Account created on 26 June 2004, about 20 years ago

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🇳🇱Netherlands ekes

It was an unrelated issue, not caused by this one. Behaviour here is correct.

🇳🇱Netherlands ekes

Noticed some possible issues with workflows publishing. Going to put this on needs work until clarified.

🇳🇱Netherlands ekes

ekes created an issue.

🇳🇱Netherlands ekes

ekes created an issue.

🇳🇱Netherlands ekes

I just went searching for this feature as I yet again forgot that the default theme is used for 'render item' which means I can spend as long as I like configuring the view mode, but I still need to also add a template for that view mode or the default one (which will have some heavy customisation) will kick in and override everything I did in the UI config.

I guess I'm going to quickly make templates again. But for next time:

I'm thinking this option would be useful specifically on the RenderedItem processor. So the option to choose theme would make sense with the choice of which view mode to use. Just once? Not for every view mode?

🇳🇱Netherlands ekes

Serivce name typo should also be fixed. Tests pass I think.

🇳🇱Netherlands ekes

Adding a patch version of the MR for a patch ready snapshot.

🇳🇱Netherlands ekes

> When content gets published to the default workspace, the redirect_path_update hook works as before and handles the generating of the redirect.

This was making sense to me, why would I need redirects in stage environments. That was until I realized we were using 🐛 Allow path generation inside of a workspace Needs work which stops the re-generation of a pathauto alias when the workspace is published (which makes sense, especially because in experiments with paths that include `[node:entity_reference_field:entity:url:relative]/[node:title]` the order of publishing could cause the alias of the parent not to be available in the live space before the reference entity alias was regenerated hence causing the incorrect alias to be generated).

So related issues (as I'm looking) are: 📌 Allow CRUD operations for Redirect entities in a workspace Needs review and #3187274: Redirect deletion in workspaces

🇳🇱Netherlands ekes

In the MR !9062 now. Which is passing tests.

🇳🇱Netherlands ekes

In creating the branch against 11.x I ended up with the same code as @acrazyanimal in #9 it truly does fix both #3179199 and #3132022 but rewrote the tests against the present state of the class and found that to make them clear they should be separated I think. The tests are in the first commit, so can easily be run to confirm they do fail with the present code.

🇳🇱Netherlands ekes

> Has the scope of this issue grown to include #3132022: Content moderation check does not take into account entity IDs being used by two content entities? We should either try to limit the scope of this issue and tackle the problems separately, or update the issue summary to describe all the scenarios that are being tested and the bugs that are being fixed.

> Thanks @Sam152. Yes I it does look like it covers the scenarios from the issue you linked above. Reviewing the comments in that issue's thread it looks like Alexj12 also increased the scope of that issue to cover the original issue here lol. I'm not sure what to do really. My inclination is to redefine this issue as an all encompassing issue since the tests are overlapping. I will think it over and possibly reduce this and contribute to the other issue.

Looking I'm starting to get convinced 🐛 Content moderation check does not take into account entity IDs being used by two content entities Needs work that the query there is just going to throw too many false positives, for this, and the referenced issue, and for the other example I mention. So it might needs tweaking, not just filtering out revision ids.

🇳🇱Netherlands ekes

Looking at this for the first time, having encountered it on a site in development, and it seems that this can not only happen if there as explained in the OP:

A non-workflow non-revisionable entity with a revision id that is the same as another different entity type revisionable entity (previous not default) revision id that is in a non-published state (the path_alias and node example)

but also if there is:

Any (including workflow revisionable) entity with a current default state revision id (published) that is the same as another different entity type revisionable entity (previous one not the current default) revision id that is in a non-published state.
eg: A taxonomy term ID 1, Revision 1 Published; and Node 1, Revision 2 Published (but also a Revision 1 not published).

The $tracked_revisions returned are going to be $tracked_revisions = [ 'taxonomy_term' => [1], 'node' => [2] ] which becomes $tracked_revision_ids = [1, 2] when queried in the table will return 1 because it is catching the tracked, but no longer relevant node revision.

Looking at the base test class ContentModerationStateTest and WorkspacesContentModerationStateTest extend it, only one entity type is tested at a time for this. So it feels like it might be clearer to make a new test that reflects workspaces behaviour more, where several entities of different types are being published at the same time - obviously with some clashing revisions id's included.

🇳🇱Netherlands ekes

Think that covered them. The additional Unit test for the Negotiator is left, but might just duplicate what is in the Access Policy test.

🇳🇱Netherlands ekes

Switched to use GroupSitesNegotiator naming, added setting the CacheMetadata. Made this optional. These tested in the Kernel test.
Then changed the AccessPolicy to use the new Negotiator. Updated the Unit tests to reflect the changed internals, and added equivalent Unit tests for the GroupSitesNegotiator.

🇳🇱Netherlands ekes

Logging these notes about how where we're requiring the group from context in our code base at present. Just posting here, really notes for myself about the cacheable metadata. In the interim I'd made a .module function to get the group, we're calling this, so looking at where we're using it, some are legacy, but:

Decide which page to redirect to on login
I don't think we mind the cacheable metadata, but we do have it from $form_state.

Adding a relationship entity for content made outside the group forms on a group sites domain
and also legacy versions of doing that, which we can remove
Both cases, we've got the entity, so can pass the cacheable metadata from it, but don't think it makes a difference?

Something clever with the Taxonomy Term form
which probably will benefit from having cacheable metadata.

Finally some workaround
where it looks like the original cache tags aren't yet correct. We can get cacheable metadata from the entity, but it's not going to make a difference here.

🇳🇱Netherlands ekes

I can recreate the error, although it only requires resubmitting form to fix. It seems only related to specifically: address field, subfield `Address:administrative_area (exposed: country set via exposed filter)` which is a dependent field shown based on the value of the country exposed field. I'm not going to spend longer on the error if as it seems on a clean install it's not actually preventing operation. But if I stumble on it again within that site I'll post a follow-up.

🇳🇱Netherlands ekes

Isn't it the schema that is wrong, or rather missing? Those look like they should be integers not strings. I see there is for example viewsreference.enabled_settings.limit which is set for integer. It will be that it also needs one for when it's used *view:?

🇳🇱Netherlands ekes

> don't have the why on this part,

I can investigate further if absolutely necessary. But I think it is going to be because: (a) as mentioned, even if you index a field it is not used in the results from Search API (except in very specific Solr configurations); (b) the values that are used are from the loaded entity; (c) this does not yet include related entities, and in this case the geofield is on an entity referenced from the base entity.

🇳🇱Netherlands ekes

> The issue occurs only when we use Search API Index based View.

Regarding the memory usage, as I see it here. I've looked at in the past, and did supply a patch or two that helped bring it down. But what I noted was:

First with Search API either DB or Solr unless you have done quite some work you will be doing an entity load for every row returned (so every point). You can do the work with Solr to make it use the field data and not do an entity load. This will reduce your memory usage significantly. There is a patch in Search API module I started to do the same with the db backend, but it's only a start, and requires much more work.

The second point where there is quite some memory usage is the same if you use views sql or search api, and probably doesn't come into play if you're talking just 1000 points or so. But I'll mention it here as I looked at this too at the same time. When constructing the points for display on the map there is a lot of configuration and the whole loop over all the points and creation of the output is quite intensive. This I don't see any way round, because doing anything else would loose the features of the module, being able to configure the output such. With flexibility comes some complexity.

🇳🇱Netherlands ekes

Just a heads-up if anyone else notices this. I've not had time to investigate myself but we have a report that this patch broke a Search API based view

🇳🇱Netherlands ekes

Added Kernel tests to describe the functionality of the patch in The branch does not (yet) look at the views integration. I'll be honest I'm still a bit confused that it indexes the default version, and the latest version; and then only the default and latest. I guess this is where looking at the views integration comes in.

Additional explanatory note The existing tests passed with field values of cardinality 2, but storage of 1, because they were working on the inserted entity. But on loading (the default revision) from storage, of course, the second value was not loaded as it was not stored. Basically presently should you save an entity with a date recur field with more values than its cardinality it does calculate occurrences for the invalid deltas.

🇳🇱Netherlands ekes

ekes changed the visibility of the branch 3010184-create-occurrences-for to hidden.

🇳🇱Netherlands ekes

ekes made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇳🇱Netherlands ekes
> Is this a dupe of #145 ?
> If so if you could review that we can get it merged. If not maybe the two should be combined to add what ever got missed in the first?

🇳🇱Netherlands ekes

I'm going to put this question here, as documentation, I couldn't find it anywhere else.

What is the minimum set of permissions for a solr role that will work out-of-the-box with the module? For example including the upload config. I see by default:


I assume several of these that are needed could also be constrained to a collection.

🇳🇱Netherlands ekes

@kerasai Did you continue to use this? Can you confirm that the 3.x compatible version works with 2.x as well? I'll change the dependency if so.

Aside: After all the work to make domain_group 3.x when group_sites came along we've decided it's worth switching to use it. Maintained by the Group module maintainer.

🇳🇱Netherlands ekes

Fixed in 1.1.0-beta2 Thanks both.

Would still be nice to get some more tests over the new function that have been added.

🇳🇱Netherlands ekes

(FWIW) Possibly not dissimilar use case, but we have the users with an admin role being able to log into additional admin domain which I ended up fixing in admin mode The whole domain is then customised to make doing admin tasks easier.

🇳🇱Netherlands ekes

DDEV is offered in addition to Lando. The project mentioned `composer create localgovdrupal/localgov-project` includes

🇳🇱Netherlands ekes

Assuming this is in the section that renames the local tasks which is the reason for the comment It's also partly the reason all that code is separate in the _ui module. It should fail gracefully however, and not explode. So the fixes there have been helpful. Not changing the local tasks names in this case isn't essential.

That said the parameter bag that it is being retrieved from is stored key => value, it seems convention that the parameter of the primary entity on the route will be keyed with the entity_type_id, and so far I've not seen an example for an entity route implementation that will fail on this. If there is one maybe can look to see if it can be made more robust.

🇳🇱Netherlands ekes

Seems in moving the field storage id into the route parameters I'd not taking into account it was creating multiple routes (with different param values) but the same path. So opting (almost) for A putting back just the field machine name into the URL fixes this

🇳🇱Netherlands ekes

Merged, along with a fix for 🐛 occurrence page crashes if there are more than one occurrence field on an entity type Active , should be safe to have multiple occurrence fields on different bundles of the same entity type.

Many thanks.

🇳🇱Netherlands ekes

Ah! I thought you meant more than one field on the same entity type.

I'll look back at the original repo where I removed the field name from the path see what comment I made, and see if it makes sense to put it back for working out the field to load.

🇳🇱Netherlands ekes is

The Snowball compiler translates a Snowball program into source code in another language - currently Ada, ISO C, C#, Go, Java, Javascript, Object Pascal, Python and Rust are supported.

So not PHP, and not the PHP stemmer this module uses

There are two options I can see.

  • Convert the snowballstem algorithm into PHP and submit it to the PHP module.
  • Or if people are going to use it: you can use the snowballstem library (which if I see the explanation it needs compiling and placing the .so file in you path) via PHP with It would be possible to update this module to alternatively use that in addition
🇳🇱Netherlands ekes

In the beginning, but not implemented, was the idea to also allow having augmenter entities. Rather than close, overrride and replacing in the index as is implemented, these would another entity type that just has the fields to add/replace data on the original. So the possibility is still there in the original architecture, but wasn't something that was needed for the project the module was originally written for.

🇳🇱Netherlands ekes

Amusingly I think I did have the $field_id in the path at some point and refactored it out to simplify things. I think there might be other complexities involved with having multiple fields on the same entity. Is there a particular use use case for having more than on?

🇳🇱Netherlands ekes

The comment #7 is correct, and really if these are calculated it should result in them being calculated before the entity save when using the short $entity->field->value method for setting.

I've opened a new issue, rather than re-opening this rather old one, also as it's a bit more involved. It includes that it is recalculating it when it needn't be, and with a failing test in a branch here 🐛 Computed values Active

📌 | Geofield | isEmpty
🇳🇱Netherlands ekes

I'd say this is blocked on 🐛 Computed values Active

🇳🇱Netherlands ekes

Pushed an update to the test in the branch which will fail because all the computed values are loaded from the db as NULL.

It uses a reflection class to get the field values from the entity as they came from the EntityLoad without doing any field loading.

    // Before accessing the entity field and incidentally trigger a calculation.
    $relection = new \ReflectionClass($entity);
    $property = $relection->getProperty('values');
    // Retrieve the values as they came from storage.
    $values = $property->getValue($entity);

The first test added passes as the $entity->geofield_field->value does set a wkt value to the value property and this is stored.

    // Check stored set value.
    $this->assertEquals($value, $values['geofield_field']['x-default'][0]['value']);

But the following tests all fail because while the property values have been loaded from the database, they are all NULL.

    // Check stored computed values.
    $geom = \Drupal::service('geofield.geophp')->load($value);
    $centroid = $geom->getCentroid();
    $bounding = $geom->getBBox();
    $computed = [];

    $computed['geo_type'] = $geom->geometryType();
    $computed['lon'] = $centroid->getX();
    $computed['lat'] = $centroid->getY();
    $computed['left'] = $bounding['minx'];
    $computed['top'] = $bounding['maxy'];
    $computed['right'] = $bounding['maxx'];
    $computed['bottom'] = $bounding['miny'];
    $computed['geohash'] = $geom->out('geohash');

    foreach ($computed as $index => $computed_value) {
      $this->assertEquals($computed_value, $values['geofield_field']['x-default'][0][$index]);
🇳🇱Netherlands ekes

ekes created an issue.

📌 | Geofield | isEmpty
🇳🇱Netherlands ekes

Meh. Why did that pass D10.1? In the test setting the $field->value directly doesn't cause the calculation as setValue(). Maybe it should be really.

📌 | Geofield | isEmpty
🇳🇱Netherlands ekes
📌 | Geofield | isEmpty
🇳🇱Netherlands ekes

ekes created an issue.

🇳🇱Netherlands ekes

There are two parts to this I think. One loading the data that has been stored as single field data so it can be used rather than having to load entities to get it. The second to be able to store longer string data, as you can't retrieve the fulltext fields from the database being stored just as the token parts. So two patches to start to unpick this. Both at the least require tests. But the former, loading the field data is simpler. The later making a storage field probably needs more thinking. I'll push both as a branch on the issue too though, as it might be easier for others to also work from there? Finally I'd say documentation of how, and when, these should work will also be needed.

Loading field data

The first patch 3408375-03-load-index-field-data.patch adds an option, in much the same was as solr does (the configuration form stuff is c&p), to include the field data in the results. After which point if you do manage to configure the views fields correctly, and only use stored fields (yes not fulltext ones), the entities do not get loaded.

Storage field

The second patch 3408375-03-string-storage.patch adds a type only for storage. Nothing special is done, so it gets added as both a column on the search base table, and it's own table, I'm guessing this is underdesirable. It won't be searched, and if I read correctly, creating temporary tables with 'TEXT' types is (a bit, not as much as an entity load) slower. So it maybe only wants to be the additional table? I've not delved into what the queries look like when it's there. The other thing that would be handy is if solr and db implemented the same search api type (rather than having solr_ and db_ versions).

🇳🇱Netherlands ekes

ekes changed the visibility of the branch 3419108-pass-additional-parameters to hidden.

🇳🇱Netherlands ekes

> What's the second branch for?

Automagically generated by I think, and then not hidden.

🇳🇱Netherlands ekes

ekes changed the visibility of the branch 3344441-geojson-storage to hidden.

🇳🇱Netherlands ekes

Replying from Slack:

I for sure can think of a few sites, date based things, where it would be helpful if the option was there to invalidate the cache if the list is updated and 'once a day' (or whatever fixed time period).

🇳🇱Netherlands ekes

Merged this one in. Report certainly looking better. Let's see with the next commit (a code tidy).

🇳🇱Netherlands ekes

FWIW in relation to the OP the decision was yes we should, and it's pretty much done bar the end-user testing, particularly upgrade path

🇳🇱Netherlands ekes

Here goes:

Backward compatibility

The public method Geocoder::geocode does change its signature but only adding that it also accepts a GeocodeQuery in addition to a string

The reported change in the ProviderBase::process is in fact one that was already the case before this patch, again it is additional, it was already also returning an Address Collection or Geometry. This is also the same for doGecode and doReverse. It's a Collection if the geocoder is from PHP-Geocoder and Geometry if it's from geofield

Added functionality

So in addition to the additional GeocodeQuery argument type for Geocoder::geocode method at the Provider level it adds explicit methods to use if you have constructed a GeocodeQuery yourself and want to run it directly with a specific geocoder provider. This makes sense because you often want to add particular specific arguments for specific geocoders in the GeocodeQuery. These are defined by the interface which any provider supporting GeocodeQuery will implement. This is basically all of the PHP-Gecoder providers that return the AdressCollection, and not the GeometryProviderInterface based ones.

You see the interface and new methods in use in the Geocoder::geocode method where it decides only to pass a GeocodeQuery into the provider if it implements the interface

Changes to how code is working internally

To enable reuse of the caching mechanism the methods to store have been spun out from ProviderBase::process. The internal methods ProviderBase::getCache and ::setCache are called in the ProviderBase::process and it will operate in the same way as it did with the array containing a single string, or lon and lat

But now these methods are available for geocodeQuery and reverseQuery where they can pass in a GeocodeQuery. The reason to reuse the code in a method, in addition to DRY, was it would be easier to change the caching in the future as it's all in one method that everyone can use.


The test call the Mock Provider which if it the code described above is correct will get called and return a standard response. This is checking that the Provider's methods are actually getting called correctly if you are using the ::geocode, ::geocodeQuery etc. methods.


In the geo_entity module example also mentioned above the address and the country codes are made available as geodata, which are then used to customize the query depending on the provider.

For example for Nominatim it restricts the results to the country using its 'countrycodes' parameter No longer get results from the United States that include the string 'GB' when you know someone has created an address in Great Britain!

There are more optional parameters like the custodian_code for the OS Places Geocoder that @progga has written. I listed other above in the motivation for this.

Passing these arguments in a GeocodeQuery to Geocoder::gecode where it runs multiple Providers is also safe, because the Providers ignore any arguments they don't know.

🇳🇱Netherlands ekes

OK so `3406303-pass-additional-parameters` was the original, now merged again with 4.x at 4.20; and `3406303-additional-parameters-update` was my reapplying (I think correctly) to the updated 4.x with the two commits that were on 4.19, but that's not needed now. However for certainty you should see that there is no diff between the two branches (just different commits) :-)

🇳🇱Netherlands ekes

ekes changed the visibility of the branch 3406303-pass-additional-parameters to active.

🇳🇱Netherlands ekes

ekes changed the visibility of the branch 3406303-pass-additional-parameters to hidden.

🇳🇱Netherlands ekes

I'll review this, but I think what's been committed is missing a lot of the patch that is required. Including that interface!

🇳🇱Netherlands ekes

I stumbled on the fatal error when bumping 8.x-1.x up to HEAD (actually to get the fix for 🐛 Routing error with Drupal 10.2 (Route "entity.site_setting_entity_type.canonical" does not exist) Closed: duplicate / Support "Clone" functionality Fixed ). So yes I was fixing 8.x-1.x . l hadn't checked 2.x sorry.

🇳🇱Netherlands ekes

Works, but it the hook_ should be ui_patterns_settings_ rather than ui_patterns_ as that's this module's name (rather than the one it depends on).

🇳🇱Netherlands ekes

Meh. I can't reopen the issue, but it doesn't seem worth creating a new one for this. Hopefully you'll notice :)

🇳🇱Netherlands ekes

I think that last patch got a bit over enthusiastic is still in use, but removed.

I'll add it to the (already merged) branch, and it could be merged again.

🇳🇱Netherlands ekes

I've now got code using this, and it's doing just what's wanted there too:

🇳🇱Netherlands ekes

Added to 1.0.0

🇳🇱Netherlands ekes

Addressfield v2 works as well as v1, including with the different optional form wrappers. I'll add it to the composer.json as an option.

Production build 0.71.5 2024