Help Topics module roadmap: the path to beta and stable

Created on 19 January 2019, about 6 years ago
Updated 19 October 2023, over 1 year ago


Once #2920309: Add experimental module for Help Topics β†’ has landed this issue will track the necessary work to get the module to beta and then a stable state (at which point it should be merged into the core Help module)

Proposed resolution

Current status

- Currently (as of Drupal 10.1.x), Help Topics is a core module with experimental status and located in core/modules/help_topics (few deprecated modules has topics moved in).
- We have 1 issues remaining in our roadmap to stable. (Plus 1 in the "needs discussion" section remaining, which is not well supported by frontend)
- Drupal 10.1 release is scheduled for the week of May 8, 2023. Help topics is not a high priority, so it would be best to target mid-April 2023 (at the latest) to RTBC all remaining path-to-stable issues, if Help Topics has a chance of being marked as stable in Drupal 10.1

Release Plan

In terms of the release schedule for Drupal 10, if this module is not stable by May 2023 (when 10.1 will be released), then it will need to wait until 10.2 at a minimum to become stable.

Normally for Experimental modules, the module gets to Beta, which triggers including it in a release as an Experimental module. Then at a later date, it becomes Stable and gets the Experimental status removed. But in this case, the plan is to merge the code into the existing core Help module, . Nonetheless, it is helpful to talk about getting to "beta" quality and then "stable" quality.

An alternative plan would be to ensure that all service names and other machine name patterns have the proper core namespace, and plan to have Help Topics eventually wrap the Help module code (whereupon the beta module would be hidden from the core UI, but not removed before 10.0.x). This paragraph is not the current plan, but we could change to this alternative plan at some point if we decide to on this issue.

[DONE] Roadmap for Beta (experimental status)

Once this is in Core as an alpha experimental module, we'll open a Meta issue to get this to Beta quality (which will be necessary to keep it as a live Experimental module in a full Drupal release). Here is a list of sub-issues that we currently have for that phase, all of which are must-haves to make "Beta" quality:

Tasks originally proposed for this phase that made it into the patch before initial commit, or have since been finished:

  • [DONE] Tests for translatability
  • [DONE] Enforcement of provider.string format for plugin IDs
  • [DONE] Addition of ability to scan core for plugins (besides themes and modules)

Roadmap for Stable

To get this module to be ready for a stable release, here are some issues we'll need to resolve/finish, all of which are must-haves to make "Stable" quality:

For full release, the plan is to move the functionality of this experimental module into the core Help module. Some questions to be thought about and resolved These are "maybe" needed for release -- should be discussed on the individual issues and decided there:

Once all of the required issues above have been resolved, and all the questions answered, this is the issue about the final steps to releasing:
πŸ“Œ Finalize the merge of Help Topics into Help Fixed

This has several sub-issues:

  1. πŸ“Œ Merge Help Topics classes into Help with BC layer Fixed
  2. πŸ“Œ Move help topics to core or the correct modules Fixed
  3. πŸ“Œ Add help_search plugin to the base admin theme test Fixed
  4. ✨ Add new permission for accessing help pages Fixed

Not part of the roadmap

These are things that were proposed or discussed, but aren't required as part of the Roadmap.

Note about deprecated/moved core modules with help topics

For core modules with help topics that have been deprecated in Drupal 9 and are planned for removal in Drupal 10, the 9.x policy is to move their help topics out of core/modules/help_topics/help_topics (here because of help_topics' experimental status) and into core/modules/MODULENAME/help_topics (making the module easier to remove in Drupal 10).

- #3264945: Move quickedit help topics to quickedit module β†’ and related #3265492: Fix inaccuracies in quickedit help topic (after the split from settings_tray) β†’
- #3267052: Move aggregator help topics to aggregator module β†’
- #3270905: Move Color help topics to Color module β†’

🌱 Plan



11.0 πŸ”₯

HelpΒ  β†’

Last updated about 1 month ago

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πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§United Kingdom alexpott πŸ‡ͺπŸ‡ΊπŸŒ

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