
Account created on 9 June 2020, over 4 years ago

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I'm seeing the same issue and it using the core webp. I looks like crop_field_data isn't populated for any webp images

Ok thanks for the info, I'll have a look into possible solutions and let you know what I find.

I'm using https://www.drupal.org/project/next which I'm currently trying to modify to work with node preview, so yes it does use oauth but is setup with it's own user, so won't be the same as the one editing the content. I guessing from your response it will only work if it's the same user.

Ah ok I was trying to extend the existing graphql_compose_metatags so now just gone with a module that completely replaces it. For the schema one I just went with the easy option of returning the json for the schema as there's a lot of nesting going on in the schema

I've got a few modules now that may be of interest so I'll put a link to them on here in the next few day they include

Config pages
A version of edges with filtering
A version of Image Style that allowing selecting the styles rather that all variation of styles enabled, and also one for Responsive images
Search api

This looks amazing, thanks for the quick response and looks like it's exactly what I was after. The only thing I'm unsure on is what it should do if there's only a single entity enabled i.e should it be

          teaser {
            ... on ParagraphTeaser {

or should it just return

          teaser {

Thanks for the update, I'll try and have a look at it as soon as I can. If it's opt in surely that would mean it wouldn't affect anyone who uses it as it currently is unless I'm missing something.

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