🇮🇳India @ashraf.hussain

Account created on 22 May 2008, about 16 years ago

Recent comments

🇮🇳India ashraf.hussain Bangalore

Modified Patch #15 to show taxonomy term edit links also.

🇮🇳India ashraf.hussain Bangalore

Adding following functionality to entity_reference_integrity-n3247080-13.patch

🇮🇳India ashraf.hussain Bangalore

I see that updateEngineList function has been deleted but it is still an ajax callback for the "server" select field.

Due to this, when I change the server, the engine list is not updated.

🇮🇳India ashraf.hussain Bangalore

Uploading the patch for fixing the error when clicking Index Now.
1. Error: Call to a member function getFields() on null in Drupal\appsearch\Utility\Database::prepareNodeToIndex() (line 60 of /app/docroot/modules/contrib/elastic_enterprise_search/modules/appsearch/src/Utility/Database.php)

The above error happens when the Language Code for the node is 'pt-br' or 'es-mx'.
filter_var($node_id, FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT) does not work in those cases to get the node id.

2. Error: Call to a member function getFileUri() on null in Drupal\appsearch\Utility\Database::mapFieldValues() (line 110 of /app/docroot/modules/contrib/elastic_enterprise_search/modules/appsearch/src/Utility/Database.php

The above error happens when the $field->entity is empty.

Both the issue are resolved in this patch.

🇮🇳India ashraf.hussain Bangalore

Uploading patch for resolving the above issue.

🇮🇳India ashraf.hussain Bangalore

Modified Patch #11 to fix "Call to undefined method "getParentEntity()" error.

🇮🇳India ashraf.hussain Bangalore

The above patch(entity_reference_integrity-n3247080-6.patch) works perfectly to stop referenced nodes from being unpublished.
We also need
1. The ability to stop a referenced term from being unpublished.
2. Add a check box in admin setting form to show node edit link instead of node link in error message.
3. If the checkbox in point 2 is selected in admin settings form, when we try to delete or unpublish a particular node then on error message, user should get node edit link instead of node link or a plain text like "Node Title -> Paragraph Name" (e.g. "Winter 2022 > Suggested events").
Uploading the new patch for the same.

🇮🇳India ashraf.hussain Bangalore

The above patch(entity_reference_integrity-n3247080-6.patch) works perfectly to stop referenced nodes from being unpublished. We also need 1. The ability to stop a referenced term from being unpublished. Uploading the patch for the same.
2. When we try to delete or unpublish a particular node then on error message, user should get an hyperlink of node where that is referring instead of a plain text like "Node Title -> Paragraph Name" (e.g. "Winter 2022 > Suggested events").

🇮🇳India ashraf.hussain Bangalore

The above patch works perfectly to stop referenced nodes from being unpublished. We also need the ability to stop a referenced term from being unpublished. Uploading the patch for the same.

🇮🇳India ashraf.hussain Bangalore

I was able to fix by the following steps:

Search for id: node_type in config directory.

Replace node_type with id: 'entity_bundle:node'

Run Drush cim.

🇮🇳India ashraf.hussain Bangalore

Contributing the patch for Paragraph Editor Enhancement module.

🇮🇳India ashraf.hussain Bangalore

"Actions" is more relevant as compared to "Tasks".
The patch didn't work for Drupal 9.5.4. Contributing a patch here

Production build 0.69.0 2024