44 of modules/contrib/broken_link/src/EventSubscriber/BrokenLinkSubscriber.php).

What can be the reason?

🇵🇰Pakistan hmdnawaz

When you are planning to use the version 5 of the fullcalendar library in 5.x branch?

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