- Issue created by @katannshaw
- Status changed to Fixed
over 1 year ago 3:42pm 19 April 2023 - 🇺🇸United States mherchel Gainesville, FL, US
ckrina → credited mherchel → .
Automatically closed - issue fixed for 2 weeks with no activity.
This is the frontend meeting for Drupal.org. This meeting takes place bi-weekly on Tuesdays at 3pm UTC (8:30pm IST, 5pm CEST, 11am EST, 8am PST). See Time.is to see what that is in your timezone.
UPDATE (transcript added)
13 replies
What agenda items would you like to discuss today (i.e. will be added as a topic)?
2 replies
Status of the Olivero Issue Queue
@andy-blum It’s been added here https://drupal.slack.com/archives/C0D5GJZ8B/p1678205383708539
Any further general updates from the maintainers or product managers?
3 replies
There are a ton of issues in the Claro RTBC queue. I talked w Lauri about this a bit earlier and am going to put some more holistic eyes on them. I'm planning on doing one ish per day (at a minimum)
I’m going to put some time this week too (sorry I’ve been travelling lately), so thanks to everybody involved here!! :raised_hands::skin-tone-3:
Frontend devs rejoice, there’s some new documentation and twig debug outputs now
Improve documentation of hook_theme_suggestions_HOOK_alter()
Improve documentation of hook_theme_suggestions_HOOK_alter()
Where can contributors help this week? (Note: If you want your item added to a new topic thread, add a thread icon with it)
3 replies
It would be great to land
Add new Splitbutton render element to eventually replace Dropbutton
Needs work
finally :smile:
Handful of issues that I’d love to get un-stuck:
(Needs Review) Allow themes to implement Olivero-style color changing with a new feature in the theme system
(Needs Work) Allow starterkit to create new theme from Olivero
Potentially blocked by this a11y testing issue
Provide a parser for THEME.colors.yml
Allow starterkit theme generator tool to clone Olivero
Automated A11y tests in Nightwatch
Came across this 5yo (!) core "bug" earlier. Not sure how to move forward.
https://www.drupal.org/node/2912732 →
Table Drag always showing lines
Any other general #frontend subjects to discuss can go here
3 replies
Can we open one thread to discussing Field UI usability improvements?
Another thread for splitbutton would be great
Here’s the thread for split button https://drupal.slack.com/archives/C0D5GJZ8B/p1678205451636239
Fun question: What’s your favorite Drupal module and why? (edited)
9 replies
https://www.drupal.org/project/eca →
ECA: Event - Condition - Action
https://www.drupal.org/project/misery →
(I don’t use it, but it’s a funny module premise) (edited)
https://www.drupal.org/project/styleguide →
You can see style guides for all enabled themes.
Style Guide
https://www.drupal.org/project/twig_field_value →
Twig Field Value
https://www.drupal.org/project/christmas_lights →
Christmas Lights
https://www.drupal.org/project/bad_judgement →
Bad judgement
So many humorous modules :lol:
https://www.drupal.org/project/storage →
Storage Entities
https://www.drupal.org/project/twig_tweak →
Twig Tweak
Field UI usability improvements
22 replies
We have been working on a prototype and wireframes for some improvements to the field creation step of Field UI. I just created an issue that documents on a high level several changes that we are proposing:
[Plan] Improve field creation experience
[plan] Improve field creation experience
We have been iterating on the designs based on feedback we have collected from users. There are still several things that need to be improved but overall we feel confident that this is a net win, and wanted to publish some of the work that has been done so far :slightly_smiling_face:
There’s also link to a prototype there which is a somewhat working Drupal site. Everything there is hacked together so there are things broken (e.g. entity reference fields cannot be added) just to be able to test the designs quickly with users.
We are going to be splitting this into smaller issues that are more actionable
would it be ok to create a field and reuse another field in the prototype to quickly get an impression?
I also created #field-ux for collaborating on these issues for folks who are interested
that is odd i tried to add a field but i never got past the save and configure button. on a second try it stated a field of the same name already existed. but i was unable to edit it under operations.
but on a second try i was able to add another field. now i got a good first impression. a few details i really like! in particular adding small icons providing additional cues aside plain text is excellent!
a few thoughts: have you considered adding the field type icons also to the manage fields list for a content type? that way the user would be enabled to distinguish what type a listed field is instead of having to skim to the second column to read the field type?
same for when you click the re-use existing field button. you get to a table of existing already in use fields. it might help having the introduced visual cue of an icon there as well?
and i am already thinking about the add new field sidebar while writing up the other points. i am not sure if it’s just because it is an unfamiliar new pattern but it feels sort of massive and overwhelming somehow. in particular compared to the re use existing field button above (a single button compared to a list you have to scroll). in general i like the idea provide the option to re use an existing field alongside the already existing option to add a new field . have you considered moving the fields to add buttons into a modal like for the reusage of existing fields? that way it could be more than one column?
by using the modal for the field creation process that solves one of the issues i have with the current process creating a field which is split across several separate pages (the detail i’ve mentioned over in one of the threads in the #ux channel). by using a modal it is better but there are still at least 2 views within the modal (name the field and the basic and advanced settings). would it make sense to prepend or append step 1 of 2: or something like that so the user gets some sort of scope where in the process he or she is?
Yeah sorry about that – I think it’s probably wonkiness in the prototype. It’s definitely something that we kind of just duck taped together for the user testing and plan to start implementing from scratch:D
no worries at all! it is great to have something to test with at all to get a feel for it
All great points! I’ll take a note of those :+1:
i am already thinking about the add new field sidebar while writing up the other points. i am not sure if it’s just because it is an unfamiliar new pattern but it feels sort of massive and overwhelming somehow.
This is consistent with our user testing. We are planning on trying alternative solutions to this and seeing if we could make it less overwhelming
IIRC every user we talked to, mentioned it one way or another
interesting. might have been the other way around and it helped certain groups of users and it was a sort of need that surfaced.
I think we certainly surfaced other problems with that. Like, image and media probably shouldn’t be listed under references, multiple instances of “List” field types is pretty confusing and so on
two more observations about the basic and advanced settings
i really like that you hide certain parts until a checkbox is checked. that untwined the interface a bit.
but i am still not sure if the required field checkbox is prominent enough. cuz i remember that that was a flaw of the current implementation that it got missed by users
Based on preliminary testing we did on this, it was one of the first things users paid attention to. But it’s different depending on the field type. It’s certainly worse for entity references than it is for text fields.
– and the last point is a nitpick but it at least makes me think. basically i really like the pattern to have an initial checkbox stating allow multiple values and then unhide the allow unlimited values checkbox and the numbers field with the minimum value 2. so indirectly you communicate that there are more than 1 values to enter. but i wonder if it would make sense either to rephrase allow multiple valuesto allow more than one value meaning to add somehow the default state for the field, at the moment it is only indirectly mentioned. or show the limit numbers field all the time? meaning that the effect of the setting is illustrated all the time? meaning with allow multiple value unchecked have a fixed value of 1 in the numbers field not editable by the user. as soon as allow multiple values is checked the current pattern? the ui is currently clear already but it makes “at least me” think for a second.
@rkoller I summarized your feedback on the issue:
[Plan] Improve field creation experience
, feel free to comment if you want to add additional context or correct something :slightly_smiling_face:
[Plan] Improve field creation experience
Status of the Olivero Issue Queue
3 replies
The Olivero Issue Queue has been benefitting from the Needs Review Queue Initiative, and right now has:
1 Needs Review
51 Needs Work
50 Active
15 Postponed/Needs More Info
Lots of issues in the run-up to getting Olivero stable & default are still there and I wonder how much we’re looking to continue the improvements on those.
I’ve been putting more time into doing the reviews and getting things to RTBC over doing the actual dev work.
If anyone’s been working on a Needs Work or Active issue and wants assistance, I’d love to hear from you over picking up dusty old issues.
Appreciate your work on this
@andy-blum! I personally haven't been able to donate as much time to contrib as I have in the past. Hopefully that'll change soon
Split button
7 replies
Ah great!
Issue for this is
Add new Splitbutton render element to eventually replace Dropbutton
Needs work
I think the issue is pretty close but we need to do some fixing of the CSS
There is a list of changes that still need to happen
@mherchel I’m wondering if you have thoughts on how the split button should look like in Olivero
I’m wondering if
Progress throbber position is incorrect
is a problem with splitbutton too :thinking_face:
Progress throbber position is incorrect
yeah, I'd love to get in there and mess with it. Need to make time to do this
Continue the conversation in Slack. Thank you for showing up and contributing!
If you have additional questions or comments, please post them here or on the meeting agenda issue:
Frontend Meeting - March 7 2023 Meeting in Slack
1 reply
Thanks again for running this!
10.1 ✨
ckrina → credited mherchel → .
Automatically closed - issue fixed for 2 weeks with no activity.