Allow token replacement for array URLs on views custom URLs

Created on 3 November 2020, over 4 years ago
Updated 31 January 2023, about 2 years ago


When using a views "More link" and "Link display" set to "Custom URL", only the query fragment values are replaced but not the keys, these could be useful for example to link to a multiple valued exposed filter.

So "test/field=10" can be generated but is not possible to generate "test/field[10]=10".

Steps to reproduce

Set up a view with exposed filters that accept multiple values. Then set another view that links to the first one and use tokens to generate the url in a way that the token is something like /test-view?field_name[{{ arguments.field_argument_target_id }}]={{ arguments.field_argument_target_id }}

Proposed resolution

Replace the array_walk_recursive code by a custom recursive function that alters both keys and values, given that array_walk_recursive is not able to modify keys.

User interface changes


API changes


Data model changes


Feature request

Needs work




Last updated about 2 hours ago

Created by

🇪🇸Spain pcambra Asturies

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