GraphQL query stops working - seems cache issue

Created on 27 September 2024, 5 months ago


GraphQL query suddenly stops working. After clearing all cache multiple time it starts working. It's happening in our prod environment.

Steps to reproduce

When I navigate to run query here `/admin/config/graphql/servers/manage/graphql_compose_server/explorer`. I'm seeing so many errors:
"errors": [
"message": "Interface field Connection.nodes expects type [EdgeNode!]! but BlockContentAlertConnection.nodes is type [BlockContentAlert!]!.",
"stack": "GraphQLError: Interface field Connection.nodes expects type [EdgeNode!]! but BlockContentAlertConnection.nodes is type [BlockContentAlert!]!.\n at t.reportError (\n at w (\n at E (\n at\n at h (\n at\n at Object.Xa [as useMemo] (\n at t.useMemo (\n at SchemaContextProvider (\n at ka ("
"message": "Interface field Edge.node expects type EdgeNode! but BlockContentAlertEdge.node is type BlockContentAlert!.",
"stack": "GraphQLError: Interface field Edge.node expects type EdgeNode! but BlockContentAlertEdge.node is type BlockContentAlert!.\n at t.reportError (\n at w (\n at E (\n at\n at h (\n at\n at Object.Xa [as useMemo] (\n at t.useMemo (\n at SchemaContextProvider (\n at ka ("
"message": "Interface field Connection.nodes expects type [EdgeNode!]! but BlockContentAuthorSBlockConnection.nodes is type [BlockContentAuthorSBlock!]!.",
"stack": "GraphQLError: Interface field Connection.nodes expects type [EdgeNode!]! but BlockContentAuthorSBlockConnection.nodes is type [BlockContentAuthorSBlock!]!.\n at t.reportError (\n at w (\n at E (\n at\n at h (\n at\n at Object.Xa [as useMemo] (\n at t.useMemo (\n at SchemaContextProvider (\n at ka ("
"message": "Interface field Edge.node expects type EdgeNode! but BlockContentAuthorSBlockEdge.node is type BlockContentAuthorSBlock!.",
"stack": "GraphQLError: Interface field Edge.node expects type EdgeNode! but BlockContentAuthorSBlockEdge.node is type BlockContentAuthorSBlock!.\n at t.reportError (\n at w (\n at E (\n at\n at h (\n at\n at Object.Xa [as useMemo] (\n at t.useMemo (\n at SchemaContextProvider (\n at ka ("

Proposed resolution

When I clear Drupal cache multiple times, not sure it suddenly starts working. Issue is bit strange but not sure why it's happening.

Remaining tasks


User interface changes


API changes


Data model changes


🐛 Bug report

Needs work





Created by

🇮🇳India pradeepjha

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Comments & Activities

  • Issue created by @pradeepjha
  • 🇮🇳India pradeepjha

    It's breaking our prod site when GraphQL suddenly stops giving response. Lower environment it looks good. That's why increasing priority.

  • 🇺🇸United States cruno NJ

    Confirming that this is an issue we are also experiencing. We use graphql_compose to generate schema.

  • 🇬🇧United Kingdom james.south

    I need to debug further but I'm observing the same behaviour on a site with GraphQL 8.x-4.9 and GraphQL Compose 2.2.1.

    In our case all queries fail until the cache is rebuilt (a single cache clear consistently fixes the issue temporarily). Issue is sporadic and we haven't identified a consistent trigger for it.

  • 🇮🇳India shabana.navas

    We're running GraphQL 8.x-4.8 and are seeing the same issue w/ GraphQL queries not working after each deploy to production. We don't use GraphQL Compose.

    A query to get the Commerce Orders in the GraphQL explorer, returns errors like this:

        "errors": [
                "message": "Cannot query field \u0022derivative\u0022 on type \u0022FieldItemTypeImage\u0022.",
                "extensions": {
                    "category": "graphql"
                "locations": [
                        "line": 88,
                        "column": 25
                "message": "Cannot query field \u0022derivative\u0022 on type \u0022FieldItemTypeImage\u0022.",
                "extensions": {
                    "category": "graphql"
                "locations": [
                        "line": 121,
                        "column": 25

    After clearing cache a couple of more times, it starts working again.

Production build 0.71.5 2024