hi Jeremy,
Drupal core 10.3.6 , and we have the error with all last versions
specific error is :
AssertionError: "Burndown" must be defined in MODULE_NAME.field_type_categories.yml in assert() (line 195 of /home/clients/d87d768f62381a25028b1764b41ce1a4/sites/burndowndansdbox/web/core/lib/Drupal/Core/Field/FieldTypePluginManager.php).
we have this issue but saw that burndown.field_type_categories.yml was already there, so we don't understand ?
The patch was applied to new versions of this module, but it's still not working, we can't use email to login there
Is it an option ?
We also have this problem, do you know if it will be adapted for Drupal 10 ?
thank you !
I'm sorry @AstonVictor but it's absolutely not fixed
Lumturio event doesn't work at all with Drupal 10, websites are all "unreachable"
We had this problem and this is a big issue
We removed user.mail in config table, it works but it's radical, and with a multilanguage website it's really strange after (see screenshot, no more way to translate messages)
Strange that this problem isn't solved after more than a year
We have a problem with a large export, is it still in the roadmap to add batch support ?
thank you
Thank you Tibezh
And yes why isn't there any patch or update of the module ? I had to apply it manually so it's super dangerous with composer update
Is there any news for this issue ? we have the same problem
thank you
I read this :
* Visit `admin/config/people/userverify` (Configuration -> People -> New User
Email Verification)
* `Random key to generate verify email hash` : Put Random characters upto 32.
* `User Verification Email Template` : Prepare you custom template and user
two tokens to provide link.
* `User Verification Help text` : Provide Help Text on Verification form.
but all is outdated, the link is wrong, it's /admin/config/people/user-email-verification and the fields mentionned don't exist
matthieu_collet β created an issue.
Fixed directly in database :
I had to edit commerce_number_pattern_sequence table, the line with invoice_default as entity_id
matthieu_collet β created an issue.
matthieu_collet β created an issue.
Hello @mvonfrie
Two months later do you think your solution is working ? We have the same need
yes, seems a restriction only for 8, 9, ...
matthieu_collet β created an issue.
The patches don't work with 8.x-1.3
Does anyone has the same problem ?
same problem here, this module doesn't work (Drupal 9.5.2)